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What about the happy girl with the kitten?

Just look at that swath of sinister black hair and the soulless eyes of the kitten. Ooo, scary. Her dress is the color of blood and she has nasty, thin slits for eyes.

Edited by dondon151
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What about the happy girl with the kitten? I mean, at least I don't have the Lucy avatar anymore (for anyone who doesn't know, I'm talking about the chick with the gun I had previously).

That avatar frightened me. This one just makes me go "Yay kitty!"

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I've pretty much lost all confidence in this working by now ;;>>

Let's set the standards a bit lower...Uhhh...This suggestion shall be...

How about Lillina vs. Niime? I'm only suggesting this to anyone who wants to take this up x.x I'm...not currently in hte right mindset x.x

Too hasty...

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I would gladly defend any FE6 Warrior (Lot, Ward or Bartre), or Oujay, or do some FE10 debate where I'd like to defend Soren or Boyd. Feel free to propose whatever.

Don't worry cheetah, I did not forget about Marty.

I'm up for some Fir(me) vs. OJ(you) action if you have HM stats available.

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Lilina vs. Niime sounds fairly even to me. I'd probably lean more towards Niime, but meh.

Oh, and I brought the guns back out. Happy, Jackal? :D

See? Not completely crazy, am I?

...What guns?

Hmmm....Here's an interesting suggestion that I will actually like to take myself.

Boris vs Barth.

Whoever wants to roll, I got Boris.

Better yet, Boris vs Ward

Edited by Pretty Boi Wolf
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What does it mean to assume unranked for the most part?

Efficiency in mind, and not obtaining ranks. I like to say it this way.

To get through the game as cleanly as possible.

Example: FE6, ranked play we would NEVER go to Sacae because the enemies would hit constantly, and would fuck the combat rank over. However, in efficiency, Sacae is part of hte game and we can go through it efficiently just like we could in Ilia, so both part performances should be considered.

This would also mean durability would matter if you have enough of it. Combat rank basically forces you to use evade characters. Great if we got someone who can dodge and is durable, but if they're durable enough that it takes forever for them to die anyways, it should be considered.

Edited by Pretty Boi Wolf
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Just a word of caution, I made a few minor edits after posting the original post (like a small number inaccuracy and grammar). But there you go.

Edited by A2ZOMG
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I think vykan was referring to "for the most part". A debate is either about ranked or unranked.

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Usual "I'll be gone for 2-3 weeks" so I'll finish up when I get back.

BTW B2BD, Wolf would do much better in C8. Just went through that chapter and the vast majority (if not all) Cavs had Steel Swords.

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...My last post with Mustard's about halfway done...no harm in starting something else.

FEDS. I wanna defend Wendell. Against SOMEBODY. dun care who.

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Open challenge for a debaet, FE7 or FE8, anyone who wants to debaet me, basically any characters, any rules, whatever. Would prefer FE8 but whatever, FE7 works too. Haven't played the others, so I can't really debaet them.

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