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Hmm I'll go for FE10 since I can't get Reikken's site to work *sad face*. You can pick a reasonable fair matchup and I'll agree with whoever you pick (just not lopsided picks)

Here are some matchups I find interesting, prefer the left but can take either side:

Rolf vs. Soren

Kieran vs. Callil

Lethe vs Kyza

Makalov vs Danved

Edited by -Cynthia-
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I'd like to defend Nealuchi, Sanaki, Ilyana, Sigrun, Caineghis or the Black Knight. A diverse bunch, yes.

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I'd like to defend Nealuchi, Sanaki, Ilyana, Sigrun, Caineghis or the Black Knight. A diverse bunch, yes.

How about the Black knight vs Lehran or Nasir?

I'm not volunteering, just a suggestion.

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I personally think that's quite a bit skewed in the favor of the Black Knight, counting his availability in 1-9, 1-E and 3-6, not even 4-3. I'd still do it, of course, but I believe it's more fair if Joshy gets the better unit.

Edited by Mekkah
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I was gonna say "that's unfair" except I was looking for an unfair match-up to begin with.

Nailah vs BK it is. Who opens?

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I'll open, but I may take some time since I still need to reply to Vykan.

Also, as a completely unrelated question, why the hell did you say Nasir/Ena in the FE partners topic for GFaqs some time ago? (I lurk there since I can't create an account)

Edited by Joshybear25
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I was trying to ridicule the OP.

EDIT: I'm also looking for a conditional GBA FE debate that involves leaving out supports entirely, or using FE9's support system (support speeds would have to be agreed upon).

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Oh yeah, and I'm totally aware that I have completely neglected that OJ vs Lott debate. Partly because I've been too lazy to rewrite my arguments.

When I get to it, I'll probably have an abridged version of what I originally had.

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Oh yeah, and I'm totally aware that I have completely neglected that OJ vs Lott debate. Partly because I've been too lazy to rewrite my arguments.

When I get to it, I'll probably have an abridged version of what I originally had.

Don't fret yourself too much. Partially it's my fault too for having such a huge-ass opener.

(Which reminds me: gotta get those HM stats. Urgh...)

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Don't fret yourself too much. Partially it's my fault too for having such a huge-ass opener.

(Which reminds me: gotta get those HM stats. Urgh...)

Well, I'm sorry to add onto your load, as I have finally finished my opener in Innes vs. Garcia.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Right then, how about a conditional Rolf that joins on chapter 3 vs. Soren? (FE9)

Some other ones I could list off:

Est (chapter 8 jointime) vs. Radd (same join as Athena)

Leo (Soldier) vs. Meg (Pegasus Knight)

Swordmaster Lyn vs. General Hector

Cav-Great Knight Lowen vs. Fe8 style Knight-General Oswin

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I can't really be assed to reclass units in non-GBA games, and I don't really feel like debating FE9 either. How about an FE7 debate where supports grow automatically? They'll grow as if units are next to each other every turn...even though they are not. We can use dondon's per-chapter estimations to see who can end up with how many support points after each chapter.

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Alright. I'll be willing to take...














In no particular order.

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God this section is so dead. How about a conditional debate where we take some of the characteristics of FE10 and tack them onto FE9?

The things I have in mind:


-Removable skills.

-RD-like laguz transformation (30 total meter, olivi grass, etc).

-Infinite forges.

-Buyable killer weapons lategame.

-SS weapons that don't suck.

-Nerfed sage and paladin class

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