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Millennials and Gen Z are better!


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Are you a Millennial? Here are some positive news about us. We are making divorce rates fall by being smarter about our choices and being more prepared. The next time an old jeezer blames you or Millennials for whatever, remind them who is paying for their Social Security and subsidizing their medical bills!

To sever with bad tradition, what positive things do you have to say about Gen Z people?

This is not backed up with sources or anything, but I bet Gen Z will be better employees because they will be even more educated and tech savvy.

Gen Z are also the cutest generation! Even the youngest Millennials like me are not young enough to be called cute anymore.

If you are Gen Z, what positive things do you have to say about yourself? What do you want your generation name to be called? Based on the New York Times article, I vote for "Girl Power!" The young girl's response was too cute. "Scapegoat" is also petty funny since you guys might be the next punching bag for old people; but do not worry, your Millennial onii-chans and onee-chans (or maybe mamas and papas for some of us) will protect you!

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1 minute ago, Edgelord said:

I'm a millennial and we don't like labels.

We are perceived as a group even though the cut off points are arbitrary and people are diverse. If we had the choice, I rather name ourselves something other than Millennial to describe us better. I want our generation to be known as the Second Coming of the Greatest Generation that reversed global warming and hopefully do some other great things for mankind.

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I guess Gen Z will probably be the most universally tech-savvy generation. That's a positive, right? Millennials have some patchy spots on the older end. Gen Z, meanwhile, grew up in an era where everything was a computer and everything was connected in some fashion.

Also, I'll second the term "millennial" being dumb. Most people hear it and don't think "coming of age around the new millennium", they hear "Those damn kids born in the new millennium" even though older millennials were reaching adulthood around 2000. 

I've had to explain to so many people in my age range(Mid-20s to early-30s) that they're millennials. I've had to explain it to people pushing 40, though it's a bit easier to see why they wouldn't associate with that label.

So any Gen Z-ers out there, before your generation gets a title, make it obvious what time period your generation is actually defining.

Edited by Slumber
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4 minutes ago, XRay said:

We are perceived as a group even though the cut off points are arbitrary and people are diverse. If we had the choice, I rather name ourselves something other than Millennial to describe us better. I want our generation to be known as the Second Coming of the Greatest Generation that reversed global warming and hopefully do some other great things for mankind.



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I am somwhere at 2000s. I pretty much really don't know the classic 80s or 90s stuff that was good back then. I fall into the gen z category but i am not like the current generation being all text this, hashtag this, selfie that etc. 2000s people are alright i guess? But the 2010s generation is like bad... I could rant about this but this may turn into a wall of text that would've been better as its own thread...

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4 hours ago, XRay said:

This is not backed up with sources or anything, but I bet Gen Z will be better employees because they will be even more educated and tech savvy.

This is purely anecdotal, but a surprisingly large number of my students (almost all of which are college freshmen) are lacking in the way of computer literacy skills to do some basic things like manage their documents. I figure most of them are only ever using their computers for school, and use their phones for all of their social media.

1 hour ago, 1% Critical Hit said:

What about people who were born between the two kinds? The amalgamation fellas?

Ya break it all up into way smaller groups. I am, for instance, a member of the Hey Arnold generation

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1 hour ago, Captain Karnage said:

I don't know what I am, I'm either a millennial or gen z. 94 and 96 seem to be the cut off years.

I think I'm z though 

It's possible that you can be just a mix of those two. Like being a middle ground generational.

I was born in 1995 and I think I'm a mix of both too

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There's not exactly hard lines with these things

And I've definitely never been called a Gen Z-er sooooooo

and for what it's worth I'm kind of a grump, and a history nerd, make that a couple extra years in my soul or something 

Edited by ChefGuevara
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2 hours ago, Captain Karnage said:

I don't know what I am, I'm either a millennial or gen z. 94 and 96 seem to be the cut off years.

I think I'm z though 

i've heard it said that if you remember where you were when 9/11 happened you're a milennial, if you don't you're gen z


so that might be a tiebreaker, idk

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10 minutes ago, Integrity said:

i've heard it said that if you remember where you were when 9/11 happened you're a milennial, if you don't you're gen z


so that might be a tiebreaker, idk

Cool. Since my parents and grandparent remember 9/11 that means they are Millennials too. Ha! That means they are just as lazy and entitled as I am.

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I used to think Gen Y and Millenial were different generations, but I guess I'm a Millenial under the current classification.  I was born in 1986.

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2 minutes ago, ChefGuevara said:

You know what, pack it up boys, this thread has been won 

it really hasn't, i've heard that a dozen times before. it is not original. the intent is very clearly 'if you're between milennial and gen z, then:' hence why i literally said 'use it as a tiebreaker'

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4 hours ago, Rezzy said:

I used to think Gen Y and Millenial were different generations, but I guess I'm a Millenial under the current classification.  I was born in 1986.

You learn something new everyday! And welcome to the club!

Are there even Gen X people here?

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20 hours ago, Integrity said:

i've heard it said that if you remember where you were when 9/11 happened you're a milennial, if you don't you're gen z


so that might be a tiebreaker, idk

I was in the 4th grade. We were reading Where the Red Fern Grows when the North Tower fell.

Pretty good book, though I got sad when the dogs died.

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i was at the base exchange on ramstein, one of the baggers was like 'i hear nyc just got attacked' and we were like 'what? naaaah' and we walked off base as usual and right as we're walking off the whole base goes into total lockdown, then we saw it on tv about a half hour later when we got home

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