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Working up the Motivation to build a 5 Star +10


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1 hour ago, Usana said:

Which was another reason Eirika got promoted. She was a feature on most of my non-armor teams even as a 4*+10. You know maybe that is my issue. No other unit I have that is a 5*+10 candidate really has that 'always there' bit going on. So maybe I am just waiting for another old faithful to show up?

Do you try mixing it up for different content? I think that's definitely one of the benefits to those quests that demand you use certain character types, like all armors, etc, since it gets you trying someone else out.

Who do you usually pair up with Eirika?

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Even with most characters I like, if I decide I want to start merging them I usually stick to merging at 4*. Compared to merging at 5*, the only difference is aesthetics and Arena score, for the latter I've been able to bounce between 18 and 19 without any merges so it's not a big deal to me. I prefer to use feathers on 4* characters who have a great skill at 5*.

What motivates me to start a 5*+10 project is when I pulled a 5* character that I like, and have multiple copies of at 4* already, since it's 20k less feathers I need to invest. Though it's likely they'll never be finished.

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9 hours ago, Johann said:

Who do you usually pair up with Eirika?

Well Eirika does shift around alot due to being a generalist support unit that has solid combat ability. However, her 'main' team is my Fire Blessing Team. Legendary Ephraim/Eirika/Myrrh/Siegbert together make my strongest blessing team. Siegbert is mostly there for ATK Tactics. He is neutral and I don't feel like offing my only one of him to give tactics to some other person since neutral is a perfectly good nature for him. That said he is the one that gets bumped out for others when I do fire season Arena.

Outsider of Ephraim and Myrrh she probably ends up paired with Amelia and Hardin most often. Lute occasionally, but Lute usually plays on my wind blessed teams so they don't cross quite as often as the others. Magical Girl Eirika also has been teamed with her occasionally.


And with the accessories I find myself tempted to make Catria my project for the low low cost of having to wear a set of bunny ears even outside of her seasonal costume. I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

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4 hours ago, Usana said:

Well Eirika does shift around alot due to being a generalist support unit that has solid combat ability. However, her 'main' team is my Fire Blessing Team. Legendary Ephraim/Eirika/Myrrh/Siegbert together make my strongest blessing team. Siegbert is mostly there for ATK Tactics. He is neutral and I don't feel like offing my only one of him to give tactics to some other person since neutral is a perfectly good nature for him. That said he is the one that gets bumped out for others when I do fire season Arena.

Outsider of Ephraim and Myrrh she probably ends up paired with Amelia and Hardin most often. Lute occasionally, but Lute usually plays on my wind blessed teams so they don't cross quite as often as the others. Magical Girl Eirika also has been teamed with her occasionally.

And with the accessories I find myself tempted to make Catria my project for the low low cost of having to wear a set of bunny ears even outside of her seasonal costume. I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

Hmm so mostly 5* exclusives. Catria would work just fine with Eirika, especially since you'd be setting yourself up for potentially using Tactics buffs, which I think is something Eirika really wants. Atk Tactics is also on Legault, who might get demoted, and for all we know it'll be a future TT seal, so yeah I wouldn't fodder off Siegbert.

Also worth noting that this month's Legendary will be a green Fire hero (Res), and Legendary Ephraim will be on the banner too. If you can, I'd say conserve your orbs for that banner since the next banner in two weeks is probably the summer banner, which should last much longer than the Legendary one-- you'll be able to decide which you care more about if you're patient enough to see what they have.

When I think about heroes I want to build up to +10, I think about who I like, and whether or not I can come up with a build with them that blends a little with whoever else I'm using. I actually have a mental list by color of who I want to promote:

  • RED: Seth, Palla (Cain is done so both of these are probably my lowest priority)
  • GREEN: Sheena (+5), Frederick (+2), Hawkeye, maybe Boey eventually
  • BLUE: Ursula (+5, playing the waiting game), Roderick (+1)-- I have Brave Lucina and Fjorm both at +6 since I save my orbs solely for Legendary banners
  • COLORLESS: Felicia (+9), Kaze, Clarine, maybe an archer at some point, like if they give Virion a unique bow
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  • 2 weeks later...

I generally do it with units I pull a lot. 


Abel and Arthur (both 4* and Abel soon to be +10) are really common for me looking for god tier units like Reinhardt (who I have 8 of and I don't merge for some damn reason). Just start with the commons and work your way up. My favorite characters are either limited (berkut) or not in the game (anthony) so I've been poking around at Leon.

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