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Anything I need to know about New Game Plus?

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I played the game all the way through putting about 90 hours into it and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It's been a bit over a year since I've played it and I'm thinking about jumping back into it sometime in the future, what I would like to know is what transfers over to New Game Plus and is there content that I only get from playing New Game Plus/Higher Difficulties?

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I'll admit it's been a while since I've played the game myself, but I have started a New Game Plus some time ago.  Still need to finish it.

So I just pulled up the game with (luckily!) a file waiting for me to start a New Game Plus.  It first asked what you want the difficulty to be (with Lunatic now available, I believe?).  It will then ask which of the following data you want to transfer over and which to reset: Level, Carnage (weapon making), Skills, Maps (for Idolspheres), and Money and Items.  You will keep, as the game tells me: Play records and rewards, items available in the shops, costumes, artwork, analysis information, and Urahara Arena titles.  You also get to unlock a few more costumes (Itsuki's Marth), a movie gallery, and there is a super powerful Medeus waiting in the arena.  And I mean REALLY powerful!!  There's also a few more challenging Mirages scattered throughout the Idolspheres if I recall.

Fun note: when I did it, I kept the characters' skills but resetted their levels.  It ended up making them these powerful EP eaters that required me to stop by the vending machines often.  XD  I was reaching the point where it wasn't such a problem anymore last I played however.

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On 12/12/2017 at 6:45 PM, Fastesthe1 said:

It will then ask which of the following data you want to transfer over and which to reset: Level, Carnage (weapon making), Skills, Maps (for Idolspheres), and Money and Items.  You will keep, as the game tells me: Play records and rewards, items available in the shops, costumes, artwork, analysis information, and Urahara Arena titles.

Sorry for the very delayed response. Can I get some clarification: how many of those options do you get to choose? Also do you feel like there is an optimal choice? I think I would rather keep Carnage, Skills, and items, and I would be fine with levels resetting (because if enemies are at low level it shouldn't be am issue, also I feel like Carnage and Skills would be more important), maps resettng (I don't think that is a huge deal), and money resetting (because I can stock up on all of my items beforehand). What about your... Social Links(?) Or whatever it is called with Barry, Tiki, and Maiko... do those bonuses reset?

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5 hours ago, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

Sorry for the very delayed response. Can I get some clarification: how many of those options do you get to choose? Also do you feel like there is an optimal choice? I think I would rather keep Carnage, Skills, and items, and I would be fine with levels resetting (because if enemies are at low level it shouldn't be am issue, also I feel like Carnage and Skills would be more important), maps resettng (I don't think that is a huge deal), and money resetting (because I can stock up on all of my items beforehand). What about your... Social Links(?) Or whatever it is called with Barry, Tiki, and Maiko... do those bonuses reset?

You get to choose Level, Carnage, Skills, Maps, and Items each individually.  How the game basically does it is that it presents the option then asks if you want to "import" it or not.  Items and money are treated as one option.  Stage Ranks (had to look it up myself) falls under Skills.  I actually just found a New Game+ speedrun video with the player going through the options at the beginning if you want to see for yourself:




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