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James Bond 007: Quantum of Solace


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I went and saw this film today. I like my James Bond films, and this was a nice one to add to the other 21 007 films.

While not quite as good as Casino Royale, it still had it's fair share of action and good plot to boot. I'll probably give this an 8/10.

Also, Daniel Craig is the best Bond ever.

Edited by Razgriz
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I'm looking forwards to seeing this movie, Casino Royale was of unexpectedly good quality. I envy you, Razgriz. But... I have the Kanon game and DVDs, so HA!

If you liked old movies, you'd know that Roger Moore is the best James Bond actor alive...
I watched Live at Let Die so many times when I was a kid
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Brosnan was good, as was Moore... But watching one of theirs after watching Casino Royale, you will see a big difference between the Bonds. The older Bonds had manners and such, and seemed more chivalrous, if there's another word for it. The new Bond however, hes a cold, hard bastard. And I like it. Much moreso than Moore's and Brosnan's Bonds.

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