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What would you do if...


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Use my new found powers to overthrow the government and revolutionize the world towards the direction of true peace by becoming the common enemy everyone can rally against.

WWYDI you found out your family was killed by the government to cover up a conspiracy and used you as a scapegoat?

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Cower in fear because I would basically be screwed super hard at that point and I wouldn't be able to do much else.

WWYDI representatives from Nintendo and Intelligent Systems came to your house and offered to give you, yes you, absolute 100% creative freedom to write the next Fire Emblem's story no matter how crazy and ambitious it was as well as being able to input whatever gameplay ideas you had?

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They better be working on the next Fire Emblem game then.

WWYDI you are an intern at Intelligent Systems and you are reading hate mail from Heroes?

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Laugh with fellow coworkers around  the watercooler about how bent out of shape people get over a mobile game and brainstorm ideas for the next Camilla alt just to pour more salt in the wound.

WWYDI you were given the chance to create your own House for Three Houses bit you had to come up with 25 new characters before the end of the day?

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I have no idea what I'd do. But it would involve destruction.

WWYDI you were Kiran and all of your Waifus broke up with you in FEH?

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Try to upgrade it to Gronnblade+ if possible.

WWYDI your employer or customers paid you in pennies?

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High five him and praise him for promoting nudity acceptance.

WWYDI you are on a plane and the passenger next to you pooped their pants during take off?

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On 2/5/2020 at 5:36 PM, Ottservia said:

Use my new found powers to overthrow the government and revolutionize the world towards the direction of true peace by becoming the common enemy everyone can rally against.

I suppose giving Severa ten alts so everyone boycotts FEH?

I would send Amelia and stock up on hammerne staves to use on the sacred twins.


WWYDI you were Byleth and Sothis forbade you from eating spaghetti?

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I am not a huge fan of mayo, so he better get another student or staff to help him finish it.

WWYDI you united all of Fódlan under your rule?

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Redo opportunistic interviews til I'm at a place where I'm emotionally and financially stable.

WWYDI if someone claimed they had Times Pulse and were trying to stop you from doing something stupid (but really fun) and dieing?

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It depends if they've been acting sassy too. If so, then I'd listen.


WWYDI every time you did something, a meme popped up?147.jpg.3200675765026cfb520e92fd5d10f453.jpg



Edited by Benice
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Laugh the first few times, then get annoyed.

WWYDI you were in that Chinese restaurant pictured up there and the guy in the table next to you tried bringing his girlfriend and wife at the same time?

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