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Bors is a passable character in normal mode, but he really suffers in hard. Almost every enemy can double him in the early chapters and he takes a fair amount of damage too. Then there's also the movement limitations of his class. =/

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If you give Bors one more point of base speed and then compare him to the rest of the cast in HM, he jumps like quite a few spots. The extra point in speed makes it so only 1 of the fighters and the Bandit double him. It takes about 5 units to kill him, and he serves as a much better wall. And chapter 1 is arguably his hardest chapter.

But being doubled and racking up some decent damage, he can't really take on more than two enemies, and Marcus with an Iron sword is taking around one more hit, isn't doubled, and is hitting the enemy.

For the record, Bors isn't really doubled in the early chapters and he's only taking a few points in damage in normal mode. When mecs and Myrmidons become popular about 5 chapters into the game, he's being doubled, but only the mercs are dealing decent damage, and those guys are dangerous to your cast in general.

As for someone saying Lot is a throw away unit, he has some nice supports, and while he isn't quite poweful enough, once he's in the game doing solid damage with his best supports he's not really dying.

Edited by bunny
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I don't know where he ranks on normal mode... probably somewhere near the bottom of mid tier, but he's low tier on hard mode. And near the bottom of it, too.

As far as I know, he's somewhere in the middle of high tier, and I though he was around top of low tier in hard mode, but I was wrong, apparently.

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If your Bors is doing well, then who would I (or anyone else) be to tell you not to use him? I can only recommend...

In hard mode, Bors is nice to use in the early chapters that ensue after Chapter 1, as they are comprised of many lance and sword users, but he'll become a liability later on. He's mainly only useful in the early chapters because no-one else can get hit as many times as he can (soldiers don't double attack him, for your information).

Naw, Bors gets doubled by those Cavs/Nomads in Ch3/Ch4, he's of no use against Knights, and he has trouble hitting even with WTA (Cavs and Mercs/Myrms are speedy). And he sucked early on, so he may still be at base level.

He is. Bors joins in the first chapter and since he isn't getting doubled or easily killed there, he's performing decently and has plenty of room to grow and become better without much trouble. In hard mode he's too much trouble to use.

Everyone you get has "room to grow" in both modes, except people like Marcus. I don't see how that is relevant. Bors is still performing worse than everyone except maybe Wolt. Instead of hit in the 60-70s, he may have in the 70s now, but it's still lame. He gets 3HKOed instead of 2HKOed, but everyone else too, and their chance of getting hit is much lower. In addition, Lance doubles those Fighters off the bat, and Roy/Alan do after a few level ups.

Basically, in NM, all he has to brag about is his own durability, but everyone else's becomes awesome too, while he's still stuck with ugh offense and mobility.

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Bors, he's tons better than Wendy, but in Hard Mode, Barth would be somewhat better, but still not good. Where's Oswin when we need him.... (being over 50 by now, he could be like a Lawrence or something)

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  • 3 weeks later...

My friend was arena abusing in 7...his Bors kept on dying. I, for one, think he's better than the other two Armor Knights.

Also, Wolt sucks. Wait for the next archer that comes your way, Dorothy, or use Sue and Shin.

I like Lilina because her magic is ownage and has a [canon] support with Roy.

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All three mages are equally good in this game, so you might want to ditch Lugh for Lilina or Hugh later on.

I just use her for 2 reasons:

-I like seeing Max stats, when I always at least get Magic with her and usually none for Lugh. (Just me, probably just the fact that the RNG hates me)

-I prefer a cute, 15 year old girl over a prepubescent, 13 year old boy wearing short shorts.

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There is absolutely no reason to use Bors. If you want a tanky unit that doesn't have a lot in the way of offense, use Treck. At least he can move around and actually hit stuff.

^ This. In the HM...this is advised.

Boss abusing her in the next few chapters helps.

She doesn't need to be boss abused. Her high Mag will allow her to kill her enemies without much trouble. See Lugh is actually harder to train, due to this issue.

Edited by Lenneth
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Lilina's magic isn't very high to start with. :mellow:

She will only need babying for only a few levels. Lugh will be more difficult to train. He grows not enough magic until he levels up like heck. But even then...the enemies will easily cath up to him. By then...Lilina will max out in Mag, and become a boss slayer.

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1. She will only need babying for only a few levels.

2. Lugh will be more difficult to train. He grows not enough magic until he levels up like heck.

3. But even then...the enemies will easily cath up to him.

4. By then...Lilina will max out in Mag, and become a boss slayer.

1. No. She'll probably need baying even as a sage due to having somewhat low speed and poor durability.

2. How is he more difficult to train when you get him early in the game where you face the craptacular soldier class and armor knight enemies whom he'll always double? 8x may help Lilina a bit but she'll still be underleveled and easily killed.

3. They won't catch up to Lugh and there will be enemies ahead of Lilina who can 1 round her for quite some time. Lugh can perform decently on the enemy phase, it takes a while for Lilina to do so and even then, she'll still do terrible.

4. Yeah... sorry, but bosses in this game tend to be positioned on Thrones and gates... you know, the ones that give +20 and +30 avoid bonuses? Lilina's accuracy rates says hi! Leave the boss-slaying to your swordmaster :)

Edited by Boo
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2. Lugh will be more difficult to train. He grows not enough magic until he levels up like heck.

Even I, a Lilina fanboy, found that statement incredibly stupid. And Boo, Lilina's accuracy is barely horrible. Her skill stat is so-so, but she hits most enemies. Then again, I don't believe in averages, so you kids have fun.

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4. Yeah... sorry, but bosses in this game tend to be positioned on Thrones and gates... you know, the ones that give +20 and +30 avoid bonuses? Lilina's accuracy rates says hi! Leave the boss-slaying to your swordmaster :)

Don't forget thrones also give 5 Resistance. Also Lilina's speed isn't that good. Assuming she promotes in chapter 16, she only has 13 Speed, and that's with a +3 bonus. She's not doubling a lot of bosses, especially if we go to Sacae.

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I wasn't planning to use Bors but I figured what the hey, so I allowed him to kill the prologue boss and found his level up very nice. He's growing in speed pretty quickly, too and he's not hurting the team in any way. Playing a few levels in Shadow Dragon really tell you how much you should care about your units and when it's time to let go, so I stopped picking favorites.

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In NM, sure, Lilina will double fine after some leveling. But in HM, there's no way you could convince me she is anywhere near good. Lugh isn't amazing either, but he's definitely better.

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