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No, I mean Cord, the other cool fighter in Ogma's squad vs Wolf, Zag's war buddy. Dead serious, I believe I can form a solid defense for Cord.

Edited by Aran Ryan
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No, I mean Cord, the other cool fighter in Ogma's squad vs Wolf, Zag's war buddy. Dead serious, I believe I can form a solid defense for Cord.

We shall see then. You open or I?

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You have access to the base from chp 8 onwards in FE9, and you are allowed one forge per chapter. Not to be confused with infinite forging in FE10.

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I'm ready for another debate on FE10. I'm fine with either a normal debate, short debate or a conditional debate. Maybe a short conditional debate :blink:

Edited by Joshybear25
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How about we go at it again, but this time I'll give you a clearly advantageous match-up. I'm thinking something like Kurthnaga (me) vs Skrimir.

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You can remove it and put it on someone else, or in the convoy for another army to use. Though even if it were a big deal, Joshy has to spot it.

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Forgot sarcasm button.

But yeah, I think Skrimir's side would be really one-sided. Something like Caineghis or Giffca IMO would've been fine. Though, it was your decision: not mine.

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I was actually thinking of Cain and Giffca, but there Vykan said that in the debate he would give me a char advantage so that I wouldn't get owned.

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Wouldn't that one also be one sided since Cain's got Formshift, doesn't have to worry about effectiveness and criticals on them are extremely unlikely?

But Kurthnaga has Formshift rofl.

There is Laguz Gems though, so it's a bit moot. And only Giffca has Fortune.

As for Kurth, we could've been nice and slap Resolve on him or something.

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Kurthnaga vs. Skrimir is an entirely broken debate, though I guess there are still advantages to hype. 1-2 range, Formshift eventually, Night Tide, forced Endgame slot. Skrimir has offense, defense,Resolve, availability and Mov, which is a large list of advantages indeed.

I'll be interested to see Elincia vs. Renning. It's a really tough debate for Vykan obviously.

Cain vs. Giffca seems really boring to me IMO. It's essentially just arguing Formshift vs. Giffca maybe being able to double auras and beating Cain with a Str . It would be short at least.

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