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[FE8] [100% Completed] The Sacred Trilogy Reskin and Rebalance


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On 12/11/2020 at 5:45 PM, Marlowe said:

Hey, loving the hack so far. I'm up to Chapter 13 on Ephraim's Route. I found a peculiar "glitch" I wanted to ask about. It seems like twice I've reset (like reset my emulator) from a lethal hit and resumed to find it suddenly wasn't lethal. Or, in other words:

- Selena crits Kyle, which is a one-shot

- I reset the emulator and quit

- Go back later, hit "resume chapter" instead of "restart chapter"

- Long pause before it resumes

- Selena doesn't crit

Is this like a pseudo-Divine Pulse feature you added? If so, bravo.


UPDATE: This has "worked" to fix some enemy crits, but I found it also allowed enemies to move again. Also only seems to work on crits, not hits.

Apologies for the late reply. The vanilla RNG of FE 8 is known for being easy to abuse, so I used TR143's RNG randomizer in order to make it less exploitable. Basically, the RNG will have a different result every time you start a battle, so even Save State + Load State can yield a different outcome for a battle. Divine Pulse didn't cross my mind, but I believe some members of FE Universe are very close to achieving that for the GBA games.

On 12/19/2020 at 3:17 AM, Marlowe said:

Update on experiences with the hack: I got through the main game and Valni, working through Ruins. It's quite a challenge! A couple glitches have manifested, but nothing game-breaking. I can list them when I have a bit more time.

I would like such a list, yes.

On 1/4/2021 at 2:24 PM, Fernandes said:

simply loved your game play the first versions where the hp limit was 60 so it was impossible to kill the demon king without casualties ... and a doubt was seeing his prints of that game on the first page and I see that there is a different texture like a half-barred  , I think it's very beautiful, how to do that?

I'm not sure I understood your question. Which texture are you talking about?

5 hours ago, Gaerdren said:

Is it possible to revert to the initial aggro ai for monsters ?

You're not the first person to complain about that. I might run a poll to see what people think about it.


By the way, I have not updated this topic in some time, but I would like to say that work on the final update is progressing favorably. It will feature all the unarmed animations, new skills, new classes, updated balancing, updated spell animations, bug corrections and maybe some new items.

Edited by bløød
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Sorry for what I'm sure is an obvious question, but with the Strength/Magic split, is there a corresponding item that increases Magic by 2? I have found the Energy Drops for Strength, but can't seem to find one that boots Magic. Thanks! Great rom hack, really enjoying it so far!

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9 hours ago, AsherAzon said:

Sorry for what I'm sure is an obvious question, but with the Strength/Magic split, is there a corresponding item that increases Magic by 2? I have found the Energy Drops for Strength, but can't seem to find one that boots Magic. Thanks! Great rom hack, really enjoying it so far!

Yes, there's an item called Magic Dust that does that. You'll find a few of them during the main story and you can also buy them in one of the secret shops.

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Okay, this list is by no means exhaustive, but it's a few things I've noticed:

  • Extinction messes with any animations afterwards, including blocking out the EXP bar and stat numbers on the level-up screen. Doesn't affect actually getting exp or levels. Seems to mess with the hit animations, as well.
  • This might not be on you, but some of the new tome animations are kinda janky, especially Elwind and Tempest misses.
  • Wind Sword has almost no sound, though maybe this is intentional.
  • Eggs on Neleras Peak act weird, both in the maingame chapter and in postgame. They seem to have some kind of regen, but don't gain much; it's very different from what's in the vanilla game.
  • Final chapter starts glitching with map sprites when there are too many enemies. This also happens near the bottom of the unit list after you get enough characters (I started noticing it after I unlocked Riev, after getting all but one of the Valni bonus characters)
  • Flame Lance animations are weird, especially on crits. Crit animation will actually start draining HP before the fireball "hits". Game runs normally after that, though. Speaking of, is there a place to get more of the magic weapons besides Runeswords and Light Brands?
  • Corona has no proc indicator aside from doing more damage.

That's all I can think of right now. Now that you're back I'll let you know if I run into anything else.

One suggestion: If you manage to fix the Melkaen Coast glitch, might you consider putting some better rewards in those encounters? Right now it's not really very alluring compared to Ruins, especially since Ruins chests are mostly guaranteed.

EDIT: Also, don't know if this is intentional, but I figure you should know that in Lagdou 5, Lloyd handicaps himself immensely by poisoning himself on the first turn. Whether it's intentional or not, you should know it is very funny and makes a difficult boss much easier.

2nd EDIT: I am reminded now that I feel the dragons in Lagdou 8 are kind of overpowered, chiefly the "Dragonskin" rendering all ranged attacks useless. This basically obviates all of the FE6 tomes that the player would have, especially Aureola, and bows, especially Mulagir. I've had to use a combination of dragon-effective melee weapons and Counter-cheesing before. Just something to think about. You might be able to limit the immunity to siege tomes, which would keep them from getting hit by a lucky Eclipse. Or having more of the FE6 Legendary weapons available earlier (as I can only find Maltet, Aureola, and Mulagir by Floor 7; Floor 4 appears to be similar to vanilla in terms of reward, which seems weird when you can get Maltet on the previous floor). But it is your hack, in the end.

3rd EDIT: I'm going to append some constructive criticism about Floor 10 of Lagdou. I don't want to say it sucks, but there are some serious issues with balance here. Everything up to this point felt mostly fair, but some things here just...didn't. The dragons being able to deal fixed 48 damage and petrify is awful. The FE7 Lords to the south are essentially luck-based fights, especially Hector (Colossus is a one-shot on even the strongest units). Fomortiis is straight up impossible, as far as I can tell. He's hard to hit, nearly unavoidable, immune to anything that would boost damage, and if he doesn't one-shot a unit at first, he will by the time he gets down to lower health. And Slayer/Sacred Twins don't seem to be very effective on him. My off-the-cuff suggestion is to at least cut his avoid and maybe cut his attack down some. With the high hit and poison, he's still a high-risk hit without several Restores or Latona, and it becomes more of a slugfest to hit him hard and repeatedly while he gets stronger.

Edited by Marlowe
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  • 4 weeks later...
On 1/10/2021 at 12:48 AM, Marlowe said:

Extinction messes with any animations afterwards, including blocking out the EXP bar and stat numbers on the level-up screen. Doesn't affect actually getting exp or levels. Seems to mess with the hit animations, as well.

Ok, I was planing on replacing that spell with a new animation anyway.

On 1/10/2021 at 12:48 AM, Marlowe said:

This might not be on you, but some of the new tome animations are kinda janky, especially Elwind and Tempest misses.

You're right, I didn't make those animations. Community-made stuff tends to vary in quality. Tempest will have a new animation though.

On 1/10/2021 at 12:48 AM, Marlowe said:

Wind Sword has almost no sound, though maybe this is intentional

Never realized that. It should be using the same sounds of Excalibur. Will check it later.

On 1/10/2021 at 12:48 AM, Marlowe said:

Eggs on Neleras Peak act weird, both in the maingame chapter and in postgame. They seem to have some kind of regen, but don't gain much; it's very different from what's in the vanilla game.

I think the skill system is messing them up. I have no idea what's wrong, so if the newer version of the SS doesn't fix this, I'm gonna have to remove those eggs from the game.

On 1/10/2021 at 12:48 AM, Marlowe said:

Final chapter starts glitching with map sprites when there are too many enemies. This also happens near the bottom of the unit list after you get enough characters (I started noticing it after I unlocked Riev, after getting all but one of the Valni bonus characters)

Do you mean the final chapter of the campaign? The one you fight Fomortiis? Or the final floor of the ruins?

On 1/10/2021 at 12:48 AM, Marlowe said:

Flame Lance animations are weird, especially on crits. Crit animation will actually start draining HP before the fireball "hits". Game runs normally after that, though. Speaking of, is there a place to get more of the magic weapons besides Runeswords and Light Brands?

Will check it out too. There are gonna be new magic weapons in the final version, and I'm gonna make it easier to obtain them.

On 1/10/2021 at 12:48 AM, Marlowe said:

Corona has no proc indicator aside from doing more damage.

Yeah, SS issue. Pretty sure it's fixed in the latest version though.

On 1/10/2021 at 12:48 AM, Marlowe said:

One suggestion: If you manage to fix the Melkaen Coast glitch, might you consider putting some better rewards in those encounters? Right now it's not really very alluring compared to Ruins, especially since Ruins chests are mostly guaranteed.

What glitch are you talking about? I don't remember anyone reporting this for the current version.

On 1/10/2021 at 12:48 AM, Marlowe said:

EDIT: Also, don't know if this is intentional, but I figure you should know that in Lagdou 5, Lloyd handicaps himself immensely by poisoning himself on the first turn. Whether it's intentional or not, you should know it is very funny and makes a difficult boss much easier.

Dumbass AI :/ . Will have to make him stationary...

On 1/10/2021 at 12:48 AM, Marlowe said:

2nd EDIT: I am reminded now that I feel the dragons in Lagdou 8 are kind of overpowered, chiefly the "Dragonskin" rendering all ranged attacks useless. This basically obviates all of the FE6 tomes that the player would have, especially Aureola, and bows, especially Mulagir. I've had to use a combination of dragon-effective melee weapons and Counter-cheesing before. Just something to think about. You might be able to limit the immunity to siege tomes, which would keep them from getting hit by a lucky Eclipse. Or having more of the FE6 Legendary weapons available earlier (as I can only find Maltet, Aureola, and Mulagir by Floor 7; Floor 4 appears to be similar to vanilla in terms of reward, which seems weird when you can get Maltet on the previous floor). But it is your hack, in the end

I'm planning on modifying some enemies in the ruins, dragons included.

On 1/10/2021 at 12:48 AM, Marlowe said:

3rd EDIT: I'm going to append some constructive criticism about Floor 10 of Lagdou. I don't want to say it sucks, but there are some serious issues with balance here. Everything up to this point felt mostly fair, but some things here just...didn't. The dragons being able to deal fixed 48 damage and petrify is awful. The FE7 Lords to the south are essentially luck-based fights, especially Hector (Colossus is a one-shot on even the strongest units). Fomortiis is straight up impossible, as far as I can tell. He's hard to hit, nearly unavoidable, immune to anything that would boost damage, and if he doesn't one-shot a unit at first, he will by the time he gets down to lower health. And Slayer/Sacred Twins don't seem to be very effective on him. My off-the-cuff suggestion is to at least cut his avoid and maybe cut his attack down some. With the high hit and poison, he's still a high-risk hit without several Restores or Latona, and it becomes more of a slugfest to hit him hard and repeatedly while he gets stronger.

Well, floor 10 is meant to be difficult, since it's the very last challenge of the hack. Funny thing is, I already nerfed Fomortiis twice. Will try shifting skills and/or modifying stats.


I know I usually take a long time to respond, but the feedback is greatly appreciated.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 2/6/2021 at 8:30 PM, bløød said:

Do you mean the final chapter of the campaign? The one you fight Fomortiis? Or the final floor of the ruins?

I dunno why I said final chapter; I actually meant the penultimate one (Darkling Woods outside). Maybe the final part of the campaign was glitching, too. Ruins doesn't have this glitch; final floor certainly doesn't have enough enemies for that to be an issue.

On 2/6/2021 at 8:30 PM, bløød said:

Dumbass AI 😕 . Will have to make him stationary...

That'd probably be fine. To be honest the poison kind of balanced out his movement, so taking out will probably make him about as challenging in a different way. Giving him a ranged attack like a Fell Sword might help, or it might be too much.

On 2/6/2021 at 8:30 PM, bløød said:

I'm planning on modifying some enemies in the ruins, dragons included.

Okay! Again, I think the only part of dragon difficulty that felt unfair was the total immunity to ranged attacks, which rendered a good portion of the available Divine Weapons useless. Take that out and I think you've still got some very challenging bosses in the dragons.

On 2/6/2021 at 8:30 PM, bløød said:

Well, floor 10 is meant to be difficult, since it's the very last challenge of the hack. Funny thing is, I already nerfed Fomortiis twice. Will try shifting skills and/or modifying stats.


I get that, and most of the floor is hard in a reasonable—Roy and Lilina are perfect, maybe a touch too easy, and while the FE7 trio are a bit luck-based, some of that may come from having to fight them simultaneously with the two dragons. Again, I think the heavy damage AND petrification is a touch too much, because it then requires two healers, two turns, or Latona. And Fomortiis...I dunno what about him, but I'm willing to see what you have in mind.

On 2/6/2021 at 8:30 PM, bløød said:

What glitch are you talking about? I don't remember anyone reporting this for the current version.

The stat-reduction glitch? I saw it reported earlier. It's conceivable I'm a version behind; I also haven't played the hack in a hot minute thanks to work. Looking forward to what you have in store!

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  • 1 month later...

I just want to say that I beat the game, and am currently in creature campaign. I have only one criticism and plenty of praise, the EXP gain in creature campaign is pitiful but that just might be because I am in the tower of valni, other than that I want to praise you on the changes to the fomortiis fight, instead of it being just a rush to the boss and slapping it with Ephraim, I had to plan, it took an incredible amount of planning (save state abuse) but it never felt unfair, I always felt that if I made the right plan and moved my characters into the right place, it could go my way. this rom hack, is amazing and i cannot recommend it enough to fans of sacred stones. (it was also my first game)

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  • 1 month later...

Hey, guest here just making a drive-by - loving this hack. It's exactly what I've always wanted from an FE8 hack... so I cannot thank you enough for making this and sharing it!!

If you're still looking for feedback and bug reports, I've got one: Gilliam just gained Rally Spectrum through what I can only assume is a random cascade of coincidences and arcane code shenanigans.

I'm playing on mGBA 0.9.1 - Vanessa just stopped on this space and used a vulnerary. This healed her as expected, but then a skill acquisition popup showed, indicating someone had just learned Rally Spectrum. Turns out it was Gilliam, who at the time he learned it hadn't yet used his turn. I then proceeded to use Gilliam's Rally action...



Our boy is looking a little chonky!!

Anyway, thanks again for all your work. Really looking forward to a final version.

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Perhaps it's just me being in the more 'modern' age of Fire Emblem (Path of Radiance, Radiant Dawn, Awakening, Fates, Echoes, etc.), but I personally feel like the 'ultimate weapons' (which I'm assuming would be the Divine Seven, or eight if sword of sealing is included, and nine if Eckesachs, the diving weapon Zephiel wields, is also included, and ten if you include Erishkigal) should actually be unlimited use. 

I also don't know if it's within the game code availability, as well, but if they are unlimited use, they should also only be obtainable if you do not have one (EX: Don't have Maltet?  You can acquire it.  Have it?  It cannot be obtained again until you somehow lose it.  Had Aureola, but your unit that had it kicked the bucket?  Guess what - you can reacquire it!) 

The exception to this is, obviously, Staves.  Pretty sure the only legendary healing staff from Elibe did the same exact thing as Latona, but it'd probably be busted if you could use that every turn...  perhaps if it was reduced to the healing power and range of a Fortify, and had the status cure, it could be feasibly less broken.  Of course, I don't even know if there WAS a staff, because never played FE6 - I could check the site's data for the game, but feel like that'd be too much spoilers in case I do decide to someday play it lol

Still, so far I'm enjoying it.  Kinda don't like the poison increasing in potency as you progress through the game (Didn't raise up Gilliam too much during the 1st part's chapters, and he got poisoned when I decided to train in the Tower of Valni's first floor right after unlocking it, and was left on 8 HP when my turn came around.  Poison damage killed him.)  Also, if you do decide to keep the ramping poison, reduce the amount of units with poison weapons - went into chapter 9 (Ephraim Side), and there was at least 2 - 4 units that had poisoned weapons - I clearly remember a Poisoned Sword on a Cavalier and a Poisoned Lance on a Soldier.  Pretty sure there were others, but I (by mere chance needing a Lightning tome for Natasha) went into the Armory at the preparations screen, and when I saw them, stocked up on Light Brands, so they were pretty negligible due to my sword wielders.  I just really hope I don't see something like a Valaura... that'll probably annoy me lol

EDIT: I also forgot to mention that I personally dislike the "I don't attack targets I can't hit" mechanic, as luring is a method often best used to help your team survive most outcomes, and I don't exactly know the mechanics of it vs. the Provoke skill (if a tank like Gilliam has it, and the creatures would deal 0 damage to him, would they still attack him?)

Edited by Zolias
Added something I forgot to mention
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  • 2 months later...

This is really good, first SS hack I've played that isn't like a completely redone game, which i didn't like as much as this. Just played up to chapter 11 iron man, some feedback:

Overall the difficulty has been fantastic, first FE hack I've played that feels difficult in a good way.

So I'm not sure exactly how much tower of Valni use is assumed by you/the original game, but I held my own pretty well and got myself out of some pretty sticky situations up to chapter 11, in which I was completely wiped, like we stood no chance whatsoever and retrying without being a higher level would be almost impossible i think. I haven't done any tower valni or grinding, so maybe thats it, not many promoted characters.

We crushed Chapter 9 - Fort Rigwald, Chapter 10 - Turning Traitor was very challenging but I made it through with only 1 death and some missed items, but Chap 11 by the time the Deathgoyle boss popped up, it was totally over. 

Thinking of maybe trying again but grinding up to the level of the last recruited non prepromote, maybe exp gain is a bit low still? Lute has been my best character basically cause her ability leaves her decently overlevelled compared to other characters. Thinking out loud a bit here, but basically I don't think chap 11 is that doable without grinding or maybe by only training the pre-promotes up to that point

Changed my mind

Edited by sinnergy
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello. I have a big issue with saving on my  EZ Flash Omega Kernel 1.08 with Sacred Trilogy. Its just didnt save: like  device has not permission to rewrite a save or somthing like that.
 At first i try to different  UPS patchers (Tsukuyoumi and Unipatcher) and different source of FE The Sacred Stones (U) and even (UA). Its change nothin. I even try a different type of saves- work only SRAM 32kb. 
 Then i try to use saves from emulator. They work, but didnt rewrite by flash cartrige, especially suspend sector: its not rewrite, just wipe. 
 Then im trying a on\off RTC(nothing), put roms in separate dirictoryies (nothing) and reformate my SD with SD formatter(didnt help).
 Its really strange because other hacks  even big one like Last Promise and Soul Of Forest. Its works fine on my EZ Flash Omega. anyone have an idea?

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There is a big bug about Gladiator, you can't change the class, for example when you change the sound become horryfing like hell sound, and the game crash.

I hope you correct this for the final version.


Magic needs to change :

Else i think magic need to change about the effective.

For example : Wind could deal 1.5 more damage to flying Unit and can be used in x1 range but in this range she lose half of her power but critical boost + 50 %

Same for Wind, it will be more logic and balanced this way. Also wind could have a better critical bonus like Sleeping Edge but less like + 20 instead of 0.

                         Fire could deal 1.5 more damage to mountaid Unit (Cavalry only) because horse and fire are not really friend, (horse fear fire).

                         Thunder could is very effective against Armor Unit, thunder can be used in x2 and x3, it gains in accuracy a lot when you are in close range, with a high critical hit and damage but lose in damage, accuracy and critical hit when you use in X2 and even more in X3 range. 

Dark Magic for make them more dangerous could have a high critical rate more the magic is powerful, for example flux = 10 in critical hit, Luna  =15 etc...

Eclipse could be 45% with a terrible accuracy.

The magic need to inflict more damage, except the wind magic who need just a better critical hit, fire and thunder need to have a better difference like the weapon damage who are pretty well balanced.

More the  magic is powerful, more she lose in critical hit, like - 5 each level. For example Tempest = + 10 in critical hit.

The high distance magic should be very dangerous, and instead of 5 use it needs to be 20 or 15 at least, more the unit is far away more the damage and critical hit are very high but with a very low accuracy, more you are closer more the accuracy is important with good damage.

Weapons change


Else please make the final weapons 30 in durability, not 20, i think the legendary weapons are to weak, 30 is good, 20 is weak. Please change that if you can.

The magical weapon need to change, for example, wind sword could be effective against flying unit, and fire lance against mountain unit.

Bow damage should be more high like +2. It's a debat after, bow unit are pretty weak.

Bow should have a maximum range at 3, X2 will be only short bow and Close Bow (don't remember the name) and X4 will be the long bow.

Long bow should be more deadly, in 4 range long bow inflict damage like gold weapon, in 3 range like a Silver Weapon and 2 Steel weapon. Or for make it simple,

Long Bow damage = Silver Weapon with a medium accuracy +10% in critical hit.

Great Bow damage = Gold Weapon with a bad accurayc + 20% in critical hit and has a range of 5.

Maybe add more darkness magic, like one critical darkness magic, and one who inflict poison or weaken the enemy stat who inflict less damage, like Curse eye.

What about too an offensive staff, staff is for only support, it will be cool one who allow to attack in x1,x2 and x3 range.

Short weapon has a +10 in critical hit, but with -1 in damage for balance them more.

Shamshir Critical hit should be 45% with less damage -2 for balance it.

Tomahawk range could be x3 but the accuracy will be -10 in accuracy. 


Other ideas

What about a map or a way to access to the Arena in the end game or in a part of the map ?

The Commandants of the Grado Army should use their own weapons, for example, it could be magic weapon and weapon breaker.

It will be more good like that and a way to access to the magic weapon or powerful weapon.

For example Caellach axe will be Tiger Axe, With this weapon you can attack one more time for example, if you can attack 2 times you will attack 3 times.

Valter will use Bloodthirsty spear, a cursed spear who stole the enemy HP each hit.

Riev could use a magic like Apocalypse, like a mix between light and darkness, and this magic ignore the Res.

Selena could use long ranged magic unlimited, and with a better accuracy and damage, the magic name will be something like Zeus wrath, til her name Yellow flash, where you can't avoid always her attack.


Lunatic difficulty or Hard Mode  

I recommand you to make a Lunatic difficulty where, there are waves of enemy each level, more Officers, like 3-5 and a right hand man boss for each level, with more wyvern, pegasus knight, unit with capacity, more strong class, mages etc...

It's very well done for a Normal difficulty but please, after you make another hack or project, make a lunatic difficulty i can help you with that, because i try to make an hack about that and didn't have time, this is why i can send you all my works to make the lunatic difficulty. You can adjust it. But the objectiv is to make it very very hard and possible, like between a good experience and an hard difficulty.

Am an animator after and a game developper so can you tell me how you make a FE hack like that i make a lunatic version and hard mode of your hack, you will be credited of course.


What do you think ?

Edited by judge09
Ideas for FE8
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On 8/19/2021 at 8:11 PM, sinnergy said:

This is really good, first SS hack I've played that isn't like a completely redone game, which i didn't like as much as this. Just played up to chapter 11 iron man, some feedback:

Overall the difficulty has been fantastic, first FE hack I've played that feels difficult in a good way.

So I'm not sure exactly how much tower of Valni use is assumed by you/the original game, but I held my own pretty well and got myself out of some pretty sticky situations up to chapter 11, in which I was completely wiped, like we stood no chance whatsoever and retrying without being a higher level would be almost impossible i think. I haven't done any tower valni or grinding, so maybe thats it, not many promoted characters.

We crushed Chapter 9 - Fort Rigwald, Chapter 10 - Turning Traitor was very challenging but I made it through with only 1 death and some missed items, but Chap 11 by the time the Deathgoyle boss popped up, it was totally over. 

Thinking of maybe trying again but grinding up to the level of the last recruited non prepromote, maybe exp gain is a bit low still? Lute has been my best character basically cause her ability leaves her decently overlevelled compared to other characters. Thinking out loud a bit here, but basically I don't think chap 11 is that doable without grinding or maybe by only training the pre-promotes up to that point

Changed my mind

I finished the hack and revising my thoughts:

First off this was really, really good. Only Fire Emblem hack I've finished and enjoyed all the way through.

I take back what I said about chapter 11, I think the difficulty is fine. Honestly great difficulty all the way through. abilities really add a lot of ways to get out of situations versus just being straight screwed. What I want now is someone to rewrite this and make FE8 into 30 chapters!

Nothing felt cheap or OP. 'Provoke' ability was quite handy though.

Only critique would be that the promotions that gain access to magic or weapons that didn't before, their growths kinda make it a little bit useless. 

Bugs: Eireka's Aether was bugged and would take her HP away instead, had to bench.

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On 9/6/2021 at 5:25 PM, judge09 said:


There is a big bug about Gladiator, you can't change the class, for example when you change the sound become horryfing like hell sound, and the game crash.


Check to be sure the person you're trying to promote has a weapon. If they don't, it causes that problem. I ran into the same thing. Happens to all classes if I remember right, and is because of sprite limits. The extra classes are essentially using up the sprites that would normally be used for unarmed people, so there's no sprite there for the promotion.

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Thank you the author for the great game! I enjoy it the most among the hacks (=^.O=)

FYI, I use cheat codes for all the game I play. I play on Emulator VisualBoyAdvance-M (SVN956)

So the following happens when cheat codes are used

The codes are:

1.All stats up at 5/battle (This does nothing to glitch/bug over the whole game)

2.Infinite action (This does some bugs with ally/foe's sprite)

3.Move bonus (+9MOV) (perhaps this and 2. make a glitch/bug)

4.Change weapon in Arena (This does a little bug/glitch)


These are some bugs based on the code:

+Paladin Franz does not learn Chivalry skill...

+Discipline skill seems not working (Seth Rank A sword uses sword 14 times to get to S rank, Franz should have used 7 times but ..he still needs to use sword 14 times to get to S rank from A rank. The Lancereaver still keeps its figure from the vanilla version, double weapon exp as usual which share the same trait with the skill)

2.Infinite action: I think it creates 2 bugs

 A) The sprite of units on the map get mixed (or overlap like dread fighter and gladiator and summoner sprite on 1 spot) or broken (half sprite of gargoyle or skeleton or doog...)

 B) I think the code 2+3 make this glitch/bug: This happened in Ephraim route, after Tana persuaded Cormag, I controlled Cormag and while moving the cursor to the destination, it moved through a boat accidentally and the game was frozen right at that time. I reset the game by using the emulator hotkeys, the game made a suspended memory at that time and I resumed it. Voila! There are 3 more Lord class units on the map with the portrait of Eirika, Seth and Franz (*) They can use all weapon but rank E and the Eirika dies net to game over...

(*) when I check the memory viewer at the addresses which show skill values: the codes were +1 hex

The original Eirika skill codes were altered. She had 2 more skills (Acrobat)

This situation helped my find out the code of skills but no class skill and initial skill

And I discovered the STEAL SKILLS

I tried to classic way on the vanilla version (memory viewer to 08017070 address, replace 02 to 00) to make the steal skill able to steal weapon (even equipped one) but failed...It seems the steal skill is altered to a different way, isn't it?

At the end, I have to change their portrait/name and class to make those 3 weaklings to useful ones: Bazba (infinite axe user), Darin (Infinite axe user) and Jahn (Firestone Manakete)

4.Change Weapon in Arena (or battle):

Well, it happens in the vanilla version when using a weapon that the class has no animation for it. The units will earn rank E for the weapon that they have never known but in a forced into animated combat, the game will be frozen.

The fun is that anima magic users can use black magic without using Shadowgift skill or Black magicians can use Light magic without using Lumina skill as they can learn them.

However, this only happens in this hack: The sage in arena should wield other tome which is not wind tomes as he cannot counter attack in melee combat (except for bow users and Arbalest/Warrior higher bow rank than lance/axe)

Anyway, the hack is promising as I can see that many skills have not been used.


I look forward to playing an improved version!

Oh, here are some suggestion:

 +As Bazba can use promotion item to promote from Brigand to Berserker and Warrior, could you allow to recruit more unit (as long as the sprite bug because of many units is fixed)

 +The summoned phantom is terrible, can the summoner be able to summon some special characters for a cost of HP or equip something to make it happen? (You saved 1 animation of the phantom for some unique class, eh! Im thinking of war goddess a real valkyrie has slayer skill as the war cleric...the lack of STR and magical weapon makes her not a wise choice or just let Morva be able to use Megido Flare like Draco zombies in the last level of Ruin. Of course he can use it, but I modified Myrrh to his class and used it, the breath animation directed to the right side,, even enemy Morva has weird animation upon using it...He's a boss after all)

 +The skill system is extremely great, but

  1.Bane and Eclipse skill share the same trait, can it be adjusted to Shaman class-Bane and Summoner-Eclipse (like canto auto upgraded to canto+) or Thief-Steal to Rogue-Steal+ (replace Despoil so it will be exclusive to the unique Trickster)?

    A)Talk about exclusive skills, I have some idea:

       +Hero class has Hero skill?

       +Perfectionist and Narcian is a best match, right?

       +Seal skill should be a ...(what is it in English-i'm not a native one) built-in-tech weapon like a Dark magic can absorb HP or the Dark sword (SOL skill in weapon) same as Stance skills?

       +Or you can create new command as you did with Mercy/Gamble/Capture/Steal/Rally/Shove/Smite/Reposition/Swap/Pivot for Wary Fighter/Blood Tide/White pool/Night Tide/Breath of Life so you can save skill slot for other such as defiant skills, stance skills, spur skills, fortress skills, biorhythm skills, Dragon Veins (I don't see this skill when I look up for value code), Devil skills...

  2.Can player be able to choose which skill to be delete when the skill slot is full? (I promoted Natasha to war cleric and leveled her up to 20 but I changed my mind, I wanted her to be a Valkyrie so I used Memory Viewer to modify her class back to cleric class and promoted her to Valkyrie, the game did have function to let me choose which skill to be replaced just like in pokemon games. So Lute can get some interesting skills (LV1) from the Dread Fighter class as in the spreadsheet)

Fire Emblem - The Sacred Stones (TrioGBA).png

Edited by witfox
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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh, wow. I just returned from a hiatus and I'm pleased to see people are still interested in this project. It's currently 1:30 AM in my city right now, so I'll be answering everyone tomorrow. 

Let it be known that I'm almost done with the final planned version of this hack (currently in closed beta testing), and it fixes MANY bugs that people have been reporting. It will also add new fun features and overhauls a lot of classes and animations. I hope y'all enjoy it.

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