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God thanks I saved every single one of my debate posts in Notepad/Word. Would it be a good idea to repost replies where applicable for the sake of archiving, or does no one else save their posts?

I think this is as good time as any to reorganize this forum a bit, if I can be as free. I don't think debate threads and discussions etc in one forum looks very tidy, nor the discussions about a debate in the same thread. It may be the fact that I'm used to how it used to be at FEF, but something I would like to propose (if the site staff is okay with it):

Fire Emblem Debating becomes a "main" subforum (like General Fire Emblem), where all of the discussion and challenges are posted.

- Debates (the actual debates...it'd be nice if they could be locked when forfeited/done)

- Judging (a thread is posted here after a debate finishes where people cast votes and discuss the debate)

Also, I think a new rule thread would be in order.

I don't know if I'm being too out-of-bounds with this proposal...I'd like to hear thoughts about this new "system", especially from Red Fox who moderates the whole deal.


Mekkah. You mind restarting Nabarl vs Horace?

No problem. Assume Cavalier -> Paladin Nabarl this time though.

Edited by Mekkah
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You might want Myrmidion thrown in there Mekkah.

Anyway, I'm more than willing to restart any debate whatsoever. This includes Camtech's, A2ZOMG (oof, I have to restart THAT one? DAMMIT!!!), and if allowed, any previous debate that I've done before. Also williing to debate:

  • SD Debates (Upper Mid - Top preffered)
  • Conditional debates (If Nabarl or Raddy were Mercs instead or something else)
  • FE9 and 10 (as long as HM Enemy stats are intact)
  • FE7 Debates

I'm pondering on 6, 7, and 9 specifically, but I'm already doing a 6 and 8 debate, and 9 I'm a little rough on and a lot of the data was lost on 10.

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Myrmidon will be used when that's advantageous. Might in Ch4, and very likely in Ch6x and Ch9.


Cynthia, I can repost my opener if you want, then you could post your reply, and I can post my reply again.

Ether, if you're still there, I still have my opener of Nasir vs Lucia.

Colonel M, we probably should repost Etzel vs Tiki awhole since no one's voted yet. Maybe it's too boring, iono.

I forgot who else I was debating with, besides vykan, but I'll probably end up coordinating with him on MSN.

Edited by Mekkah
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I'd be fine with you reposting your opener Mekkah. I didn't save my response, but it should be pretty much the same points.

Unfortunately unless RFoF saved them somewhere we seem to temporarily be short on HM Enemy stats for FE10. FE9 stats are fine though, Reikken has them here so debating FE9 is good by me.

Edited by -Cynthia-
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GameFAQs has some FE10 HM stats that will be painful to dig out due to a lot of Mia vs Zihark and Nephenee vs Aran and general tier list discussion among it.

I will post both my opener and my first response then. It has quotations of your post as well, and I honestly don't think I left anything off (on purpose or not), so judges should have a decent idea of your post. Hopefully.

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No problem either.

EDIT: Mind making it a short debate?

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tbh I don't see how you guys can make debate posts and not save them. I hate it when I write a long post in a tier thread or something and I hit a wrong button and it vanishes, so I write in Notepad regardless.

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tbh I don't see how you guys can make debate posts and not save them. I hate it when I write a long post in a tier thread or something and I hit a wrong button and it vanishes, so I write in Notepad regardless.

I do that sometimes, and then when it's posted I delete the file....Or I Copy it and if something goes wrong it's on my Clipboard.

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I do always write it down in whatever text editor and copy it several times until it's finished, but I just don't save it.

Don't underestimate the consequences of using <10Kb of your much-needed memory.

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No problem either.

EDIT: Mind making it a short debate?

I'd prefer not to, but if you insist...

btw, it was agreed on that Horace goes hero when he starts sucking as General

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Chapter guesstimate/line-up of Horace's class change? also im fine with a non-short debate, ill do that with someone else.

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See, I had a lot of my debate stuff saved. Just in the worst of areas (that being my inbox)... Fuck my life.

I... don't care if we redo Tiki vs. Etzel Mekkah. I apologize, I feel like a dumbass because I myself never prepared for this. Consider this me learning my lesson as well.

Man, why is there no one for SD? >_> I feel so... LONELY!

Edited by Colonel M
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Chapter guesstimate/line-up of Horace's class change?

he looked rather bad in C17

so I'll say he swaps to Hero for the rest of his career there

Edited by Aran Ryan
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This goes to BB and / or Chainey.

I remember you stating in the Cord vs. Barst debate that it would be better to do a Cav versus one of the two. If either are cool with it... I'm willing to defend either side. Seems fair to do Cord vs. Cain and Barst vs. Abel, but just my opinion.

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To my debate opponents:

Tino: I won't be able to get the opener up for a while, sorry.

Mekkah: I was thrilled to be debating with someone who was vastly superior to me in debating experience with relatively even characters, but I was getting trounced pretty badly, so let's just say you won.

Colonel M: I'll repost my opener sometime during the summer.

Rienfleche: You took so long with your post, I probably won by a long shot.

Red Fox: I totally forgot about this one. You win.

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Mekkah: I was thrilled to be debating with someone who was vastly superior to me in debating experience with relatively even characters, but I was getting trounced pretty badly, so let's just say you won.

I understand. Good try regardless.

I... don't care if we redo Tiki vs. Etzel Mekkah. I apologize, I feel like a dumbass because I myself never prepared for this. Consider this me learning my lesson as well.

I don't really feel like redoing it. It seems you weren't the only one who doesn't save his debate posts, so sin forgiven!

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I remember you stating in the Cord vs. Barst debate that it would be better to do a Cav versus one of the two. If either are cool with it... I'm willing to defend either side. Seems fair to do Cord vs. Cain and Barst vs. Abel, but just my opinion.

They were moved a tier above the cavs for a reason. That won't end well.

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