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Silver-Haired Maiden

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Welcome to Airport 1001! Remember to wake that slugabed up! Also, don't forget your weapons - the forest is under siege.


Also, I can't help but wonder, if you're referred to as "Ash", would your name be...

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Hello to you both, it's nice to meet you!

3 minutes ago, Levant Mir Celestia said:

Welcome to Airport 1001! Remember to wake that slugabed up! Also, don't forget your weapons - the forest is under siege.

Also, I can't help but wonder, if you're referred to as "Ash", would your name be...

My weapons are ready to go.

My name is Ashley xD

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1 hour ago, Silver-Haired Maiden said:

Hello to you both, it's nice to meet you!

My weapons are ready to go.

My name is Ashley xD

Thought so - it's about the only female name that starts with "Ash" that I could think of.

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Thanks everyone!

20 hours ago, Xanaxian said:

Hrm... a Micaiah avatar... and your name is Ashley...

I bequeath upon thee the moniker of Micashley. May you wear it with pride. Welcome to Serenes!

Haha, thank you much :)

Also I have a friend named Ashlynn so that's a possibility lol

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