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Prop 8 passed.


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I don't want to, I am not egging them on, I am stating what I think

How is he irrelevant? Is he only suppose to matter when you need something and when you don't agree when with something he says he is irrelevant?

As I said in my previous post, more people were killed in the name of God than any other cause, so obviously people using God as an excuse isn't always right.

Also you can't expect to throw in a random opinion with no fact behind it, and expect people not to disagree.

Edited by Cynthia
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How is he irrelevant? Is he only suppose to matter when you need something and when you don't agree when with something he says he is irrelevant?

Some people don't believe in God.

Plus Politics and religious views should never mix. They both tend to clash and result in so many problems.

Religion are for individuals to follow, not for the whole entire country to follow.


Edited by Luxord
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I don't want to, I am not egging them on, I am stating what I think

How is he irrelevant? Is he only suppose to matter when you need something and when you don't agree when with something he says he is irrelevant?

Okay this is why God is irrelevant

Prove God doesn't like gay marriage

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As I said in my previous post, more people were killed in the name of God than any other cause, so obviously people using God as an excuse isn't always right.

people died defending what they believe in, which is how i would prefer to die, unlike most people dieing to defending their "gangs"

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The bible actually NEVER says Gays can not marry, it just says not to be gay.

Hey, I could believe in mass slaughter fests, does that mean if I die for that cause that it's a righteous one?

Edited by Cynthia
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I am sorry if this offends anybody but i am glad this was passed, i don't care if you are gay or not, but marriage is the bond between a man and a woman, not a man and a man, or other way around
LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! This might not even merit a response. Your opinion. Also, WRONG. Marriage is a word that anyone can use to describe anything. This is not about marriage, it's about the fact that homosexuals have been classified and seperated from Heterosexuals.

And God is irrelevant for so many reasons it isn't even funny. You want me to start on them?

My question is do you acknowledge (not accept) my view?

I acknowledge your view, of course. How could I not?

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people died defending what they believe in, which is how i would prefer to die, unlike most people dieing to defending their "gangs"

And they don't believe in their gang? I dunno, I'd prefer to die for something tangible...

Edited by ZXValaRevan
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Okay, so Adam, I think you should turn your computer off and never come back here again, and never use the internet for as long as you live. I need no reason, so go do it.

God and you do not make the laws.

What about freedom of religion? What if I don't want to follow your religion? Why should I follow your religion's rules then? Sorry but you need a stronger point than that. More people were killed in the name of God than anything else, so you can't say people doing things in the name of God is always right.

You can offer an opinion without elaboration. I do it all the time in the FE section.

What's different about yogurt is that he's bothering to stay here when he doesn't want to elaborate. So he should leave or get torn to shreds by hus opposition.

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people died defending what they believe in, which is how i would prefer to die, unlike most people dieing to defending their "gangs"

What Cynthia I think trying to say, now a days, people use God as a tool to enforce their opinions on other people. Then usually war and conflict errupts from this as they will be some who obey and others to resist.

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the oldest argument

"Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve"

also, Men + Woman= more population

Men + Men= Nothing

If men + men = nothing, then how are they hurting anyone?

Are you afraid that gays being able to marry will make you consider being gay? I highly doubt the entire population will go gay just because gays can marry.

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LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! This might not even merit a response. Your opinion. Also, WRONG. Marriage is a word that anyone can use to describe anything. This is not about marriage, it's about the fact that homosexuals have been classified and seperated from Heterosexuals.

And God is irrelevant for so many reasons it isn't even funny. You want me to start on them?

I acknowledge your view, of course. How could I not?

Very well ZX, I concede.

Good talk.

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Are you afraid that gays being able to marry will make you consider being gay? I highly doubt the entire population will go gay just because gays can marry.
Lawl. This guys probably just insecure about himself. I bet he really is afraid of becoming gay.

How pathetic.

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Like is said, I don't want to debate, I am not trying to debate, just stating my opinion, don't really care what y'all's are

Well fine but...you should be atleast been prepared for all this. I mean it's obvious members here will argue against your point of view whether you want to debate about it or not.

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Like is said, I don't want to debate, I am not trying to debate, just stating my opinion, don't really care what y'all's are

Then you either are just posting irrelevant things, or trying to get us to accept your opinion.

If you are trying to get us to accept your opinion, how do you propose to do so without caring what ours is?

How do you propose for us to care what yours is if you do not care about ours?

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Like is said, I don't want to debate, I am not trying to debate, just stating my opinion, don't really care what y'all's are


Your making a statement here and you don't except to debate?

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Then please leave the topic. These guys won't let up if you stay.

Yeah, basically.

Say something stupid and I will haunt you as long as I can. I don't care if you want to argue or not, the fact is, you stated something. By making a statement you open yourself up to attack. Say something stupid, and I will point it out.

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To be honest this topic is an open discussion, and I don't hold anything against you for anything you post here. At the same time however, don't expect to post something with nothing to back it up and expect me to just accept it as fact.

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To be honest this topic is an open discussion, and I don't hold anything against you for anything you post here. At the same time however, don't expect to post something with nothing to back it up and expect me to just accept it as fact.

It's his belief, and it can't be used as an argument.

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