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Cuphead In: Don't Deal With the Mafia (Game Over)


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People should probably stop talking about townroles now if it's not related to scumhunting.

Going to read up on the thread properly in a bit (only really skimmed it), but to make some more quick remarks:

I'm vanilla town.

I'm fine with lynching Hilda before Baroness, since they are likely the scum team anyway.

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24 minutes ago, Dr. Kahl said:

Who would be scum if one of them flipped town?

If Hilda flips town, I'd look into Werner and Captain for alternative buddies of Baroness.

If Baroness flips town, Grimm would be my first suspect along with Hilda. Would have to look more into interactions in this case though.

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Grim unvoting Rumor isn't very telling per se but it was very quick as if they were genuinely worried about early hammer whereas I think scum would've been more lax. Don't really want to lynch here today. I don't really see their posts as scummy either, I don't think their fixation on baroness is very scummy at all.

@Baron: I did say that but after last game I'm not apologetic over doing it.

@Captain: What makes you think that Sally's Rumor vote was a good bus? I thought it was a null one as momentum was shfiting rapidly away from Rumor and it was very easy for them to vote back to Cala, especially when they admitted that Cala was the scummier one?

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I don't really think Sally's Rumor vote was a good bus and that's kind of my point? feels like if the point was to bus or distance the vote would have been more purposeful? maybe i' getting into too many levels of wifom here though meh

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I will give Baroness/Sally one thing - they're here and saying relevant things.  Hilda is not.  I'm willing to lynch Hilda based on that alone.

##Vote: Hilda

This will help massively with my associative reads - should be able to reason out who's scum based off of her flip.

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Day 3.2 - Votals
Hilda Berg (5): Captrain Brineybeard, Dr. Kahl, Cala Maria, Werner Werman, Cagney Carnation (L-1)
Baroness Von Bon Bon (2): Grim Matchstick, Sally Stageplay
Sally Stageplay (2): Hilda Berg,  Baroness Von Bon Bon
Not Voting (1): Wally Warbles

You have ~3 hours and 30 minutes left in the day. With 10 alive, it takes 6 to lynch.

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Oh damn, I thought this phase would end in two hours sooner...

I'm not going to be around at deadline to hammer, so I can either hammer now (or in half an hour or so), or someone else will need to do it.

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15 minutes ago, Sally Stageplay said:

Oh damn, I thought this phase would end in two hours sooner...

I'm not going to be around at deadline to hammer, so I can either hammer now (or in half an hour or so), or someone else will need to do it.

If no one else shows up, I'd hammer, just to make sure a lynch happens.  I doubt Hilda's coming back, Baroness mentioned that she has a job, Wally's attendance has been spotty, and meta says that Grim has a life outside of mafia.

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##Vote: Grim Matchstick

That kill would have zero benefits for Scum!Baroness no matter how clear Cagney was (there were several other people who were 1) impossible to lynch and 2) casing Baroness lol); kind of salty that I didn't push this harder yesterday.  I still don't think Werner/Cala are scum for previously stated reasons.  I'm getting paranoid of Captain (because he's a really good anonymous scum player), but I don't feel anywhere near confident enough to lay a vote there today.  @Wally Warbles Should state his night results.  Leaning towards Sally being the scumbuddy.

Should we massclaim today and if so, in what order?  I'd rather not, because it gives scum an advantage and most of the scummier people (IMO) have already claimed.

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I wouldn't do a massclaim unless someone has a result that leads to a lynch.  Chances are scum will claim vanilla anyway.

With Hilda flipping town, this makes Maria look a lot worse.  Here's where the Hilda case comes in, right after Honeybottoms did her quote spurt.  I'm a lot less sure of a town read on this slot, but I have something else that I was reminded of.

On 2/6/2018 at 4:14 PM, Werner Werman said:

I was going to vote elsewhere, but realized that this is the crux between my reads on Sally/Grim.  Both of them defend Honeybottoms' lack of scum reads.  Someone else also posted about Honeybottoms not being worth a vote in D1, but I don't remember who that was.  Maria's an odd stand-alone.  Don't feel great about a slot that seems to think the entire game is town.  I'm well aware that at least one person in my scum pool is town, but I'll sort it out when there's more posts.

I should pay more attention to myself.

##Vote: Sally Stageplay

Hilda was a necessary tragedy - her lack of activity would've been devastating in later phases.  Good for associative reads, though.  Wally, get off your tail feathers - you still have your word and your vote, and we need that NOW.

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