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Should units have special promotions based on their personalities, backstories and relationships instead of uniform class-based promotions?


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Nah, player choice adds to replayability. I do wish that:

A. Different classes would present interesting deviations to how a character can be played where one choice isn't much better than the other.

B. Characters maintained their color palette from their base class. I mean, usually. Summoner/Druid Ewan was a mistake.

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This would be a wonderful idea if it wasn't for the way FE is going right now

In the old games that would be perfect, characters with different personalities and stat spreads having alternate class changes based off of those, for example, a myrmidon focusing on speed changing to a swordmaster while one focused on power becomes a Great Knight. It would add even more of a unique flavour to the characters as you weigh the pros and cons of the class changes along with their potential and stat growths.

In Awakening and Fates everyone has at least 6 or 7 classes at their disposal through second seals, heart seals, etc. This makes their stats and skills very versatile and often encourage creating builds relying on a mix of skills and stats through careful use of class changes. Making the class changes specific to different people would make each character more unique stat wise.... but after the changes in Fates and Awakening the lack of versatility would be a huge sticking point to a lot of people.

I would appreciate it greatly but I'm sure there are others who would hate it for taking away the adaptability of making your mages into priests and fighters into myrmidons and knights into cavaliers.

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Some other ideas I had, but couldn't think of ideas for:

Archer -> Warrior

Pirate -> Hero

Mercenary -> Swordmaster

Cleric -> Sage

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While "canonical classes" is a nice idea, but their alternative classes must exist for the player's favors.

3 hours ago, Corrobin said:

Archer -> Warrior

Pirate -> Hero

Mercenary -> Swordmaster

Cleric -> Sage

Archer into Warrior basically will reduce their character-wise potentials. Beside, it will too risky if performs melee battles since they are basically has much lesser HP. They also has standard infantry movements, so they better just focus to their bow as snipers for character-wise. Same as archer-based Bow Knights / Rangers, they depends on their mounts for attack with bow while able to maintaining the distances, and not very wise if they depends on their swords. The idea in Fates which made them into fliers (Archer into Kinshi Knight) still make sense for character-wise, since able to build an archer-classed character who has heavy grudge againts enemy's fliers (which made him/her able to seek-and-destroy them down than to wait-and-ambush).

Pirate into Hero...still make sense. The character's storywise able to build, at least about the tales of the atonement person who becomes a "zero to hero".

Mercenary into Swordmaster. So confusing since they are basically too different, even they both have the same weapon proficient. Despise the storywise (which able to make almost every classes as mercs), but just based on the classes and their character-wise, Mercenary is a soldier-based-swordwielder, while (Myrmidon) Swordmaster is a duelist/champion-based-swordwielder, not a soldier. Soldier-based professions obligates to follows any orders despise any risks that may happen while the duelist/champion isn't. That's why basically, Mercenaries has bulkier body (higher-based HP) at the cost of agility (Spd) than (Myrmidons) Swordmasters for the sake of their jobs. As the differences of their characterwise and their classes, you can learn Ogma and Navarre as example. Mercenary promoted into Swordmaster will messing out their characterwise and classbuilds.

Cleric into Sage. No idea, it must be able (including for character-wise), because the Priest able to become Sage (FE8). Perhaps just because for the sake of balance.

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On 6/22/2018 at 1:22 AM, NekoKnight said:

I mean, usually. Summoner/Druid Ewan was a mistake.

You take that back damnit


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2 hours ago, Tuvy said:

You take that back damnit


Knoll is your most fashionable Druid/Summoner. This is more important than story and gameplay combined.

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