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Good news, bad news, and bad news.

Destiny Hero

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Good news: Gay marriage is banned in Californy again.

Bad news: It's still in Massachussetts.

Bad news: Connecticut's turn to die from it.

Marriage is a man and a woman. Not to butt buddies or scissor buddies. Jeez. Gay people should just live together and not demand to be married.

You see, god punishes gay couples by not letting them have kids.

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It's nice that you can voice your opinion, but telling people what to do will not end well. ("Gay people should just live together and not demand to be married.")

It's obvious the majority is against gay marriage or else it wouldn't have won, but still... taking the right for people to be officially a couple, same or opposite sex, is just wrong...

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Using religion in any argument against gay marriage is a little ineffective, being as satanists get married, atheists get married, agnostics, the list goes on. Marriage doesn't even really have anything to do with religion in America in this day in age, it's a government matter that doesn't need a church or ceremony. You just get a few papers signed and bam, married, though many people go through with the traditional marriage ceremony in a church.

Personally, in all honesty, I blame the general Mormon community for working so hard to pull the wool over the eyes of so many.

Don't like it? Blame Matt.

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Using religion in any argument against gay marriage is a little ineffective, being as satanists get married, atheists get married, agnostics, the list goes on. Marriage doesn't even really have anything to do with religion in America in this day in age, it's a government matter that doesn't need a church or ceremony. You just get a few papers signed and bam, married, though many people go through with the traditional marriage ceremony in a church.

Personally, in all honesty, I blame the general Mormon community for working so hard to pull the wool over the eyes of so many.

Don't like it? Blame Matt.

Yeah. I called him here.
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You're free to make note of your opinion, but it is frowned upon to use offensive terms while doing so. This was also a very recent discussion topic.

Edited by Wist
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