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Will Knoll end popular due to memes?

Water Mage

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6 hours ago, Water Mage said:

Yeah, I’ll never understand why people say that Gleipnir was his tome, when it never was. He only happened to be the only dark magic user other than Ewan. If Gleipnir belongs to anyone, is Lyon, being a royal of Grado and a dark magic user to boot. Which makes me realize that Vigarde not using Garm in his battle was a bit of a missed opportunity.

Unlike Ewan he is from Grado. Lyon has Naglfar already, which while we don't know how it came to be or what it is, it is stronger in gameplay, and if I hazarded a guess, resulted from his Dark Stone use. So why does he need Gleipnir? 

Also, when Ephraim goes to the reliquary to retrieve the Sacred Twins of Grado, Knoll is the one there informing Ephraim of them. He and Duessel, a Gemstone and a personal servant of the imperial prince, are as close to royalty as we get for Grado that is playable.

And this isn't the only Sacred Twin without a royal, since Excalibur can't be used by Joshua and no one else is Jehannan royalty. Either Ewan (Jehannan by birth), or Saleh, who is exclusive to Eirika during the route split, the route that deals more with Jehanna, and is loosely part of Gerik's Mercenaries. (I'd prefer Saleh, Ewan is already going to have trainee BST and that is good enough for him.)

Lastly, making Vigarde use Garm in battle would mean having to alter it to 1-2 range or he'd have to keep the Spear he already has too. Otherwise he'd be sniped.

There is also this little part of the exchange with Knoll over the Grado Sacred Twins.

“Prince Ephraim. Here… I’ve found the Sacred Twin relics.”

“And here they are… Yet I don’t understand. The Sacred Stone was destroyed, but these were left untouched? Why?”

“I know not… Perhaps… No, never mind. It’s an idle thought. Prince Ephraim, please take these relics with you.”

“Is that all right?”

“Yes. I want you to have them. And maybe… Maybe someone else wanted you to have them as well.

What Knoll speculates, but doesn't fully say, I think, is that Lyon intentionally left the Sacred Twins alone for someone like Ephraim to stop him. Like Arvis signing his own death warrant by passing Tyrfing to Seliph.

Edited by Interdimensional Observer
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7 hours ago, Water Mage said:

Yeah, I’ll never understand why people say that Gleipnir was his tome, when it never was. He only happened to be the only dark magic user other than Ewan.

Happening to be one of the only two people who can use it and being the only one of those two who is native to Grado is a far better reason to call it "his" than Eirika who isn't from Grado and can't use magic.

Every other Sacred Stones character besides Amelia (who isn't really associated with axes, least of all Garm), Seth (both sword and lance are taken) Marisa (both sacred swords are used by other characters) use sacred weapons associated with their country. Why does Eirika get Grado's weapon when there is a character from Grado who fits the bill perfectly?


In regards to the OP. Sadly, Knoll will stay an obscure character, even with a little meme power.

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6 hours ago, Anacybele said:

Uh, excuse me, but that is not the reason Luigi is liked? I've never seen anyone say they like him simply because he's number 2. Luigi fans I've known like how he has more personality than his brother, is often really funny in the Mario & Luigi games, like green more than red, like his jumping ability better than Mario's, etc.

As for the thread question, I dunno.

A lot of Luigi’s personality comes from the fact that he is the constant number 2, a lot of his popularity comes from the fact that cheering for the underdog is cool. He wouldn’t be nearly as popular if he wasn’t always overshadowed by Mario. 


7 hours ago, Dark Holy Elf said:

Vigarde never appears on screen in Sacred Stones, and the husk of him which you fight as a split-path boss doesn't seem like it would attract many fans. Among Sacred Stones NPCs, I'd expect Caellach, Glen, Selena, Riev, and Orson to get in before him... possibly even Carlyle and/or Morva as well.

I’ve never meant to say Vigarde using Garm in Heroes, I leant using Garm in the original game. 

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I actually really like Knoll and it really annoys me that Eirika was added instead of him. I would say it didn't surprise, but it actually did this time, since they hadn't released alts before (and yes, I'm counting Zelgius as separate to the BK just because of the CYL poll counting them separately. You can argue that, but you can't argue Eirika is the first straight up non seasonal / non CYL alt with nothing to differentiate her from the previous character - unlike the Corrins or the Tikis, etc).

I won't be surprised in the future, just disappointed, to keep seeing the more popular characters repeated again and again while these characters get confined to dust. It just makes me hope more and more they expand the 3* pool to include others.

Whether meme status will get Knoll into the game? I don't know. I just hope so. I won't have anything to do with frickin' tome Eirika.

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6 hours ago, Water Mage said:

I’ve never meant to say Vigarde using Garm in Heroes, I leant using Garm in the original game. 

Ooh, yeah, that makes sense.

I feel like he (like many of the Eph route bosses) was designed to be destroyed by Ephraim so I half wonder if he wasn't given an axe just to avoid that. But it would have been nice to get some of those weapons as boss drops.

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6 hours ago, Water Mage said:

A lot of Luigi’s personality comes from the fact that he is the constant number 2, a lot of his popularity comes from the fact that cheering for the underdog is cool. He wouldn’t be nearly as popular if he wasn’t always overshadowed by Mario. 

I doubt it if he still had the same personality, charm, and gameplay gimmicks that he does now.

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On 1/25/2018 at 5:32 PM, eclipse said:

Before you even think about making a comment like this in the future, consider whether or not a mod falls under the category of "noisy baby".

I guess the mods here look after themselves first, that's the principle concern. Offensive comments are all well and good, unless they pertain to a group a mod is in. That's where the line is drawn, apparently!

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12 minutes ago, Astellius said:

I guess the mods here look after themselves first, that's the principle concern. Offensive comments are all well and good, unless they pertain to a group a mod is in. That's where the line is drawn, apparently!

I guess you can go somewhere else, if you're so unhappy that you make comments like this.

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2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

I guess you can go somewhere else, if you're so unhappy that you make comments like this.

I was only expressing displeasure at your comment, in a single instance, since your comment expressed an interest in protecting mods first. But apparently I ought to go somewhere else? I don't think that the offensiveness of a comment should be based on whether or not a mod is in the group that the comment was aimed towards. Am I off on this? Are the feelings of mods are more important than other members of the forum? You said that, before calling some people "noisy babies," we should consider if a mod might be in that "noisy baby" group. I don't think it should matter if a mod is in the group or not. Perhaps that clarifies my point?

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Just now, Astellius said:

I was only expressing displeasure at your comment, in a single instance, since your comment expressed an interest in protecting mods first. But apparently I ought to go somewhere else? I don't think that the offensiveness of a comment should be based on whether or not a mod is in the group that the comment was aimed towards. Am I off on this? Are the feelings of mods are more important than other members of the forum? You said that, before calling some people "noisy babies," we should consider if a mod might be in that "noisy baby" group. I don't think it should matter if a mod is in the group or not. Perhaps that clarifies my point?

That's great, if you take things literally.  But if you take everything literally, then anyone calling a group of not-literal-babies "noisy babies" is bad.  It would be impossible for a literal baby to read anything on SF, let alone post an opinion.

So, take the next step.  I don't think anyone should be lumped in the same group as a noisy baby - it's disrespectful and dismissive.  That was the point, with me being a mod driving said point home.  You'll notice that me being a mod doesn't come up again, at all, during that conversation.

I can't really say that your last two posts were in good faith.  If you took the time to read through everything, you would've seen the issue more-or-less resolve itself.  Instead, you made a passive-aggressive post picking out that ONE issue, then made this post as clarification.  At best, this was the wrong course of action to take - a PM to me would've sufficed.  At worst, I see it as a thinly veiled attempt to speak out against the mods.  If you really have that much of an issue with the moderation team, PM the administrators.

Regardless, your previous post was completely unacceptable.

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2 minutes ago, eclipse said:

That's great, if you take things literally.  But if you take everything literally, then anyone calling a group of not-literal-babies "noisy babies" is bad.  It would be impossible for a literal baby to read anything on SF, let alone post an opinion.

So, take the next step.  I don't think anyone should be lumped in the same group as a noisy baby - it's disrespectful and dismissive.  That was the point, with me being a mod driving said point home.  You'll notice that me being a mod doesn't come up again, at all, during that conversation.

I can't really say that your last two posts were in good faith.  If you took the time to read through everything, you would've seen the issue more-or-less resolve itself.  Instead, you made a passive-aggressive post picking out that ONE issue, then made this post as clarification.  At best, this was the wrong course of action to take - a PM to me would've sufficed.  At worst, I see it as a thinly veiled attempt to speak out against the mods.  If you really have that much of an issue with the moderation team, PM the administrators.

Regardless, your previous post was completely unacceptable.

I think maybe we should hash this out in private messages? I'm not sure this sort of thing can be hashed out productively in a thread like this.

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