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My newest brain puke.

Destiny Hero

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Every night, my brain pukes and I get an awesome dream. For the record, I've never once had a nightmare ^_^

I'm walking to school.

(Note: I go to a card shop in Bridgewater (it's a city), which is nowehere near the town I live in. It takes me about ten minutes to get to school, which starts at 7:35)

I decide to stop by the card shop, which is appearantly on my way to school. A bit before I get there, I find a Naruto CCG player and help him find the shop. I saw (when I was inside) that it was 7:12, AND I HAD NO PENCIL! I also didn't have any pants. So, I had to go back home ASAP to get a pencil.

So, I took my dog with me and teleported back home (Well, I didn't go home, but I didn't teleport there. I sort of just WAS there). As I went up the front steps, everything went pitch black. There were evil spirits and ghosts all over the place, and I was blinded. My dog went completely stiff and couldn't move. It took me quite a while to get up those for steps with her.

I got inside and was protected from the evil in the total darkness. I was safe! Instead of getting a pencil (or pants), I picked up Sacred Stones and started playing it. Lucy (my dog) went to the back door and gave me the cute look, so I guessed she had to go out. Suddenly, it was bright out again, but still(?) night. I took her out, but she got lost!

I went to my naybar's house (too tired to figure out how to spell that word), and into the woods. there was a strange man. Near his feet... Was Lucy! Her muttered "Your dog.... She had been missing for two years..." It wasn't even two minutes. Anyway, I took Lucy and went back home. I played Sacred Stones all day instead of going to school (the card shop was also school) because there "probably wasn't" any school that day.

Now, I don't live near a card shop, I always have a pencil, I never forget my pants, and I would never play hookey.

I can't wait for tonight's puke.

I see that I have baffled your minds. I slept with jeans on last night so it wasn't very comfortable and I didn't have a random dream.

Edited by VincentASM
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Hm. Strange dream, to be sure. I think we've all had them.

There was this one time, for example, where I had this dream; an alien ship came into my front yard one day, and when my sister went missng I walked into the thing just as it lifted off the earth. And when the earth was destroyed, I found myself going all over ice planets, toy planets, and just about anything else that qualifies as a most random planet ever thing trying to find people to save before it blew up. It wouldn't be so wierd, if the crew of the ship wasn't made up of Fire Emblem characters (Most notably, Ashnard being the ship's captain).

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I envy you. I nearly never dream that I can remember, and it's always been extremely murky when I have.

Now, I don't live near a card shop, I always have a pencil, I never forget my pants, and I would never play hookey.

You shouldn't make assumptions. I used to say things like this, and I learned to stop the hard way. I've played hookey plenty of times to avoid getting more trouble than I would for simple absence. I've accidentally answered the door in just my boxers without noticing, twice. I've gone to school all the time forgetting pencils, and homework too. And I swear my neighbors are dropping hints that they have an illicit card shop in their house.

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Okay, right now I'm forgetting it, but this was last night.

I'm at a YMCA daycare (which I haven't been to in years) in the school. I was at the end of a table drawing my little comics, and there were 4 people at the table. This girl from my class has an ugy cookie, and she's sticking it in her nose and wiping boogers on it (she doesn't do that). Her mom said "Okay, if this doesn't work today, we're not doing it any more", and "it" was snack time. Jillian (the girl) broke up the cookie and passed it around, and I didn't take a piece. Then her mom gave out sugary cookies, and everyone took one.

Then this girl I sit next to in science class, who is surprisingly pessimistic, said "Ugh. These things have to flavor", which they kind of didn't. Then I went into the gym, and into a back room. For some reason, the locker rooms were behind a volleyball net in that room. I found my friend in there (Richie) and we just walked out.

I was going back home, but the whole town was different, and everything was narrow. Then, I was back at my house at night, and a bunch of kids were playing in my back yard, near the woods. This was very dangerous at night, so I carried some street lamps and put them down back there to keep the evil people in the dark away. But Corey (one of the kids) was suddenly gone! There was a huge field between my yard and house for some reason. Everyone else went back trying to rescue him. I, being the smart one, ran back into the house. I never saw the others again because they were most likely kidnapped and raped by the people hiding in the dark.

I was back outside the school, and crossing the street. Mrs. Sundell (my fave gym teacher I had last year) was the crossing guard, and she and a kid named David were also guarding a forretress from Blazing Sword. I couldn't go out alone or I'd be captured so I asked for David to come with me and help me find my house. We went, but he was suddenly gone. Then my dad came by and picked me up, and I rode back home.

HOWEVER, i didn't need to go home; I had to go to Little Peach (local convenience store). So I got out of the car. My dad told me to go this way because it was shorter. So I started running. Everything was deserted and the town was squished together like it was from an old video game. After about five minutes, I was lost! So, I went back and into th town square. The only person I saw on the way back was a woman who just stared. I was out of breath by the time I got there.

I stopped by a used video game/car store. It was tiny, and you had to press a big button with a letter on it to see behind a urtain with stuff for sale. Reflective of the terrible economy, there was only one guy working there, who was at the entrance. I left the store. Then, I was just pointlessly going around and the dream ended.

I never did get home, though. And every time I have a dream, I'm always home, and not home, going around town, and the town is all messed up O.o

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