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My downstairs neighbor is doing acrapella right now


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This freakin guy I swear. He sounds worse than I do when I sing and that's saying something. But I might just sound like that when I hit high notes.

Same guy who used to play his radio past midnight and I had to tell him to please stop. It's not past the 9 pm quiet hours so I just try to ignore him when he does this.

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17 minutes ago, Nobody said:

Go there and give him singing classes

you two will have a great time!!

Lol! What is socially awkward me supposed to say to initiate that? "Hey I heard you downstairs and I'm surprised all the dogs in the neighborhood didn't start howling, wanna do a duet?" I don't even know how to give singing advice! Other than sing with a bucket over your head but that can't possibly actually work.

12 minutes ago, KongDude said:

hey thats me

dont make fun of me like that

I doubt you live in a little podunk town in Wyoming. And the fact that he's still going makes it obvious that was a joke and it's not really you.

Edited by Dragoncat
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31 minutes ago, Dragoncat said:

Same guy who used to play his radio past midnight and I had to tell him to please stop. It's not past the 9 pm quiet hours so I just try to ignore him when he does this.

I wish my neighborhood had a 9 pm curfew. Perhaps then it would put a stop to the late night parties I've had to put up with.

Life is hell when you can't even sleep in peace, and earplugs only help so much.

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6 minutes ago, Baron the Shining Blade said:

I wish my neighborhood had a 9 pm curfew. Perhaps then it would put a stop to the late night parties I've had to put up with.

Life is hell when you can't even sleep in peace, and earplugs only help so much.

Do what I do: file a complaint to the police. You'll never hear from them again.

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2 minutes ago, Ronnie said:

Do what I do: file a complaint to the police. You'll never hear from them again.

I wish it were that simple. They don't do it frequency enough, so idk if it warrants calling the sheriff. What also doesn't help matters is that he doesn't even crack down on people using illegal fireworks, major holiday or no. It's hard when you technically live outside the county (not country) border.

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14 minutes ago, Baron the Shining Blade said:

I wish my neighborhood had a 9 pm curfew. Perhaps then it would put a stop to the late night parties I've had to put up with.

Life is hell when you can't even sleep in peace, and earplugs only help so much.

That sucks man. This is an apartment complex though, and the rule is only in place for residents. Non residents can do what they want. One time I heard somebody go screeching down the street with a very loud engine at like 3 am! Thankfully they only did it once. But ugh...that sheriff clearly doesn't give a shit...I guess just hope that they move? Karma will get them, they'll move someplace and get busted for it if they go somewhere more in town.

The acrapella has stopped for tonight. After I confronted him about the radio he hasn't done it since so I doubt he'll start up again being so it's almost 8:20. Who knows if I'll get another performance any time soon or not.

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So that's what you call it when they try singing without other instruments, but they ultimately sound like an out-of-tune midi piano?

Seriously, I find that funny.  Acrapella...


I know of one particular person who used to just sound terrible.  He went to the same choirs I did, and he was always getting the pitches (sometimes even the key) wrong.  Luckily he and I weren't neighbors, so I wouldn't hear his singing at home, but when you spend every day going to the same place to practice singing with this guy, it can be... distracting.  I have loads of stranger stories with this guy, since his parents were oh so keen on him and I becoming friends.

6 minutes ago, Baron the Shining Blade said:

I wish my neighborhood had a 9 pm curfew. Perhaps then it would put a stop to the late night parties I've had to put up with.

Life is hell when you can't even sleep in peace, and earplugs only help so much.

I live across some college dude-bros who host parties at their place every homecoming weekend.  Since it's a neighborhood with plenty of kids, they have to keep it at a respectable level, but still... all those goddamn cars and shit that take up all the parking.  If I'm not home by the time they start, they might even take my fucking driveway as a parking space, the fucking assholes.

Oh, and of course living where I do, they're the kind that like to drive big-ass pickup trucks.  Not necessarily for any practical reason like hauling trailers, they've just got small you-know-whats.  They park on the wrong side of the road, sometimes even on the curb, and I'm sure they're the type of idiots that would tailgate you even if it's icy out.  Fuck, I hate trucks.

3 minutes ago, Baron the Shining Blade said:

I wish it were that simple. They don't do it frequency enough, so idk if it warrants calling the sheriff. What also doesn't help matters is that he doesn't even crack down on people using illegal fireworks, major holiday or no. It's hard when you technically live outside the county (not country) border.

I live in a city where using fireworks within city limits isn't legal at all unless you have a pyrotechnics license/permit/whatever, which I'm fairly confident is difficult to acquire.  And people still shoot them off, even occasionally outside of holidays.  It's especially awful because I live in a neighborhood with lots of dogs that the neighbors just leave outside because they're irresponsible.  Dogs get terrified and antsy during firework seasons, and that can cause them to howl and attempt escapes.

Sometimes I do wish I lived in an urban setting if only to get away from all this free-range bullshit I have to put up with from neighbors.  But I hate the hustle and bustle of urban places.  And I know if I moved somewhere like Seattle, I would literally never use my car because my road rage would be off the charts.  Or LA...  Rural wouldn't do either because it'd be too quiet, and I'd rather not make a mini road trip out of my grocery or media store runs.

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Oh, I can sympathize with you on putting up with dogs whining, Ertrick. Surprisingly, the ones here just bark a lot rather than howl during fireworks. But then there's the one across the street that howls whenever an emergency vehicle, especially paramedics, goes by with their sirens blaring. Oy vey...... :>_<:

Btw I didn't notice it at first, but acrapella should be "acapella", without an R.

Edited by Baron the Shining Blade
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7 minutes ago, Baron the Shining Blade said:


Btw I didn't notice it at first, but acrapella should be "acapella", without an R.

See below quote. It's aCRAPella, meaning he sounded crappy.

27 minutes ago, Ertrick36 said:

So that's what you call it when they try singing without other instruments, but they ultimately sound like an out-of-tune midi piano?

Seriously, I find that funny.  Acrapella...

I don't take credit for it, but yes lol. He was way out of tune. Idk where I heard the term first.

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Thanks god my friends’ neighbors were cooler than you guys and i say this in a non passive aggressive way

i’m a fairly lonely person and i really needed those cool parties that lasted until late on friends’ houses

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I live in a really old building, and I hear a lot of things going on above me at all hours of the day.  I don't mind, though.  I like the noise, and I don't have problems sleeping.  I usually keep the window and balcony open and hear lots of stuff going on outside.  I also like the sound of the cars, busses, and skytrain.  I don't like it to be quiet because silence creeps me out. :lol:

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5 hours ago, Infinite Dreams said:

I live in a really old building, and I hear a lot of things going on above me at all hours of the day.  I don't mind, though.  I like the noise, and I don't have problems sleeping.  I usually keep the window and balcony open and hear lots of stuff going on outside.  I also like the sound of the cars, busses, and skytrain.  I don't like it to be quiet because silence creeps me out. :lol:

Lol if you heard this guy you might go wtf. I'm okay with noise too, just not when I'm trying to sleep and I just thought I'd make a topic about the acrapella.

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