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FEDS H5 Beefage on enemies? Just something to throw out there...

(Idea for the FE7 conditional debate. I don't want to do it though).

Edited by Colonel M
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40 HP

22 atk

85 hit

14 AS

5 def

chapter 3 boss with handaxe

That's H5 beefage pretty much

As for how you'd apply it? I dunno, double HHM enemy stats?

Edited by Joker
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Or you could try comparing a few statistics between FESD Normal and FESD H5. Say for example there's an enemy fighter in NM with 7 STR and in H5 it's 10. Make the STR of the FE7 enemy = STR x (10/7). Or just increase it by the common difference between NM and H5 STR difference.

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too much work just to set the debaet up at all


I would suggest using the stats that FE6 enemies have at the same point in the game, which is a bit easier to do, but I'm not sure how workable that is.

As for other ideas... we could do something like... open up all supports and make them build faster. Act like all supports are effectively with top tier units, and have them build automatically, like a point every turn.

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How about adding extra levels to the enemy based on the number of chapters through the game at that point? like chapter 11, which would technically be chapter 1, enemies have +1 levels. At like chapter 20, that would be +10 levels. Well, maybe like +12 levels at chapter 20 because of the gaidens (I forget how many there are).

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As far as conditional debaets go, I might be willing to try something like this:

Assume that Ewan joins at the start of Ch 4 as a L1 Shaman (with the appropriate average stats, ofcourse). Join inventory: Flux, Dragonshield, Vulnerary. Also assume that Flux is buyable after/during Ch 5, as opposed to only being buyable after Ch 9. Then debaet him against someone.


Assume that Amelia joins along with Franz and Gilliam in Ch 1 as a L1 Knight (again, with the appropriate average stats). Join inventory: Iron Lance, Speedwing, Vulnerary. Then debaet her against someone.

Or even debaet them against each other with these assumptions, maybe.

Edited by CATS
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Alright. Since there's no preparations menu before Ch 4......maybe just say Amelia replaces Gilliam and starts in his spot for Ch 1, 2 and 3? Then Ewan becomes available in the Ch 4 prep menu.

Also, who opens?

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Cord[fighter/hero] vs Draug[hunter/general], Merric[cleric/sage] vs Barst[fighter/hero], or something along those lines

Edited by Joker
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If only I can write "LolGeneral" in my final Cord vs. Wolf debate. Ah well.

Hm... FEDS seems to be the only game where I get a slim chance of victory. I'll just look for these kind of debates.

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