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Cuphead In: Don't Deal With the Mafia (Game Over)


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I'm fine w/voting Sally if needed (not as confident etc. etc.) but wouldn't vote Cala.  I agree the timing would make sense if they were scum/scum wagons, but the previous interactions make me think that isn't the case.  Interested in Cala's response though, especially if they are who I think they are.

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3 hours ago, Dr. Kahl said:

I'm fine w/voting Sally if needed (not as confident etc. etc.) but wouldn't vote Cala.  I agree the timing would make sense if they were scum/scum wagons, but the previous interactions make me think that isn't the case.  Interested in Cala's response though, especially if they are who I think they are.

Likewise, I won't object to a Grim lynch at this point, because of what I quoted earlier.  That, and some meta things which will help the mafia.

Gotta take advantage of the fact that the mafia killed the wrong player!

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yeah I only had enough time to read the couple posts, not to post

I agree with Kahl about Baroness not having an incentive to kill Cagney. Not sure why he wouldn't have killed Wally. I don't think WIFOM is a good answer because it would be too risky.

##Vote: Sally Stageplay

Sally is more suspicious than Grim though IMO. I was weighing this over and ultimately I think although Grim's interactions with Rumor are more suspicious, all of Sally's other posts are worse. idrk anymore. mafia sucks. this must be how people felt in the last game.

Grim/Sally is probably the most likely scumteam on interactions with each other though. There are a couple times where Grim talked about being too lazy to read Sally or just sort of handwaved stuff regarding her. i'll most likely vote Grim if Sally flips scum but I don't want to vote him without having that flip.

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3 hours ago, Captain Brineybeard said:

eh the move to kill Cagney over Wally was probably sub-optimal but I wouldn't say it was "wrong". they can kill him once the hooker dies anyways.


2 hours ago, Dr. Kahl said:

Killing confirmed town makes sense, especially considering Cagney had been actively posting and Wally isn't ;_;.

I'll elaborate if we lynch the roleblocker.  But for now, you'll have to trust me on this.

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32 minutes ago, Grim Matchstick said:

whatever, we can lynch sally first if the alternative is me

##Vote: Sally Stageplay

i'm a little confused by this. is this a not-me-over-me or do you think sally is the most likely to be scum?

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12 minutes ago, Wally Warbles said:

@Dr. Kahl What happened to Grim seeming more genuine to you towards the end of last phase? What made you change your mind?

I don't think the kill makes sense coming from Baroness and I'm less bothered by Captain overall, hence my vote.  I probably could have voted Sally but I'm more invested in the Grim read.

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3 minutes ago, Wally Warbles said:

Grim's Sally vote bothers me because of how resigned it feels? Doesn't read like town trying to lynch scum and I think it's a bit early to resign themselves into a not-me-over-me position?

Yeah, I don't like the vote either.  I'm more worried because it doesn't read as town/town (why would town feel so resigned when I'm the only one casing them, or only have one lynch target when there are two scum) or scum/scum to me (Scum!Grim can put a better vote on his buddy, unless it's big plays WIFOM I guess) but scum/town, which is a bit unfortunate considering the current situation.

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Was planning to make a big post shouting at people for suddenly townreading Baroness, but then Grimm does... urgh.

First off, I won't have much time to post today or tommorow (the actual days, not phases), but I'll try to make the most of it. I should have time on saturday though (so at least don't hammer me before then?).

Continuing on, I'll at least say what I wanted to say about Baroness anyway.

People are apperently townreading her for this nightkill, but why? Sure the kill feels weird coming from her, but it feels weird coming from any scumteam for me (unless you include scum teams with Wally of course). If scum decides they don't fear the cop for some reason (likely because of the roleblocker), Cagney being more active is reason enough to kill him instead. Baroness not casing me last phase got enough suspision off of her that I can see them making that decision, or at least being convinced by her scumbuddy.

To reiterate my main point for her being scum: It really feels to me she just didn't want to mention Rumor and came up with reasons as to why later. Remember her reason for not mentioning Rumor was that she was townreading out of PoE because she already had 4 other scumreads.

Now, this is (part of) the post where she was reading up and decides skimming over Rumor is enough:

On 9-2-2018 at 2:02 AM, Baroness Von Bon Bon said:

Wally's post shortly after makes me dislike everything about him as well.  "Well I'm glad I don't have to reread Cala now."  Just because you assume Rumor is scum, doesn't mean you can just ignore rereading a player who is on a lot of people's scum radar. If you think Cala is town I'd say there is reason enough in that fact to reread her, maybe something you find could help other people see her in a townie light as you do.  Also you really think scum can't fabricate that argument?  That argument on page 13 wasn't anything big and is definitely not alignment indicative.  I guess you could get gut vibes but for something fairly small and over the span of about 4 posts I don't think can say that's town/scum scuffling.  @Wally WarblesWhy are Hilda and Sally the next 2 points of interest for you? Could you actually state more thoughts behind your reads?  I feel like this post has almost no actual scum hunting in it, but seems as if it's made to look nice.  Most of this post was about defending Cala while at the same time stating you wouldn't reread Cala and tunneling on Rumor, which if you wanna tunnel fine go ahead, but give us your thoughts for your other scum reads?

Did Wally just say Werner/Captain were scum with Rumor?  Also we don't have to know or assume Cala's scum buddies to believe she's scum.  Cala could easily be acting independently from her scum team and be either bussed, or town read or anything.  I don't really see any reasoning in your post for me to think Cala is town.  Maybe a reread with quotes from Cala and other things might help but hey who rereads their supposed obvious town reads amirite?

I've argued someone is scummy for doing stuff I was doing myself, but I think her tone here is quite relevant. She's talking like not reading up on a townread is the most ridiculous thing in the world. I find it very hard to believe someone would hold a tirade like this about something they are currently doing themself, especially that bolded last line.

Basicly, there's a difference between thinking "I think this action is scummy, even though I do it myself as town from time to time" and saying "Guys, look at what a ridiculous thing that person is doing. You all know that's just stupid right?" while doing it yourself at that exact moment.

On 9-2-2018 at 2:02 AM, Baroness Von Bon Bon said:

I disagree with a lot of Sally's post,  I don't think most of the cases against Cala are misrepresentations.  Also outside of defending Cala and questioning Rumor more there isn't much scumhunting here and it's pretty empty.

Also comments on thinking Cala is scum when I swear she was defending her to some extent in the previous post, I must be misunderstanding something here.

Sally posted more concrete thoughts on Cala, glad to hear their standing and would like to know how they feel about my Cala case.

Cala > Wally > Grim > Sally

It should also be mentioned I was part of her scumreads here (so the people she actually deemed worthy to read up on), when her main problem with me seems to be not being very clear with my stance on Cala (which I aparently already cleared up according to her) and not doing a lot of scumhunting. This clearly makes me a lot more intresting then someone who did even less scumhunting and didn't make a vote outside of RVS D1 because ?????

Don't get me wrong, I understand why I would be a consideration for being scum, but since most of her problems with me correspond to Rumor as well, it really doesn't make sense to me that he dissapeared from the scumreads. Especially because he should have been a point of intrest for her anyway, considering she said this near the end of D1:

On 5-2-2018 at 9:59 PM, Baroness Von Bon Bon said:

Preview edit: If rumor is voting RVS target still then that probably raises Rumor above Cala in lynch priority until I do my reread of stuff.

Sorry, but I find it really hard to believe she didn't mention Rumor because of a PoE townread. Which leaves the explanation she didn't talk about him because she was hoping for the heat on him to die down so other people would get lynched (which would have worked if not for the cop claim).

##Vote: Baroness von Bon Bon

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1 minute ago, Sally Stageplay said:

People are apperently townreading her for this nightkill, but why? Sure the kill feels weird coming from her, but it feels weird coming from any scumteam for me (unless you include scum teams with Wally of course). If scum decides they don't fear the cop for some reason (likely because of the roleblocker), Cagney being more active is reason enough to kill him instead. Baroness not casing me last phase got enough suspision off of her that I can see them making that decision, or at least being convinced by her scumbuddy.

For what it matters I'm still specifically looking at posts revolving around Grim/cala prioritized.  So I don't know what this bold has to do with anything.

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1 minute ago, Baroness Von Bon Bon said:

For what it matters I'm still specifically looking at posts revolving around Grim/cala prioritized.  So I don't know what this bold has to do with anything.

People stepped away from wanting to lynch you because you didn't case me but stuck to casing those two iirc. Basicly, I don't think you were in such a bad position that killing someone who found me more sus then you was out of the question.

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