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R. Lee Ermey Has Passed Away Today

Captain Karnage

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Well, I really don't know how to start this but today we lost a legend, R. Lee Ermey has passed away from pneumonia


I don't know what to say, he was a great actor, and he could be funny when he wasn't supposed to be


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Mail Call on the History Channel (back when History Channel actually aired stuff about history) was fun to watch.  He'll never be forgotten as Sarge from Toy Story.  He also had a convincing performance as a scumbag murderer on my favorite show Law and Order: SVU.  It should be noted that he served in the Marine Corps for over 10 years and saw action in the Vietnam War.  Rest in peace good sir and thank you for your service.

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I had a teacher who had that same "punish everyone" mentality as Sergeant Hartman did.  People didn't screw around much in his classes.

A former hero who fought to protect us and one hell of an entertainer, R. Lee has always had my respect.  We lost a good man.

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