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Yes. But the unit himself SUCKS.

In both games.

And in general. He is admitedly a big help in part one. But an EXP hog, even then.

Stealing sucks? Don't forget he's good for Part 3, as well, especially chapter 6.

Oh yeah, you should of made it Blue Wolf of Water if you really wanted things to get all oppositish.

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But he's a thief. Not a pwnsome "I'm going to own everything" unit. If you think about it, he's the greatest thief in the series (not including Assassins).


His job is to help your team, not begin some h4x unit. ^^

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I'm now waiting for E-Fox to be "Green Fox of Grass" and someone else to be "Yellow Fox of Lightning."

as much as i love lightning I hate the collor yellow and im not too fond of foxes.

@Blue fox:...............Idiot.

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