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har·dy [hrdee]

(comparative har·di·er, superlative har·di·est)


1. robust: sufficiently robust to withstand fatigue, hardship, or adverse physical conditions

2. botany not sensitive to cold: used to describe plants that are able to live outdoors during the winter

a hardy shrub

3. courageous: courageous and daring

[13th century. From French hardi , from hardir “to become bold,” from a prehistoric Germanic word that is also the ancestor of English hard.]

-har·di·ly, adv

-har·di·ness, n

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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I thought you meant hearty...lol...

lol, ok



heart·y [hrtee]

(comparative heart·i·er, superlative heart·i·est)


1. sincere and enthusiastic: sincere and expressed in a cheerful, enthusiastic way

2. loud and enthusiastic: done in an unrestrainedly loud, vigorous, but usually good-humored way

3. healthy: showing physical health, strength, and vigor

4. strongly felt: sincerely and strongly felt

5. substantial and nourishing: substantial, or giving great satisfaction and nourishment

I need a hearty breakfast to get my day started.

6. U.K. overloud and overenthusiastic: annoyingly or boorishly loud or boisterous, and usually overenthusiastic about sports or outdoor activities (informal)

-heart·i·ness, n

Encarta ® World English Dictionary © & (P) 1998-2004 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

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No you don't you liar.

You have a whole FOUR stars!

I hope this doesn't sound like I'm bragging, but I have a five star. I'm pleased with myself!!!... But I don't know how I got it and don't see why someone would rate me that high since I'm not on much.

Nightmare, I never gave you an intro yet! Welcome!

It's a good thing I introduced you so early!!!

EDITALLTHEWAYINTO2011: Weeeeee I was totally bragging guys

And I wish those who quoted me could edit their posts to show my bluuuuueeeeeeeee

Edited by Freohr Datia
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I hope this doesn't sound like I'm bragging, but I have a five star. I'm pleased with myself!!!... But I don't know how I got it and don't see why someone would rate me that high since I'm not on much.

Nightmare, I never gave you an intro yet! Welcome!

It's a good thing I introduced you so early!!!

That was me. :)

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I hope this doesn't sound like I'm bragging, but I have a five star. I'm pleased with myself!!!... But I don't know how I got it and don't see why someone would rate me that high since I'm not on much.

Nightmare, I never gave you an intro yet! Welcome!

It's a good thing I introduced you so early!!!

The fact that you said that FORCED me to bump you down to 4 stars.

You deserved a three star from me anyways for thinking everyone would be Japanese.

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The fact that you said that FORCED me to bump you down to 4 stars.

You deserved a three star from me anyways for thinking everyone would be Japanese.

lol, ok. I would've expected you to get me lower, though...

I'm just not that bright in thinking people would be japanese...

^ agree

LATELATELATELATEEDIT: Colornessfulstuffs... This makes me wonder why the heck I thought that... yet I'm not too surprised either...

Edited by Freohr Datia
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