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Hey there! My name's Jiangshi, and I'm an artist. I only recently got into this series, having only played Birthright all the way through and working on Conquest and Blazing Blade. I've also played Heroes, but it's not exactly a game that has a proper 'ending' so to speak, haha. Nonetheless, Heroes and Birthright got me hooked, and now I'm here. I'm sorry in advance. :P

I wish I was joking when I say I found this site from being impatient and wanting to see when I was recruiting some characters in Birthright. (In case you're curious, I was specifically interested in when Takumi joined the party!) Nonetheless, I found the forums, immediately saw another place to shove my artwork in people's faces, and decided to join.

Anyways, I'm absolutely terrible at closures, so hi! It's nice to meet you!

EDIT: On a related note, is there any dedicated forum to visual art, or is it just in the general Creative Works forum?


Edited by ProfJiangshi
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Howdy! Welcome to the forest. I hope you enjoy it here. I have so far. If you have any questions, feel free to ask away in the general discussions.

Also, as far as I know, there is no dedicated forum for artwork (I could be wrong), but I suppose the written works forum is OK. I would check there first before you post anything. If not, you could always make status updates saying "Look what I made!" or that general tagline and post your artwork. I'm fairly new here, too, so I would advise you to ask someone with more experience than me for any help.

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Welcome to the Forest, Prof Jiangshi!

7 hours ago, ProfJiangshi said:

EDIT: On a related note, is there any dedicated forum to visual art, or is it just in the general Creative Works forum?

If you're willing to share your work with us, the Main Thread of the Creative Works is what you're searching for. 

Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

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