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Undead Invasion


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Chapter one

This is not based off of anything here and I do not plan on it being based off it. Also note I am typing on a copter with a cracked screen where I can not see some of this so the grammar may not be that well.


Eric: Well…..this is goodbye I guess.

Will: Yeah, maybe we will see each other again someday

Cameron: Who are you kidding, you and I both know we never will, Eric going to God knows where, you are moving to Colorado and I am staying here in Texas, the chances of us meeting again are slim, very slim.

Kaitlin: Brightening the mood as usual Cameron?

Cameron: Where did you come from?

Kaitlin: I have been standing next to you this hole entire time….

Cameron: Ohh didn’t see you down there.

Kevin: Well I am off just wanted to say good-bye

Will: Same, I am off as well, see you all, never…..

Eric: I guess I should be going as well…

Cameron: Bye…….


???: It has happened….. the world….it is ending, hordes of the undead are rising out of the ground after the sudden meteor shower, they are destroying all in their paths


???:Sir, what are we to do, the men are tired, we are almost our of weapons

Eric: just hold out for now, I have somebody working on the weapons thing as we speak….

~Later that year~

???: Doctor, we just got 20 more injured, what do you want us to do?

Will: Treat the worst injured first, and then make your way to the mildly injured

???: Got it.


Will: So what are we doing here again?

Cameron: For the 3rd time, Eric said he was going to meet us here

Will: Sorry for trying to start a conversation…….

Cameron: Didn’t mean to snap at you there, I am still depressed about Justin….

Will: I heard about that……I did all I could to save your brother….

Cameron: wait…..YOU were the doctor that injected the penicillin into his vain?!?!?!

Will: Uhhhhhh…… Look here comes Eric….thank God……

Cameron: Late as usual Eric…

Eric: Shut up. You bring the stuff?

Cameron: Yes

Will: What stuff?

Cameron & Eric: Nothing

Will: I hate when y’all do this

Cameron: Can I tell him?

Eric: Sure….why not…

Cameron: I

Eric: We

Cameron: WE have come up with a devise to fight the invasion; we call it the “super suit”

Will: lame name….

Will: What does it do?

Cameron: Eric if you will

*A flash of light goes off and then standing where Eric once was stood a giant metal suit holding a lance*

I know it might not be the best but Oh well, at least i tried :D

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I Know nobody is probably going to read this but I don’t really care, I just feel like writing :D

~Chapter 2~

Will: Wha-what is that thing.

Cameron: That my friend, is the future of war.

Will: Great answer….but I mean WHAT is it?

Cameron: Oh, That is Eric.

Will: ….

Cameron: Fine…. It is the super suit Eric is wearing it makes your cells get enhanced 10x over so practically we can make you capable of doing anything, I have programmed then to turn Eric in to a war machine, he can still do everything he can in human form but I think it is just loading his bodily functions so he is in a somewhat rebooting mode, he should be able to talk, move, etc soon.

Will: Do I get one?

Cameron: Yes, I was just getting to that, I have quite a few different types set out to different people that should be arriving in the next few days, until then we shall begin training. Your suite is archer based; it makes you more nimble and quick, while Eric’s being tank makes him somewhat slow but powerful and much more resistant to being hurt.

Will: So when do I get it? Also, who else is coming….

Cameron: It is in your tent right now, and you shall see…..

Will: I hate when you make me wait…

Eric: *stretching* Ahh feels good to know you can take on almost anyone.

Cameron: Good you are back from “sleep” I was just explaining to Will about to suits.

Eric: I see, I guess you should go help him before he hurts himself.

~3 days later~

Cameron: Y’all are getting good at this, I think they are here, I see people walking up the hill.

?: Cameron!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eric!!!!!!!!!!

??: Sorry, couldn’t hold her back….hey dudes

Eric: Hey, long time no see.

Cameron: Hello, nice to see y’all again.

Will: Thanks to saying hi to me *sulks*

?: Well last time I saw you, you gave me a good reason not to greet you..

Will: I said I was sorry…..

?: Sorry aint good enough.

??: Will just shut up, there is no use, she will win the argument, trust me..

Cameron: Kevin, Kaitlin I will show you two to y’all’s tents, follow me. Eric, calm Will down.

Eric: Will do.

~The tents~

Kaitlin: Why do I have to share a tent with you and Eric, I am a girl, I should get my own…

Cameron: Well Will is already in the tent that fits two, this one fits three and you and Will don’t get along and we can’t trust Kevin to sleep in the same room as a girl…So it has to be me, you and Eric in this one, and Kevin and Will in the other one.

Kevin: That was ONE time and I was 14…

Cameron: You tried to take Jesie’s shirt of when she was asleep…..

Kevin: I hate you…how the hell do you remember that?

Cameron: I be smart.

Kaitlin: where is the bathroom? I have to pee.

Cameron: *sigh* Over there

Kaitlin: Leave please

Kevin: Why?

Kaitlin: I am going to the bathroom…

Kevin: so?

Kaitlin; Perv, Cameron, please make him leave

Cameron: Okay, lets go

Kevin: You ruin all the fun….

~back at gate~

Eric: So I guess it is time to train am I right?

Cameron: Yes, Kevin, Kaitlin let me explain what the suits do, basically you put the suits on and they give you powers, Kevin, yours allows you to cast fire balls out of your hands and Kaitlin you can cast light magic to heal people.

Kaitlin: Why can’t I kill anything?

Will: because, you are a girl.

Kaitlin: Shut up jerk I wasn’t talking to you

Kevin: So I can like burn anything?

Eric: Yes

Kevin: heheh cool


Everything in the story is based off something that happened in real life, Kaitlin is pissed at will for little reason, kevin is a perv and did try to take a girls shirt off while she was asleep, me and eric are the smarter people out of our friends, one much smarter person comes in later, i am going to kill of a few off my friends, i based what classes they are off of how they are in real life, eric is big and bulky, will is tall, skinny and fast, kevin is a pyromaniac, so i am but i didnt want to be a mage, kaitlin i just mage a priest because i couldnt think of anything else for her to be.

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I don't really like the time changes...

yeah, that was really just in the beginning, that won't happen again, now it is just scene changes. I just used then to show the world somewhat ending and the group of friends separating

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yeah, that was really just in the beginning, that won't happen again, now it is just scene changes. I just used then to show the world somewhat ending and the group of friends separating

Oh, OK. That's better.

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~Chapter 3~


Cameron: huh wha *looks around base sees hunters of undead surrounding the camp*

Kevin: I’m up, I’m up……

Eric: Good, Kevin wake Will up, Cameron wake up kaitlin, I will hold them off until then.

Kevin: Got it

Kevin: Dumbass wake up

Will:5 more minutes mom..

Kevin: Wake the FUCK up

Will: I said 5 more minutes mommy

*Kevin’s hands glow red and slowly Will’s hair lights on fire*

Will: Ahhh ahhhhhh!!!!! JACKASS PUT IT OUT!!!!!

Kevin: Fine now get up we are under attack

Cameron: Hey, Kaitlin, wake up.

Kaitlin: Whhhhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyy I don’t wanna…..

Cameron: We are being attacked

Kaitlin: Tell them to go away….

Cameron: ……..

Kaitlin: fiiiiiiiinnnnnnnnneeeeee Ill get up….

Eric: Good you are all awake, now me and Kevin will take the north and east side, Cameron you and Will Take the west and south, kaitlin, heal whoever is getting hurt

Kaitlin: Whatever you say boss

Kevin: Count me in; I could go for some killing.


Will: Damnit Cameron, I can kill ONE thing at a time, it is kinda hard to defend against HUNDREDS!

Cameron: well, try harder

Will: ………..


Kevin: Ummm, what the hell was that..

Eric: *points at giant beast storming through the undead*

Kevin: Holy……shit……

Eric: CAMERON!!!!!!!!WILLLLLLLLLLLL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HELLLLLLLLPPPP!!!!!!!

Kaitlin: Huh I wonder what they need…….

Cameron: No, stay back, it could be bad…….

Cameron: Will lets go, kaitlin, stay back

Will: Okay, right behind you

Kaitlin: Y’all get all the fun


Cameron: Eric!!!! You alri*sees the beast* …….shit, what the hell is that thing….

Will: I am out of here

Cameron: No you are not; you hold of the smaller ones, we will handle that thing

Will: If we die, I will kill you.

Eric: Little help here!

Cameron: Coming!

*The beast swings a giant fist, slamming into Eric, sending him flying into a crowd of undead*

Kevin: We stand no chance!!! You two get Kaitlin and flee, I will stay and defend Eric.

Cameron: NO!!! Y’all are coming with us!!!!

Kevin: ……good bye……*runs into the crowd, heading towards where Eric landed*

Will: …..It is no use if all of us die; let’s get out of here….

Cameron: Okay, we will avenge them someday, that thing will die.

*they run towards the base to gather what they can and run*

Kaitlin: Where are Eric and Kevin…

Cameron: ………….

Kaitlin: oh………..

*A huge burst of flames appears behind them, burning everything, and everybody in its path*

nothing remained, the battle was over, but at the greatest cost of all

Edited by Bed Time Bear
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  • 3 weeks later...

~Chapter 4~

Will: What the hell are we going to do now? Eric and Kevin are dead and this just the beginning….. We are screwed…..

Cameron: No we are not; Eric may have died but his plan is still alive, Kevin and Kaitlin were not the only people Eric contacted, they were just the closest, if they are not dead a few more people should be here soon…

Will: How will this help any? What if we are attacked before they get here?

Kaitlin: We won’t Will…..

Will: How do you know you little slu…

Cameron: SHUT UP! She is right.

*Four figures are seen appearing over the hill.*

David: Sup Cameron…….Hey……where are Eric and Kevin…..


David:….oh….I’m real sorry dude….

Luke: Well this is a killjoy…

Lydia: Shut up Luke, you and Eric may not have been the best of friends but to the rest of us he was like a brother…

Luke: I’m sorry just the world ending really doesn’t bring up my spirits…

Matthew: None of us like it, least we don’t bitch about it 24/7.

Will: Hey all of you let’s settle down.

Kaitlin: Will…Want me to bring up the conversation from 10 minutes ago.

Will: That will not be necessary.

Cameron: Let me have y’all attention, I guess we should get everyone settled in, we still only have two tents so we will have to arrange things differently. David and Matthew, you will sleep in mine and Kaitlin’s tent, Luke and Lydia \, you two will join Will.

Lydia: Please can I be you and Kaitlin, I can not bear the thought of sleeping were Kevin once slept.

Cameron: But you are fine sleeping were Eric used too….

Lydia: Yep…

Cameron: Fine……Matthew you will join Will and Luke then….

Matthew: Why me? Why not David?

Cameron: You and Will actually know each other…

Matthew: *sigh* ok, whatever you say boss.

Luke: So are we actually going to do something or are just going to sit here and chit chat all day?

David: Yeah, I wanna kill something already.

Will: Okay, you can go out and kill an undead beast with your bare hands.

David: At least give us our suits or whatever….

Cameron: Ok let’s go to the armory.


David: Ahh I like this one.

Cameron:…..They all look the same…..you can’t even tell what it is yet…

David:…..I still like it….

Cameron: Okay, I guess you can have this one. It is the General suit, same type Eric used, massive strength, a giant lance, intense defense, but extremely slow.

David: Sounds good.

Matthew: What about me?

Cameron: I think you would like this one; it is a lancer, medium lance, somewhat fast, somewhat strong, and medium defense, all around average.

Matthew: Okay, I will take it.

Cameron: Luke, I think this one suits you, it is thunder mage, you use magic the strike you enemies with tremendous bolts of lightning, but in return you take goods deals of damage.

Luke: I like it.

Cameron: Lydia the sword mistress suits you well, quick, swift stroke with the sword dealing impeccable damage, but if you are hit you will take untold damage, but that is, if you are hit.

Lydia: Well now then, that sounds perfect.

Kaitlin: Why do they get to decide which one they want? Why couldn’t I choose…..I want to fight….

Will: Because somebody has to heal and you were the most fit for it at the time.

Kaitlin: *sigh* Okay…

Cameron: Oh yeah, Kaitlin, I forgot to tell you that you light magic heals will hurt the undead.

Kaitlin:…..So this whole time I could actually fight?

Cameron: No, after Eric and Kevin died I took your suit during the night and made it possible to hurt them.

Kaitlin: Thank you.

Cameron: Now let’s get to training.

David: HORAH!!

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