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I got no posts to post right now other than the oh so long FEP FE8 tournament, so anyone up for something? I'm fine with about anything between FE4 and FE10. Except FE9. I don't like FE9.

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No SD so moving on:

FE6 - I defend Niime, Zealot, Marcus, or anyone else for that matter. Preference isn't that big of a deal for me. Hell I'd even defend Percival if it wasn't for the fact it was debated a bunch of times. No ranks.

FE7 - I defend Hawkeye, Bartre, Canas, Marcus again, Eliwood, etc. Again, don't really care, I could take almost anyone and all I have to do is evaluate the statistcs. No Ranks again.

FE8 - Pass. Though Eph Mode Duessel sounds interesting.

FE9 - Don't have a ton of preferences here either. I haven't played this game a whole helluva lot so...

FE10 - Same as above. Guess there's gotta be someone. Like Nolan for instance. But that's probably been done 1000000000 times.

FE11 - Don't care as long as it's above Mid. Or Julian.

It can be short or conditional. I'll get to the Forde opener soon, but I have to do something I feel.

Edited by Colonel M
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FE6 Cecilia vs Marcus/Zealot (depending on what you find more fair)?

FE7 Hawkeye vs Farina/Lyn (same)?

Edited by Mekkah
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Hawkeye vs. Farina seems unfair. Lyn I guess seems a bit...

For Cecilia match-up, Zealot would probably be preferable here since he has good support options, but I guess Marcus wouldn't lose out by much wouldn't he?

I haven't done a whole lot of FE7 and I don't exactly know where HHM stats are, so let's just do FE6. Short Debate is fine if you'd like, I guess I'll open since Zealot comes first.

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Works for me. Including short, of which the rules (iirc) were

first post 1 page of original content

second 2

third 3


Edited by Mekkah
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Works for me. Including short, of which the rules (iirc) were

first post 1 page of original content

second 2

third 3


12 Font, Times New Roman, and Single Spaced as well?

K then. I won't have the opener for a short time, but I'll get it as soon as I can.

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I'd be up for another 9/10 debate, Since I only have 1 current one. here are some matchups:


Lucia vs. Bastian

Callil vs. Geoffrey

Mordecai vs. Lethe

Astrid vs. Makalov


Rolf vs. Soren

Kieran vs. Callil

Makalov vs. Danved

Lethe vs. Kyza

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BTW Mekkah I did no spacing, which makes it easier to cram a little bit more in (I had a lot to say tbh).

I think spacing shouldn't matter, since the point of the short debate is to be concise, not to make a debate harder to read.

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I think spacing shouldn't matter, since the point of the short debate is to be concise, not to make a debate harder to read.

Just telling him incase he does do spacing. Which was another thing we should've covered. >_<;

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Sorry Zaggernegger, exams finished today so hopefully I'll have my post up by tonight or tomorrow.

Edit: Does anyone know if Reikken's site is up? I could probably theorycraft up a whole debate and steal stuff from other debates but that seems inefficient.

Edited by soundecho
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Reikken's site must hate Australians than because I don't think I can access the website from any other computers :angry:

Edit: Anyway I think I can handle 2 debates at once since I have holidays coming up. Anyone for FE10 or FE6?

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Uhm... I have some bad news.

Unfortunately, I, thinking that I would have a lot more time on the forums once my summer break began (It did so 3.5 hours ago), got myself into a bunch of debates. Now that my vacation actually has began, however, I realize that I don't have enough time to do the research and etc. to actually write a half-decent debate post/opener. I might still be able to continue these debates, but they are probably going to have a long delay (Probably around a week or so) between each of my responses and the opener (In some cases). In conclusion, if I am involved in a debate with you and you are reading this (I think Tino and Colonel M are my current opponents), and I have yet to open, I'll probably finish it by next week or so. If you can't wait that long, or if you have to open, go ahead and open so I can get working on a response.

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Reikken's site must hate Australians than because I don't think I can access the website from any other computers :angry:

Edit: Anyway I think I can handle 2 debates at once since I have holidays coming up. Anyone for FE10 or FE6?

I could do FE9 or 10.

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