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Corrupt a wish: FE edition


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Granted. The game needlessly bumps up to an M-rating, despite the fact that the rest of the adventure is actually pretty tame for Fire Emblem.

I wish that either Kaden or Selkie (or both) get an alt that references a decade old meme.

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Granted, but their stats and skills are very lackluster so much that people then forget they even exist.

I wish the localization for Fates didn't cut content (I can live without the petting mini game though)

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Granted, the run of this edition is even lower than the Special Edition and comes with more collectibles which makes finding a complete version of the game one of the most expensive collector's editions ever made.

I wish the next Fire Emblem game was all about the power of friendship.

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Why are magical ponies trying to kill each other?

I wish there were MS-DOS versions of the Fire Emblem games.

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Granted, nothing about the game gives any reference to any of the eight legendary heroes or Idunn, Ninian and Nills , your main characters are ones who are barely able to do any damage to the dragon enemies, the only way to win the chapters is to let the more powerful NPC characters hog all the experience you could have earned to get stronger as a unit, this situation repeats for 30 chapters and never deviates, and you don't get much of a story other than hearing about a bunch of faceless people killing dragons and you got to have no part in it ever.  Even if you beat the game on all difficulty settings, the only reward you get is unlocking a concept artwork gallery.

I wish for a Fire Emblem with strong writing based on themes and allegories of idealism and immaterialism that all take place on one game cartridge without any DLC to fill in any holes or complete the game.

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They plagiarize the maps from much better strategy games, and get sued for their troubles. This isn't even getting into how none of them were built with Echoes in mind, leading to a multitude of unwinnable situations.

I wish there was a Fire Emblem game about backyard games, such as cornhole, hillbilly golf, horseshoe, etc. In the background, characters would talk, eat, interact, do random party things, and so on.

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Granted, it's basically Deca Sports but with Fire Emblem characters.  There's at least a minimal hub world serving one big backyard that change to a handful of themes to have the characters doing different things every now and again, but there isn't much in the way of characters interacting beyond generic phrases that can be said to just about anyone else.  On top of that, there aren't any goals to achieve that would qualify as "beating" the game.  You can connect your Heroes account to the game, but all it does is allow for you to pick characters that you already have from Heroes to appear in the game and doesn't offer any other value.

I wish for a Fire Emblem game where the boss characters are 50/50 in the gender department and look like they could be potential characters in the game even though they can't be recruited, but the MU has a special ability to make every boss character in the game (even the final boss) fall in love with him/her no matter the gender to their side, the MU is able to S-Support all of them into a polyamorous relationship, and each S-Support results in the individual pairs having or adopting a child depending on their union.

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Granted, but the story manages to be even worse than Fates, and it's badness overshadows the rather good gameplay thus leads to poor sales and the series going on hiatus.

I wish Flora and Scarlet could S-Support characters that aren't Corrin.

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Granted, it's only with Gunter getting Flora and Dwyer getting Scarlet.

I wish for a Fire Emblem game that was a crossover with Animal Crossing and the gameplay was based around trying to meet and exceed the standards of the Happy Home Academy.

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Granted, once you unlock to see what they are, the game reprograms itself so that you can't use the attacks no matter how many times you try to input the attacks.

I wish the next Fire Emblem game was about the main characters challenging the gods themselves in an epic journey to defeat them with Anna as the final boss.

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Granted, but all your units are super OP that they defeat all enemies in one hit, even the gods, thus making the game super boring.

I wish we can vote for Batta, Glass, and Denning in the next Choose Your Legends.

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People don’t realize that they can select games other than the original Shadow Dragon when voting. Also, IS forget to add both Jugdral games to the poll.


I wish for the next Fire Emblem game after Three Houses to feature Pepsiman. Heck, make him the lord character

Edited by Arcphoenix
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Granted, the next game plays nothing like a Fire Emblem game.  Instead it's basically just the original Pepsiman game with Fire Emblem stages and doesn't have anything to unlock or anything to accomplish in terms of missions.

I wish the next Fire Emblem game was all about cute characters doing cute things.

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This is not the game about the taguels I wanted. Where's the blood, war, and death?!?

I wish that James "Paladin" Taggart from Wing Commander was a Jeigan unit in a Fire Emblem game.

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Granted.  EA demands a 95% sales cut from Nintendo for use of the character and forces Nintendo to implement some really expensive microtransactions in a desperate attempt to gain some profits off their game.

I wish the next Fire Emblem was written by Frank Miller.

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Granted, but it's a body pillow that tells you how bad her migraine is every. single. day.

I wish Three Houses truly didn't have squicky teacher-student relationship subtext. Though then again, that was the only otaku fetish missing from Fates, so...

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Granted, but the Jeigan character is now an irredeemable rapist, drunkard, murderer and pedophile with a face not even a mother would love that the game still tries to pass off as a hero.  He also dies off-screen halfway through the story in a very anticlimactic way.
50 gummy points to anyone who got that reference!

I wish the next Fire Emblem game would feature musical instruments as weapons and music as a new type of magic.


Edited by DragonFlames
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Granted.  They're the most useless weapons and magic in the game because all they do is just emit noise.

I wish the next Fire Emblem game was an unashamed proponent of free love and making it a practice across the in game world in the most positive way.

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