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Final Descision: Cat VS Dog


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So I'm doing this laguz playthrough, so I've been raising them both. Finally I get to the last DB chapter of Part 3, and the last battle, Ranulf attacks Volug.

Volug is Level 36 has 34 HP, Resolve and wrath.

Ranulf is Level 32 has 65 HP, Rend, Quickclaw and Daunt

Ranulf attacks and does 19 damage.

Volug activates Resolve and Wrath, and does about 27 damage to Ranulf,

Then Volug attacks and pulls off a critical.

So in the end, Dogs>Cats.

(Not really, but it was an awesome battle.)

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I like lions and tigers! Cats, however, good luck out there, kitties. Lyre should of just been the Laguz Army mascot/entertainer or something. Ranulf was pretty much comic relief, although his stats are perfectly passable.

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I actually rather like cats, because they can dodge a lot of things that people throw at them. Ranulf winds up being the only good cat, though, because Lyre and Lethe both turn out to be garbage units after a while... :(

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Actually, I've found that besides the limitations of being a laguz, the cats are actually really good.

They're like the swordmasters of Laguz.

If given the choice, I'd chose Lethe, Lyre or Ranulf over Sothe in a heartbeat.

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Well, we're saying "Lions" like there's a whole bunch of them. The only single solitary Lion you can use for more than the 5 final chapters is Skrimir. The only other lion is Giffca, and while he does RAEP, I dislike Bastian, Volke, Renning, Stefan and Caineghis for being next to impossible to get a support up in time to matter.

Caineghis is a lion KING, so he follows his own set of rules anyway. (Hakuna Matata.)

As for wolf (one, single solitary wolf), Volug is pretty good.

I still say Cats are made out of unmittigated failure. Their gauges fall so f***ing fast that they are worthless even with good stats. At least every other single possible laguz type doesn't have their gauge drop so fast that they will un-shift in the course of a single enemy turn.

Edited by sandmanccl
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I still say Cats are made out of unmittigated failure. Their gauges fall so f***ing fast that they are worthless even with good stats. At least every other single possible laguz type doesn't have their gauge drop so fast that they will un-shift in the course of a single enemy turn.

I have to disagree with that. Ravens < Cats. While cats have lower transformation time, ravens (except Naesala) can't damage shit and are so fragile that it's not even funny. Nealuchi has laughable playtime, and Vika's playtime is even worse.

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Maybe a fault of individual characters, but not the class as a whole.

Just go ask anyone who's managed to get Nealuchi or Vika ready for end-game. Both of them are pretty amazing if you manage to get them raised up.

It's not like cats are inflicting a whole lot of damage to begin with, btw. Raven cap of strength vs. Cat cap of strength = 4 point difference while transformed and as both will be double-attacking at that point, you're sitting on a "massive" difference of 8 damage in a round. That only bumps up a single point per strike (so a total of 10 per round) if both are at equivalent strike levels.

Trade off is the ability to fly and the ability to stay shifted longer.

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Maybe a fault of individual characters, but not the class as a whole.

Just go ask anyone who's managed to get Nealuchi or Vika ready for end-game. Both of them are pretty amazing if you manage to get them raised up.

I can pretty much say the same thing about the two catgirls.

It's not like cats are inflicting a whole lot of damage to begin with, btw. Raven cap of strength vs. Cat cap of strength = 4 point difference while transformed and as both will be double-attacking at that point, you're sitting on a "massive" difference of 8 damage in a round. That only bumps up a single point per strike (so a total of 10 per round) if both are at equivalent strike levels.

A 4-point cap difference is not as small as you think. That can mean the difference in one-rounding or not one-rounding in certain cases. At least the cats have more availability to get their strike level up, even if their transformation is the shortest.

Trade off is the ability to fly and the ability to stay shifted longer.

You forget that flying = bow/crossbow vulnerability (unless you're a Wyvern unit). Something that Cats don't have.

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Helps the DB

Has good playtime

Earth Affinity


Can't say much about him because I haven't used him YET, but he doesn't seem too bad. I've used Lyre so she's the only one I can go off of for the Cat laguz (yes, I'm sure Ranulf is nothing like Lyre, but it's all I got)

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The catgirls are garbage when raised. Granted, Nealuchi is also, but Vika's pretty damn good.

Unfortunatly, the cats can pull off that extra 10 damage, what, 3 times before untransforming? They won't be soloing any maps, I assure you.

And archers are zomgwtf common? I think not. They're actually rather rare in this game.

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Actually, I've found that besides the limitations of being a laguz, the cats are actually really good.

They're like the swordmasters of Laguz.

If given the choice, I'd chose Lethe, Lyre or Ranulf over Sothe in a heartbeat.

I'll never understand your ultimate hatred of Sothe, but he isn't even a swordmaster.

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The catgirls are garbage when raised. Granted, Nealuchi is also, but Vika's pretty damn good.

Unfortunatly, the cats can pull off that extra 10 damage, what, 3 times before untransforming? They won't be soloing any maps, I assure you.

And archers are zomgwtf common? I think not. They're actually rather rare in this game.

I've found that the catgrils are fine. Other than the fact that they are laguz, they do pretty well for themselves. Even when untransformed they can survive. Valor helps them, as do Olivi grass and Laguz stones, and gems.

I'll never understand your ultimate hatred of Sothe, but he isn't even a swordmaster.

I know he isn't. If he was, I might like him better.

As for why I hate him:

-His low attack.

-His low critical


-Forced Promotion

-Forced into Endgame

All that really sums up to is this: He's the kind of guy that you have to use. He's a mediocre unit, that any other time, I might put up with him. But the fact that he's shoved into your face, and you can't do anything about it, pisses me off. There are a bunch of people I would like to take to the endgame, but I can't because it's limited to 4 people. Sothe is one of those guys who are forced, the others all at least have SOME purpose storyline-wise. The only time Sothe has any lines is after you kill Lekain, of which he could be easily replaced by Ike.

I could deal with Sothe's short commings, if he wasn't forced upon you. The game throws crappy characters at you all the time, but you can choose to use them or not. Sothe however is forced upon you whether you like him or not. And that annoys me. Especially when I have 11 units I want to bring to the endgame.

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Actually Lyle, he just has a low strength cap, not necessarily strength itself (until you get to the end of the game)

Low critical? I guess I never really noticed, but I don't remember him having low critical

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Actually Lyle, he just has a low strength cap, not necessarily strength itself (until you get to the end of the game)

Low critical? I guess I never really noticed, but I don't remember him having low critical

Well I meant STR cap. BUT, the weapons you get aren't very good for him either. They're all just okay. At the endgame he sucks. If he wasn't forced, I'd have no problem with him. None at all.

As for the critical, at the very least, he has it low enough, that Baselard goes to waste on him.

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