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I'm Near the End of Tales of Xillia and I have no Idea what's Going On (Spoilers)


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So I've been playing a lot of Tales games recently, Abyss, Berseria Graces F and Xillia 1. Xillia has been a lot of fun, great combat system, fun characters (though I think they pale in comparison to Abyss and Berseria) but where I feel like it's starting to falter is it's story. It's been interesting until the event where Milla decides to sacrifice herself to save everyone after they defeat Gilland and Celsius. Since then, the story has gone down a slippery slope of confusion and frustration, to the point where I'm pausing the cutscenes to process my thoughts of "What? Could you repeat that please?"

So I was hoping if I list out my issues some peeps could fill me in. For the record I chose Milla's path and the last event I've experienced is the one where Jude and Milla chat on the roof of the apartment block and Gaius gives them the knife so I'd say at least one or two of my issues can be resolved with a Jude playthrough

  • The whole schism thing really does not make sense to me. Exodus put so much resources into trying to kill Milla to disperse the schism, but Gilland says his plan will remain provided the schism remains, completely contradicting Exodus' mission, which is one of the reasons why Milla try to sacrifice herself, even though she isn't actually Maxwell, is this just plot content later down the line? Also, that boss fight Gilland felt like he was really trying to kill the gang so unless he's aware of Milla's identify his actions feel inconsistent.
  •  The whole part of the "Everyone decide on what you have to do and do what you feel is right" proposed by Jude when they find the dimensional breach really confuses me. Sure it provided a cute scene with Elize and Alvin on the swings, but exactly is the conflict here. Oh no we have to fight Gaius? Yeah he's been a help, but he's established since day one he doesn't want to be buddy buddy, that he's on an opposing side and you've already fought and presumably killed Agdria and Presa, so I don't get the sudden doubt and hesitation.
  • How in the hell did Jude and the gang get to Maxwell get to that weird area where Maxwell is? I know I could probably get my answer from a Jude playthrough but Mila doesn't even question ow a group of humans reached the Lord of Spirits
  •  Gaius states he wishes to "unify both worlds" yet wishes to keep the schism in place, i.e the impassible wall and to destroy the entire world's livelihood. That sounds quite counter-productive to me.
  • The Jude and Milla conversation on the roof of the apartment block didn't make a lot of sense to me. Jude appears to act like he knows Milla's "secret", which seems to be confirmed to him by the fact that Milla's leg rehabilitation device stopped working yet is walking just fine, but the characters talk in such a vague way here that I'm not even sure what they're talking about. Is it because Milla is just a decoy? Or is there more to her character that I haven't found out yet? The scene frustrates the hell out of me because the characters in the scene discuss information that I feel like I'm supposed to know but discuss it in such broad terms  that I'm just totally lost. If it's about Milla's true purpose, wouldn't everyone have figured it out that Milla isn't Maxwell when they fought Maxwell in that space place? Also if Milla is human, why does she speak of humans like they're seperate from her? I get that's been her mentality but still.  


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6 minutes ago, eclipse said:

IIRC, this is the game that gives a pretty hefty exposition dump near the end.  I'd play it out, and see if your questions are answered then.

Since they said they saw the nighttime apartment scene, I'm pretty sure they're at the final dungeon.



I haven't done a Jude playthrough myself, I only did Milla. However there are a few things I might be able to tease out.

34 minutes ago, CooledEvergreen said:

The whole schism thing really does not make sense to me. Exodus put so much resources into trying to kill Milla to disperse the schism, but Gilland says his plan will remain provided the schism remains, completely contradicting Exodus' mission, which is one of the reasons why Milla try to sacrifice herself, even though she isn't actually Maxwell, is this just plot content later down the line? Also, that boss fight Gilland felt like he was really trying to kill the gang so unless he's aware of Milla's identify his actions feel inconsistent.

I'm not quite sure of the context of what you say, but I'm thinking Guilland means that as "We will never give up!". As long as the Schism remains, they will do everything they can to tear it down. The Otherworld Reactor Plan doesn't involve keeping the Schism in place I believe, otherwise why build that never-stops-being relevant Lance of Kresnik? All it is about is pillaging Rieze Maxia for spirits and mana to maintain human existence in Elympios.


32 minutes ago, CooledEvergreen said:

Gaius states he wishes to "unify both worlds" yet wishes to keep the schism in place, i.e the impassible wall and to destroy the entire world's livelihood. That sounds quite counter-productive to me.

In a skit I believe, Milla states Maxwell's original intention might have been to let Elympios die out on purpose. What he would do after that isn't suggested, but once the users of spyrix were gone, maybe he'd remove the Schism and open up the now-empty lands to the people of Rieze Maxia. Perhaps Gaius sought the same thing.


32 minutes ago, CooledEvergreen said:

How in the hell did Jude and the gang get to Maxwell get to that weird area where Maxwell is? I know I could probably get my answer from a Jude playthrough but Mila doesn't even question ow a group of humans reached the Lord of Spirits

I'm not quite sure what happens on a Jude playthrough, but it is stated if you return to Nia Khera, that Muze attacked Nia Khera and kill its elders due to having heard myths about the Schism, and that Jude and co. responded to this and fought her. When you use the Dimensional Breach to return to Rieze Maxia, you end up at the summit of the Hallowmont, so perhaps it was from there that Jude and co. ended up fighting Maxwell, it'd be the logical thing to do after defeating Muze.


33 minutes ago, CooledEvergreen said:

Also if Milla is human, why does she speak of humans like they're seperate from her? I get that's been her mentality but still.  

Milla is physically a human yes. But she was programmed to think she wasn't human, and she hasn't acted that way at all since her creation. Nor was she born like a normal human. And her desire to replace Maxwell as the Lord of Spirits at the end, thus becoming a Spirit if she wasn't one already. All of these add up to reasons for her to continue not seeing herself as human, as just a spirit in a human body.

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2 minutes ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Since they said they saw the nighttime apartment scene, I'm pretty sure they're at the final dungeon.

I thought there was one right before the final boss battle?


I know Xillia 2 was BAD about that.  I think Xillia 1 was similar, but it's been forever since I played it.


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1 minute ago, eclipse said:

I thought there was one right before the final boss battle?


Since they aren't at the final battle yet, I'll use a spoiler box here.


I certainly do not recall that having completed Xillia last month. You fight Wingul, everyone gets split up, Milla and Jude reunite, they confront Candy Thief and Ninian, and then every other PC tags into the final fight one shortly after another by unleashing their Mystic Artes (which was really cool).


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1 minute ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

Since they aren't at the final battle yet, I'll use a spoiler box here.

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Looks like it's before the second Gaius battle.  The ending sort-of shows off what happens, as well, but let's not go there!


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It’s worth noting that in the japanese version Gaius wanted to kill everyone in Elympios, so it was more serious. Also you chose Milla’s path, which quite frankly is the weaker one. Jude’s path has a lot more important story details.

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13 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:


I'm not quite sure of the context of what you say, but I'm thinking Guilland means that as "We will never give up!". As long as the Schism remains, they will do everything they can to tear it down. The Otherworld Reactor Plan doesn't involve keeping the Schism in place I believe, otherwise why build that never-stops-being relevant Lance of Kresnik? All it is about is pillaging Rieze Maxia for spirits and mana to maintain human existence in Elympios.



https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yduc1NDGaiA Here's a playthrough of the part I was talking about, the line being at 10:10 where Gilland says:

"Our plan can proceed so long as the schism exists. Everything you've done is for nothing!"

You interpretation makes sense, but if Gilland was meant to say that another will take his place so long as the schism exists, then is that why Jude & friends try to dispel the schism by fighting Maxwell? They tried to stop the terrorists by giving them what they want? Because the last time the schism opened a bunch of people died, not to mention by dispelling Rieze Maxia loses it's infinite fuel source? Did they feel bad for Alvin and Exodus and wanted to send them home? If so, what a nice gesture, I'm sure the friends and family of those poisoned by them at the coliseum are just going to love that. 

11 hours ago, Water Mage said:

It’s worth noting that in the japanese version Gaius wanted to kill everyone in Elympios, so it was more serious. Also you chose Milla’s path, which quite frankly is the weaker one. Jude’s path has a lot more important story details.

Yeah I've seen so much push for Milla and she's a really fun character to play but I regret choosing her. The part of the game where you're just running around Hamil with the Four was kinda dull really, not to mention that awful one on one boos fight with Múzet. Meanwhile, Jude fought Alvin and Ivar? Alvin shot Leia? I wanna see that.

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8 hours ago, CooledEvergreen said:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yduc1NDGaiA Here's a playthrough of the part I was talking about, the line being at 10:10 where Gilland says:

"Our plan can proceed so long as the schism exists. Everything you've done is for nothing!"

You interpretation makes sense, but if Gilland was meant to say that another will take his place so long as the schism exists, then is that why Jude & friends try to dispel the schism by fighting Maxwell? They tried to stop the terrorists by giving them what they want? Because the last time the schism opened a bunch of people died, not to mention by dispelling Rieze Maxia loses it's infinite fuel source? Did they feel bad for Alvin and Exodus and wanted to send them home? If so, what a nice gesture, I'm sure the friends and family of those poisoned by them at the coliseum are just going to love that. 

Yeah I've seen so much push for Milla and she's a really fun character to play but I regret choosing her. The part of the game where you're just running around Hamil with the Four was kinda dull really, not to mention that awful one on one boos fight with Múzet. Meanwhile, Jude fought Alvin and Ivar? Alvin shot Leia? I wanna see that.


Not only that but you see Agria and Presa die, and it’s really sad. Jude’s story is more focused on the human aspects than the magical ones, so it’s more interesting.

Edited by Water Mage
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