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My favorite thing about Heroes


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2 hours ago, Cute Chao said:

For pronunciations... I keep hoping when Geoffrey comes in, they change the pronunciation from 'Joffrey' like it was in AD, to 'Jeffrey'. Probably won't, but I can hope. I'll keep pronouncing it that way, anyway xD

Japanese is even weirder. His name is spelled "Geoffray" (with an "a") and pronounced to match as "joe-fray".


28 minutes ago, Gebby said:

How are they pronounced?

"Lee-on" (like "Leon") or "lee-ohn" (as in French) and "murr" (rhymes with "purr").

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6 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

"Lee-on" (like "Leon") or "lee-ohn" (as in French) and "murr" (rhymes with "purr").

Lyon is news to me, but I've managed to say Myrrh right all along, wow. Thanks for the info.

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21 hours ago, DarkDestr0yer61 said:

I think the only name people were confused about was Caeda (I hear people call her Kay-duh)....

While I know it's wrong.... I still say Kay-da because I think it sounds nicer :P

Screw the canon!!! Ar-kay-nee-uh ftw!

Edited by Solvaij
forgot something
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I always pronounced Ephraim as Ef-Raym. My source? The only person I've ever met with that name in real life. He was a cool dude. We might have ended up friends if I wasn't such a weirdo saying how I liked his name since it appears in my obscure game boy game that he's never heard of. We did end up some Mario Kart DS wirelessly during finals week.

My favorite aspect of Heroes has always been playing as the villains. Narcian and Ursula were teased in the game's trailer and I couldn't believe what I was seeing. You know what we used to have to do to unlock villains for trial maps in FE6 and and 9? Clear the game start to finish a dozen times! Sacred Stones wasn't much better, the Lagdou Ruins was just a grind. These Awakening kids don't know how good they got it with their villains being recruitable in a paralogue. Or you Heroes kids with your regular Grand Hero Battles.

Edited by Glennstavos
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14 hours ago, Rezzy said:

Around here, we don't pronounce the first "N" in Mountain.

Ephraim is properly pronounced Ee-fray-um.

Mountain is a lie of a word.

Huh Ee-fray-um rolls off the tongue pretty well.I'm pretty sure the first pronunciation of Ephraim I tried was Ee-Fur-em, which prompted my friend to laugh for far longer than nessesary. She then could not give me a satisfacyory pronunciation of her own so I've been "??????" ever since.

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I’ll always pronounce Ephraim as eff-rah-EEM, because that’s how the variant of the name is pronounced in my language.

But if I absolutely need to speak his name in English, he’ll be ee-FRAY-um. I don’t care how it is supposed to be pronounced, it just makes sense to me.

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My favorite thing is just simply being able to use characters that normally would never exist/interact with each other. With that said there’s a huge lack of cross-game interactions and I would like to see Heroes put some effort into that.

People are talking about how Caeda’s name is pronounced and I would just like to say that even though warriors pronounced her name as “see-duh” Heroes has this


As you see it very clearly says Shiida when it would’ve been so simple to just write it as Sida or Cida so I’m just under the belief that even IS can’t come to an agreement upon what official pronunciations for some characters should be.

I̶ ̶f̶e̶e̶l̶ ̶l̶i̶k̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶i̶s̶ ̶t̶h̶r̶e̶a̶d̶ ̶h̶a̶s̶ ̶d̶e̶v̶o̶l̶v̶e̶d̶ ̶i̶n̶t̶o̶ ̶a̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶n̶u̶n̶c̶i̶a̶t̶i̶o̶n̶ ̶t̶h̶r̶e̶a̶d̶

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According to Wikipedia, the most common way to pronounce "Ephraim" in modern English is "EEF-rum" (rhymes with "leaf" + "rum"). The original Hebrew name is "EEF-ree-um".


3 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

People are talking about how Caeda’s name is pronounced and I would just like to say that even though warriors pronounced her name as “see-duh” Heroes has this

This is because the Japanese name is "Sheeda" (pronounced "shee-duh").

I believe one of the trophies in one of the Smashes translated her name as "Shiida", which is the "wapro (word-processor) romanization" of the name (i.e. a modified version of the keys you press on a non-Japanese keyboard to render the Japanese characters with an IME), and that's the spelling NoE chose for its localization of FE11.

NoA seemed like it wanted to be fancy (because I'm pretty sure half of the localization staff has chuuni or something like that, considering all of the other dumb-looking names they've created) and decided to go with "Caeda" because the "shi" character in Japanese can correspond to the "she" or "see" sound in English (because Japanese doesn't have a native "see" sound, so "shi" is the closest they can render it as).

Therefore, "shee-duh" is technically the correct pronunciation in Japan and Europe and "see-duh" is correct in North America.


The localization teams from FE8 onwards are basically doing what Backstroke of the West and Google Translate Sings do (a bit less naively, at least) and try to come up with names from the Japanese without caring about the fact that most of the Japanese names were English (or French or German) names or words that were originally transliterated into Japanese.

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@Ice Dragon true that the pronunciation in Japan and Europe is “shee-duh” but this is Latin American spanish so NoA should be responsible for this translation of Caeda hence it doesn’t make sense why they would opt to use the Japanese or European name

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6 minutes ago, NegativeExponents- said:

true that the pronunciation in Japan and Europe is “shee-duh” but this is Latin American spanish so NoA should be responsible for this translation of Caeda hence it doesn’t make sense why they would opt to use the Japanese or European name

To the best of my knowledge, the NoA localizations of Fire Emblem really only cover the United States and Canada (and only American English as a language). Latin American Spanish is likely built using the Spain Spanish localization done by NoE as a base, which would be why the names are the same as the NoE versions and not the NoA versions.

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Ah that does make sense I suppose and yeah so far NoA localization has strictly been American English. Now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure that FE (or any other game) isn’t even officially sold by Nintendo in Latin American countries.

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8 hours ago, Vaximillian said:

But if I absolutely need to speak his name in English, he’ll be ee-FRAY-um. I don’t care how it is supposed to be pronounced, it just makes sense to me.

This is what I default to as well. It's also how the kid whose name it was in my middle school pronounced it.

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Whoa, what??!?  Caeda is pronounced "see-duh"?  Wow.  I was very off.  I've been pronouncing it "cah-eh-duh". :XD:

Also, I say Ephraim as "eff-raym". 

Pretty sure I say Myrrh and Lyon wrong as well.  Seems I'm just terrible at pronouncing these names.

However, I have always pronounced L'Arachel correctly. :P:

As for mountain, I'm pretty sure I say it without omitting any letters. 

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