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Unintentional Team Themes


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When we come up with teams, most of us either are focused on synergy or are striving to make a certain theme team (be it a character or family emblem). For your teams created solely because you've found they work well together, do any of them have any unintended themes?

For example, of my main team 3/4 (Celica, Cherche, and Marisa) have red or pink hair and red or pink eyes (poor Micaiah sticks out like a sore thumb). Also, my flier and dragon teams have zero overlap but have matching hair colors (white for Grima and Corrin, blue for Azura and Ninian, purple for Summer Camilla and Myrrh, and green for Elincia and A!Tiki).

What about the rest of y'all? Any accidental team themes you've made?

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During the Tempest Trials, the team I had for the 3x multiplier runs was Witchy Nowi, New Year Azura, Bride Ninian, and Summer Takumi. Doesn't sound odd until you recall the season each unit represents...

>Now, representing the Fall season, when Halloween takes place.

>Azura representing the Winter season, when North American New Years takes place.

>Ninian represents Spring, which while not explicitly a lovey dovy season is still the season in which the two Bridal banners have taken place. Spring is also just a nice wedding backdrop.

>Takumi represents... well, it's not even really a guess if it's literally in his title.

A representation of the four corners of the year, all in one flier-based team.

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My Drive team has Lancina and Marth paired, which is sweet but also they both have blue hair and armor. The other pair is Minerva and Kaze who both have a lot of green (Kaze has it everywhere and Minerva rides a green dragon).

Also, my horse team is 3/4 Elibe units. Roy/Lyn/Lilina.

Edited by NekoKnight
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I was thinking about trying out an all-out mustache team, but it turns out we don't have enough heroes for that (Bartre, Oliver, Hardin, and that's about it). 

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