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Mathilda, Legendary Knight [WIP]


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Mathilda, Legendary Knight

Mathilda is a rather interesting unit for me. Among the RES-inclined Lance Cavaliers; she stands as the middle ground between Jagen, a dedicated RES tank and Peri, the offense-oriented RES lance cavalier. Mathilda has solid SPD and RES stats; but unfortunately she has middling ATK and low HP and DEF stats meaning that if you would want to use Mathilda, you would want to get good IV's such as +SPD or +ATK so that she'll be seeing some use. Getting the good IV's will result in either a pretty decent Mathilda or in some cases, she can become a passable Glass Cannon.

Her base skillset has Ridersbane+ which makes useful for taking out commonly-seen Cavalry units. Cancel Affinity is meant for screwing over Triangle Adept users. She has Hone ATK which is nice for some utility. Rally Resistance is well... something to boost someone's RES stat.

Mathilda is available as a 4* - 5* unit if you would pull for blues.

Base Statline (at Max Level and Rank)

HP: 32/35/39

ATK: 25/29/32

SPD: 29/32/35

DEF: 21/24/27

RES: 31/34/37

Total BST: 153-155

*Highlighted stats indicate either a +4 or -4 to those stats if they have either a boon or bane.

As mentioned earlier, you better be netting the ideal IV's so that Mathilda can be a functional member of the team. The best IV's for boon for her is +SPD or +ATK for offensive builds. +RES is ideal for Mage bait variants. Avoid getting a -ATK because this will make her attacks become nothing but mere tickles to the enemy. Now for the builds!


Jousting Queen

Recommended IV's: +ATK/-RES, +SPD/-RES, +ATK/-HP, +SPD/-HP

40 HP / 49 ATK (51 ATK if +MT add-on) / 38 SPD / 27 DEF / 34 RES (+ATK/-RES)

40 HP / 46 ATK (48 ATK if +MT add-on) / 41 SPD / 27 DEF / 34 RES (+SPD/-RES)

37 HP / 49 ATK (51 ATK if +MT add-on) / 38 SPD / 27 DEF / 37 RES (+ATK/-HP)

37 HP / 46 ATK (48 ATK if +MT add-on) / 41 SPD / 27 DEF / 37 RES (+SPD/-HP)

W: Ridersbane+ (with Nullify Cavalry buff upgrade/+2 ATK add-on), AS: Reposition, SP: Moonbow / Iceberg

A: Fury 3, B: Cancel Affinity 3 / Desperation 3, C: Hone ATK 3 / Hone Cavalry / DEF Ploy 3, SS: +3 SPD

This is made for screwing over enemy Cavalry units which are pretty commonly-seen in Arena.

One would start to wonder why a -RES bane for this build; and that's because Mathilda still has passable resistance stat despite of it; and with Fury 3, the bane will be nullified; on the other hand, -HP is a bane to consider if you would like to keep her RES stat intact.  To make sure your Mathilda will actually do something, she better have a boon in ATK or SPD; the former allowing her to hit hard and the latter to guarantee more doubles or avoid enemy double attacks.

Ridersbane+ is essential to this build; it has a decent 14 MT and can hit hard against Cavalry units. For add-on; using the nullify Cavalry bonuses effect is nice against Horse Emblem teams and is handy for screwing over Bladetome users. If you like a little bit more punch; then consider the +2 ATK add-on turning Ridersbane+ into a 16 MT weapon. Reposition is self-explanatory, Iceberg runs off from her solid RES stat and Moonbow charges up quickly for specials of choices.

For A-slot, Fury 3 is great since the +3 stat boost to all will make her better offensively and boost her Iceberg damage a bit. B-slot has two options; you can use Cancel Affinity so she can screw over Emerald Axe users such as Titania, in particular or Desperation so that once she hits the HP range; she can perform guaranteed doubles. C-slot has three options; Hone ATK or Hone Cavalry for buffing up teammates or use DEF ploy so that Mathilda can debuff enemies and land harder hits on them. Sacred Seal of choice is a +3 SPD seal so she can hit a decent SPD tier to avoid doubles from enemies and land more double attacks.

Mage Slayer

Recommended IV's: +RES/-DEF

40 HP / 43 ATK / 32 SPD / 21 DEF / 37 RES

40 HP / 43 ATK / 32 SPD / 21 DEF / 40 RES (with +3 RES seal)

W: Berkut's Lance+ (+RES forge), AS: Reposition, SP: Iceberg/Glacies

A: Distant Counter, B: Quick Riposte 2/3 / Vantage 3 / Cancel Affinity, C: Hone ATK 3 / Hone Cavalry / DEF Ploy 3, SS: +3 RES / Distant DEF 3 seal

With a +RES boon and Berkut's Lance+; she gains an effective 51 RES when attacked by ranged magic making her a potent powerhouse against enemy mages. This set is expensive as it requires you to sack a Hector for Distant Counter for the A-slot. Reposition is again, self-explanatory. Iceberg/Glacies runs off from her titanic RES stat for this build allowing her to nuke enemies once it is ready. For B-slot; Quick Riposte 2 or 3 allows her to double faster mages, Vantage 3 is nice to make her attack first on the enemy phase and Cancel Affinity is ideal for screwing over TA Gronnraven Cecilia. C-slot is similar, Hone ATK or Cavalry; to buff her teammates or DEF ploy so that she soften up targets to kill.

For Sacred Seal, either the +3 RES or Distant DEF 3 seal is recommended for her. By the way, if you chose the DD3 seal; she can get an effective 57 RES for this build.

Legendary Firesweeper

Recommended IV's: +ATK/-DEF or +SPD/-DEF

35 HP / 50 ATK / 38 SPD / 24 DEF / 37 RES (+ATK/-DEF; Fury 3 variant)

35 HP / 47 ATK / 41 SPD / 24 DEF / 37 RES (+SPD/-DEF; Fury 3 variant)

35 HP / 52 ATK / 40 SPD / 16 DEF / 29 RES (+ATK/-DEF; LaD3 variant)

35 HP / 49 ATK / 43 SPD / 16 DEF / 29 RES (+SPD/-DEF; LaD3 variant)

35 HP / 51 ATK / 39 SPD / 21 DEF / 34 RES (+ATK/-DEF; Swift Sparrow 2 variant; upon initiating)

35 HP / 48 ATK / 42 SPD / 21 DEF / 34 RES (+SPD/-DEF; Swift Sparrow 2 variant; upon initiating)

W: Firesweep Lance+, AS: Reposition, SP: Iceberg/Luna/Moonbow

A: Fury 3 / Life and Death 3 / Swift Sparrow 2, B: Hit and Run / Cancel Affinity / Drag Back, C: Hone ATK / Hone Cavalry / DEF Ploy (if not using LaD), SS: +3 SPD

There's always bound to be one build that happens to be my personal build; so here's mine... With good offensive IV's, Mathilda can function similarly to Clair and also run her best set which is a Firesweep Lance+ build. +ATK is nice since Mathilda is decently fast and allows her to hit harder. +SPD so she can double more opponents. She's obviously going to take a -DEF bane since this is a Firesweep build and these builds don't have an Enemy phase. Reposition is again self-explanatory, Iceberg works great on her since it runs off from her solid RES stat. Luna and Moonbow are good choices too.

For A-slot; you can pick between Fury 3 for that sweet +3 boost to all stats and is easier to access. Life and Death 3 is also good since this build is a Player-phase build; Swift Sparrow 2 is also good if you would like to keep her durability intact while making her menacing on Player phase with +4 to both ATK/SPD when she commences combat. B-slot has three choices; Cancel Affinity is great for dealing with Emerald Axe users, Hit and Run allows her to move one space back allowing her to be picked up by her allies after attacking. Drag Back functions similarly to Hit and Run; except she'll drag a target enemy along her and works amazing if you have an Archer or a Mage in your team to finish off the dragged opponent. C-slot is flexible; Hone Cavalry or Hone ATK depending on your team composition. She can run DEF Ploy if she's not using the Life and Death build. Sacred Seal of choice is the +3 SPD so that she can secure more doubles.

Ideal Teammates

Since she is a Cavalry unit; she'd obviously benefit from Cavalry buffs. This turns her offenses on the Jouster and Firesweep builds into scary levels if one would run her with a Hone and Goad Cavalry carrier. The Mage Slayer build would greatly appreciate someone carrying Fortify Cavalry since her role is to bait and kill enemy mages or nuke opponents with damage from Iceberg or Glacies.

She's a Blue unit; so that means she'll need support from Red units to deal with the presence of Green units which can endanger her due to her low HP and DEF stats.

Being a physical unit means she'll benefit from Brave Lucina due to the effects of Geirskogul. In mixed teams, she'll need folks that can buff up her ATK, SPD or RES; depending on the build that you're running.

This thread is open for more suggestions...

Edited by Frosty
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