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PSA: Rapier+ is OP

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So you have this E rank weapon with 9MT, 5WT and 20 crit, double effectiveness, you get it fairly early (Manuela and Hanneman's paralogue) that repairs for only 5 smithing stones. Meaning it might as well have infinite uses. Just thought I'd point it out for anyone who hasn't been abusing this yet.

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Noticed this the last few days. I didn't notice for a while because I didn't have a sword user (trying to get people into mounted classes).

Finally got Blyleth into his unique class and was didn't have a armor slayer yet so I popped it on him and he started popping enemies left and right with it.

Only thing that stops me from spamming it more is that I love the gauntlet attacks so I tend to use those more but when I absolutely need a horse or armor unit to drop.

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I was one hit shy of killing the thief that had it before he escaped. That map gives you so few deployment slots and a few short turns for Manuela to break out of her corner before the pegasus knights kill her. A little weird that the Rapier returns but has no Lords only requirement.

Edited by Glennstavos
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2 hours ago, Glennstavos said:

I was one hit shy of killing the thief that had it before he escaped. That map gives you so few deployment slots and a few short turns for Manuela to break out of her corner before the pegasus knights kill her. A little weird that the Rapier returns but has no Lords only requirement.

Man, first time I used Byleth's sword's combat art was right there, that Thief was literally one tile from escaping and I had a 60% hitrate. Those moments really make you appreciate Turnwheel tbh, resetting a whole map for that one object/chest/whatever is one of the things I hated in previous games.

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