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Predictions for the upcoming New Years banner


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On 17.12.2017 at 5:23 AM, Ice Dragon said:

Sharena at least wears shorts under her skirt, though I really don't care much since I consider skirts to basically be an alternate equivalent of shorts for males.

Fjorm wears shorts too.

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This is weird and dumb, but I wonder if Arthur, Asugi, Fuga, and Say'ri would make sense. All of them along with Gaius who I excluded because he already had a recent seasonal variant share one common thing: a birthday near the New Year's with Arthur's being the furthest, on the 14th of January. At the very least we'd get three new characters.

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1 hour ago, Kaden said:

This is weird and dumb, but I wonder if Arthur, Asugi, Fuga, and Say'ri would make sense. All of them along with Gaius who I excluded because he already had a recent seasonal variant share one common thing: a birthday near the New Year's with Arthur's being the furthest, on the 14th of January. At the very least we'd get three new characters.

I think I said before I'd rather not see too much more 3DS, but I'd be down with this. It'd be a nice novelty in between all the Awakening/Fates Royals.

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