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Clive made me scratch my screen for a few minutes


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I'd liberated Zofia Castle and during his big speech, I thought there was a speck of dirt on my top 3ds screen and it was driving me nuts enough to want to remove it. Took me a bit, but I finally realized he has a freckle or small mole. I find that pretty funny lol.

And speaking of Clive, is he really a bad cavy and I shouldn't bother with him too much? Want to know. He unlocked paladin already so yeah, next time I can use him, is it worth promoting him?

Now watch all the replies be about the second thing and none about the first thing

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7 hours ago, KongDude said:

how many moled characters do we have? I only remember Mikoto who is unplayable.


I didn't notice Mikoto's, probably because she IS unplayable and therefore gets very little screen time. We need a ginger character with a face full of freckles now. Somebody go to the OC forge! Make one for a romhack or something. I have enough OCs. But every time I say that,  I end up making more anyway HALLLPPP! I'm an OC hoarder! They keep multiplying too because I can't find it in my heart to spay or neuter them...I only give the males vasectomies, but I let them father a kid or two first. I might have a bit of a problem here lol.

So what I've heard is true then? He was decent in the retaking of Zofia Castle but I grinded on terrors a bit first. I guess since promoting doesn't require any special items or anything, it won't hurt to promote him and see how he does?

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Clive is improved from Gaiden, but that's not saying much: he's a poor unit overall, but if you're using everyone, better for him to do something than nothing.

Funnily, he was one of the units I used a pitchfork on in my Hard/Classic postgame (just to do a loop around for levels, I'm not using the infinite loop because that seems unfair and broken). He's gotten much better since: though his speed isn't amazing, his tanking is far more effective. He wasn't as dramatic a change as Lukas, but then again Lukas got stats so good Alm actually has less total right now (Lukas is a Dread Fighter, but I'm not using the loop).

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I'm not sure what a pitchfork is, does it change people to villagers?

I wasn't kidding when I said I was an OC hoarder btw...I need a bigger house or at least not an apartment before they escape from my head and start eating my food. Good lord. This place won't even accommodate half of them, there's only one bedroom, a bathroom, and a kitchen/living room. Well at least they probably wouldn't be too keen on the multiplication if they were all cramped up like that. And I don't mean math and times tables. NOBODY is keen on that kind of multiplication I'd assume. Meh, I might just have to grind up birth control pills and spike their food and drinks...some places do similar with stray cats. But it might actually hurt them, don't want that, plus birth control pills probably aren't cheap anyway. I need to put the OCs on birth control SOMEHOW though. And I need to stop adopting every scraggly homeless thing that shows up in my head and letting them stay. Well at least the OC vet will snip the males for free, but there is a limit of like, one free vasectomy per year...and then I'd have to pay for extras. But I always let them become fathers first, otherwise it'd be mean, but...maybe I need to start being mean. Quite the dilemma I've got here.

Edited by Dragoncat
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I used Clive, but I rigged a few level ups for him.  Mila's Turnwheel can be used to go back if you get a bad level up, but just make sure they don't level again before the map is over.

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