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The Japanese and their awesome Engrish :p


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So I'm currently on a study trip in Japan, and just as they said before my departure, there's a lot of Engrish in there. XD

So why should I show you some photos of those I've taken so far ? ;)



(One of my forum's member say that in Italian, the word "café" is correctly written here... Can anyone knowing that language confirm this ?)


(I particulary love this one. It's so fucked up it's awesome :D)



(Just for the note, NO, I haven't entered that shop, so I don't know for sure what's inside. Me thinks it's a sexy clothes shop, seeing the goods at the enterance.)



(My personal favourite of all these photos along with the "Sale" one. XD)

Discuss. :P

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Cafe in Italian is cafè, caffè means coffee.

I found the CD sale image very amusing as well.

Edit (2008.11.15):

Ah, I see you're from France. Yeah, café is the same as caffè.

Edited by Wist
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Not Japanese, but I got a good Engrish photo when I was in China some years back. (Imagines someone attacking a plane hand-to-hand combat style :lol: )


Then there was this amusing character in the bathroom. I don't have any idea what it says, but I would laugh if it was something like "push butt, rub under arm".


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It's not that funny really :/. It's just engrish. Why should they have perfect grammar? Their sentences still get the general message across. Engrish is funny when it reads as something ELSE as well.

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It's not that funny really :/. It's just engrish. Why should they have perfect grammar? Their sentences still get the general message across. Engrish is funny when it reads as something ELSE as well.

When you see an aberration such as the CD sale photo, even the "don't need to have perfect grammar" excuse is not valid. Seriously, I'm not even sure to have understood what they meant with "This sale changes the end without a notice again". <_<

And well, it's better to take this with humour and laugh when you see it, rather than playing the grammar nazi and enter rage mode, no ? :P

Edited by AceNoctali
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It's not that funny really :/. It's just engrish. Why should they have perfect grammar? Their sentences still get the general message across. Engrish is funny when it reads as something ELSE as well.

I can definitely sympathize with that sentiment. And personally, as a foreigner living in a non-English speaking country (currently Switzerland), I appreciate all the English I can get, poor grammar or no.

This is why I posted the one I did, rather than say the picture with the side-by-side bins for recycling and unrecycling. (In fact, I don't think I even took a picture of it, as it just wasn't funny enough to warrant one, in my opinion.)

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(My personal favourite of all these photos along with the "Sale" one. XD)

Discuss. :P

Oh how useful... :lol: Anyway this Chinese one has circulated and regurgitated around the internet too much but cracks me up every time...


One of those doesn't sound like the kind of thing I'd want to go into hospital for...

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