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CQ nerfed flyskipping draft play log


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I'm participating in a CQ nerfed flyskipping draft and I think I'll be posting about it here since this is a more permanent forum. Link is so you can see the ruleset, but the gist is that Camilla and Dragon talent are banned. My team is Ninja Corrin, Jakob, Arthur, Elise, Odin, Azura, Gunter, Xander, Shura, and Izana.

My original plan was to go Troub Corrin and get Malig via A Elise. I was hoping to see how a few unconventional picks performed that people have been advocating for on reddit—namely Malig Elise and Super Odin. I figured with the heavily magical team comp I was running, Odin's paralogue rewards would be important. I only learned at the very end that my plan wouldn't work ;-;. Fortunately my draft partners allowed me to change to Ninja talent but my comp is significantly less magical now, and heart seal routing is going to be a massive bitch in this playthrough because of that mistake. I really want to use heart seals on the following units:

  • Jakob
  • Corrin
  • Elise
  • Gunter
  • Odin (2x)

Originally I was going to use a Friendship Seal on Corrin and my Heart Seal routing would have worked out fine—Jakob ASAP, Elise with c9 seal, Odin with Staff Store 2, and Gunter with c16 seal. But since I messed up on understanding how reclassing works, I'm stuck using a Heart Seal on Corrin—none of my early units have classes worth taking. Jakob and Elise are left squabbling over the C7 seal, and since Jakob is the better unit, Jakob is going to be the one who gets it. A consequence of this is that Elise is going to be much worse off than I anticipated. As much as this leaves me regretting my early drafting of Elise, at least she can provide Malig to Jakob. When I unlock Staff Store 2 I will probably reclass an instapromo Elise to Malig directly and hope she can contribute, and I'll reclass Odin to Sorc with Staff Store 3.

Because all units are free for P-6, don't expect much playlogging yet. I won't be deviating far from standard strategies.

Chapters P and 1: no comment. +Spd/-Lck Corrin before Branch of Fate. Could probably have done -Mag but I didn't think of it and don't care now.

Chapters 2 and 3: So right off the bat a frustration with the draft is that since I'll be doing +Str Corrin, I don't get Spd from a C support. This means I need Jakob to get 3 Spd levels in c2-3 to double Faceless in c7, which forces me to get at least 3 levels with Jakob. Fallout of this is slightly less Corrin XP in these maps (which isn't too critical as she's still easily on pace to hit DF by c9), a forced 5-turn of c3 as I need to feed Jakob a bunch of kills (which isn't too critical as the 4-turn is too riggy for my tastes anyway) and a lot of level rigging on Jakob to make it all work (which I got very lucky on so it didn't take long). So that's a relief. Pretty standard strats for these two maps, and Corrin has been leveling like a boss (3 for 3 on all of Str/Spd/Def).

Turns so far: 16

Prologue: 2
Chapter 1: 5
Chapter 2: 4
Chapter 3: 5

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I completed chapters 4, 5, and 6 yesterday. After this I'll be inventing new strats, so I don't expect to continue this pace at all, but these three chapters were easy.

I don't know if there's a c4 5-turn that doesn't require critting the boss Faceless, but the game decided to gift the crit (7% iirc) to me on my very first try so I rolled with it. Then I forgot to take a picture of the chapter end screen—necessary because Endgame isn't counted in this draft—and I got the crit again in only like two more tries. So I guess the game really wanted to give me the 5-turn. It got its retaliation in c5 which took way longer than the odds would have suggested, but I eventually cleared it with basically just Gwim's strat. c6 was a breeze as always.

I guess the game wanted to mock me for bragging about my good levels yesterday. Corrin got some awful levels—2 for 3 on Str, 1 for 3 on Spd, and 0 for 3 on Def. Meanwhile Kaze leveled 3/3 Str/Spd and 2/3 Def in chapter 5, but he's not part of my draft. Troll game. Still, these chapters went by fine and without any turn loss. Now that I'm past branch of fate, this is where the fun begins.

Turns so far: 28

Prologue: 2
Chapter 1: 5
Chapter 2: 4
Chapter 3: 5
Chapter 4: 5
Chapter 5: 5
Chapter 6: 2

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Before c7, I built both the Staff Store and Armory (since visits are free, I was able to grind DV). I reclassed Jakob into Paladin, of course, and bought both Jakob and Corrin Speed tonics and Vulneraries. My plan was to use Jakob/Elise and Arthur/Corrin to clean out the enemies on the south and north, respectively. My plan generally worked and they both got a good bit of levels, but since Jakob could only 3rko the boss, it took very long to complete it. Still, I don't really see what I could have done better, so I'll roll with it for now. Jakob is now level 8 and Corrin level 9. I don't plan to use Arthur long-term, just for his wicked pair up bonuses, so I'm not keeping track of his level.

Unfortunately, Jakob failed to get his C support with Elise in this chapter. I'm hoping for S Elise by the end of c12 to reclass and every chapter I have to pair the two hurts because Elise gives no Speed and my Jakob is being shaky on Speed. Still, I'm not going to make major alterations to my strategy for now.

Jakob apparently decided to revert back to his averages and leveled Spd 0/4 times in c7. That was very disappointing (expected value would be two more levels) but he's still fine I guess. Enemies in c8 tend to be slow but doubling the c9 spear fighters will be tough.

Turns so far: 37

Prologue: 2
Chapter 1: 5
Chapter 2: 4
Chapter 3: 5
Chapter 4: 5
Chapter 5: 5
Chapter 6: 2
Chapter 7: 9

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Enjoying the read.

Went ahead and tested with very sloppy strats.

Assuming corndog and Jakob can double stacked faceless flight on Elise can shave a turn off that ch7 without dropping on chmozu, or 8.

Didn't get to check 9.

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On 1/15/2019 at 4:20 PM, joshcja said:

Enjoying the read.

Went ahead and tested with very sloppy strats.

Assuming corndog and Jakob can double stacked faceless flight on Elise can shave a turn off that ch7 without dropping on chmozu, or 8.

Didn't get to check 9.

I was convinced that there was no way to 8 turn since nobody could 2RK the boss... but I was wrong! Thanks to your comment I reconsidered a few things.

Heart Seal routing: I was stubbornly set on using the c9 seal on Corrin, but I don't think that's actually necessary with a Ninja talent. There are no important daggers to unlock so WExp basically doesn't matter and I don't get a Mov buff. While improved combat on Corrin would be nice, I think that a better heart seal route is c7 to Elise, c9 to Jakob, and c13 to Corrin.

c7 in 8 turns: Boy I wracked my brain figuring this one out. But thanks to your assurance that it was possible, I finally got it. I even recorded my clear since I was so proud of it. If you're interested in the details, you can check the video description.

My copies of Trauma Center: Under the Knife and 2 came in the mail this week so I've been playing those instead of Fates. Despite my few-day hiatus a reworked C7 is all I've got so far. But I will finish this draft, and thanks for reading.

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Oh man. Trauma Center.

Glad the Elise route worked out for you (about to go peep your strat) and looking forward to the rest of the no-flyskip draft (ft bird on ch7).

Edit: Watched. Very solid clear.

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Hmmm. . .on one hand, this is a draft, so it would technically go into the Drafts subforum.  But you're recording the draft, not hosting it, so. . .uhh. . .I'll throw it into Let's Plays (it can be text-only, too).

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So uhh... bad news for all the Epic Gamers out there. Wyvern Elise is written back out of the run. I had niggling fears and figured out that a 5k 4-turn of c8 is possible with Paladin Jakob. There's no realistic way to get a 4-turn of c8 with Wyvern Elise: you technically have the squares to make it, but she's far too frail to survive the combat that would be required. Perhaps if I had Silas it would be possible. I figured it was a 5-turn either way if I wanted 5k out of it and I was willing to eat a turn for the 5k but that's not the case anymore.

Fortunately using my earned Wisdom + Experience I was easily able to craft an 8-turn of c7 with Paladin Jakob. It's almost exactly the same as the one I show in the video except Paladin Jakob. Without much hassle I've gotten back to c9 with a turn saved, but my Epic Gamer status rescinded. Elise may reclass with the c9 seal yet, but I'm thinking it's more likely that I just promote her as a troub and then reclass her once she can use tomes at base.

Which brings me to c8. I actually recorded this chapter, too, since it was easy enough. Here it is.

Turns so far: 40

Prologue: 2
Chapter 1: 5
Chapter 2: 4
Chapter 3: 5
Chapter 4: 5
Chapter 5: 5
Chapter 6: 2
Chapter 7: 8
Chapter 8: 4

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On Ch8 with Elise over jacobdin.

If you use the DV on turn 2 to kill the ice DM's with Niles the split-steps required to get Elise+Jakob to the boss on time are relatively "safe" (3 dark mages and 1 fighter minimum with freeze) and give 2 villages.

Elise still needs to dodge (remove her axe vs tomes) but she can soak one axe hit reliably to build wrank which buffers our Jakob vs boss a bit.

Not nessecary if your not pulling any other saves turns with her but it is quite styleish.

Edit. No Niles. Ew. 2 village would need Arthur to do his job which is uggo af.

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On 1/23/2019 at 7:36 AM, joshcja said:

On Ch8 with Elise over jacobdin.

If you use the DV on turn 2 to kill the ice DM's with Niles the split-steps required to get Elise+Jakob to the boss on time are relatively "safe" (3 dark mages and 1 fighter minimum with freeze) and give 2 villages.

Elise still needs to dodge (remove her axe vs tomes) but she can soak one axe hit reliably to build wrank which buffers our Jakob vs boss a bit.

Not nessecary if your not pulling any other saves turns with her but it is quite styleish.

Edit. No Niles. Ew. 2 village would need Arthur to do his job which is uggo af.

I don't see how you're getting only 1 Fighter. Assuming that Jakob has to be the lead unit in a Pair-Up on turn 2 and you have to be paired to attack the boss on turn 4, I've uploaded a pic showing all of the spots where Elise/Jakob would have to park across a 4 turn. I'm seeing three fighters and Elise can't even be in Guard stance.

Anyway, this latest delay was actually not because of Trauma Center, but because C9 is so fucking unreliable. I spent a large amount of my free time last week just playing this chapter. If I ever run a draft again I'm explicitly allowing using suicide strats with undrafted units on this chapter. With only 1 really competent combat unit, I had no choice for a 6-turn that acquires Rescue except for rigging two Enfeeble dodges on Jakob (72 Disp) right at the end. I wish I could upload a video but it's unreliable so i'm not going to record this shit.

The summary is that I send Jakob (pair Arthur) right through the front door to kill all the Lancers and 1 Samurai. Meanwhile Corrin and gang are busting down the door by Nyx. I feed Odin the other Samurai and the 2 archers by using Nos + Attack Stance with Jakob for ORKs. t4 Jakob attacks the paired Lancers on PP and cleans out the bottom half of the map while dodging Enfeeble on EP. t5 Jakob breaks the wall near Rescue with a Javelin, gets Danced (and traded Chest Key) by Azura and opens the chest. Dodges another Enfeeble on EP. t6 Corrin kills the Shrine Maiden, Jakob kills the boss, and Azura dances Elise who seizes. It's so reliable except the fucking Enfeeble staff.

In the end Odin gets 5 kills and a level, Corrin is at 9/88, and Jakob is overpowered by now. I'll need to try out Wyvern Elise in c10 before I decide who to give the Heart Seal to for real.

Turns so far: 46

Prologue: 2
Chapter 1: 5
Chapter 2: 4
Chapter 3: 5
Chapter 4: 5
Chapter 5: 5
Chapter 6: 2
Chapter 7: 8
Chapter 8: 4
Chapter 9: 6


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