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I wasn't bringing God into it.

Merely stating that the situation is no different.

No proof on either side, with neither side willing to argue with their heads out of their ass because neither side has nothing. Ultimately creating an underlying tension.

How is something being impossible to prove irrelevant?
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How is something being impossible to prove irrelevant?

Because we aren't discussing what's impossible to prove. We're focusing on what IS possible to prove, and there are things. However, you are all focusing on one simplistic moral theory which is flawed in so many ways it's not funny. I'll prove it when I get home later and have the time.

Edited by Crystal Shards
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Because we aren't discussing what's impossible to prove. We're focusing on what IS possible to prove, and there are things. However, you are all focusing on one simplistic moral theory which is flawed in so many ways it's not funny. I'll prove it when I get home later and have the time.

To be fair, we're discussing nothing. It's your opinion, amirite?

I personally don't see the point in caring whether or not exists, which makes me the perfect irrational person to argue devils advocate.

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*sigh* No it's not my fucking opinion. There are several theories of moral relativity. The point isn't whether God exists or not. Period. How that came up I don't even know but it's a moot point and whoever decides to bring it up again is seriously an idiot. The discussion is on whether evil exists, what is evil, etc. It's not an "opinion"--people smarter than you have actually thought this shit out and laid it in out in logical progression.

Edited by Crystal Shards
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Good and evil, for the last time, are opinion. You do not dictate what is what for the universe, sorry to break it to you.
There is the fact that it is subjectively opinionated, and that people try to argue with that.
*sigh* No it's not my fucking opinion. There are several theories of moral relativity. The point isn't whether God exists or not. Period. How that came up I don't even know but it's a moot point and whoever decides to bring it up again is seriously an idiot. The discussion is on whether evil exists, what is evil, etc. It's not an "opinion"--people smarter than you have actually thought this shit out and laid it in out in logical progression.

So it's someone else opinion and you're their. . . tool?

You clearly missed my point when I brought up God. It's the same situation. If you can prove that God doesn't exist, than you can prove the same of this moral construct.

We'll ignore when I said good and evil are moral constructs for the sake of arguments.

I felt your insult to my intelligence was petty and pretentious. These qualities are truly the bane of evil showing within you.

Prove me wrong, sweetheart.

Edited by bunny
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I am no one's tool. I, however, am capable of understanding that there are different theories out there and would be willing t o discuss them when I'm not actually at work.

I didn't miss your point; I find it irrelevant. Yay for repeating myself over and over again.

I don't care what you feel about my posts.

And don't call me sweetheart. I'm not your girlfriend.

Edited by Crystal Shards
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For what it's worth, relevance is subjective to who is judging it's relevance. Your example was poor because you assume that just because everyone will agree it's irrelevant doesn't make relevance subjective.

Furthermore, prove the point wrong.

Oh shit. We've been there, done that. You feel it goes one way I feel it's another way. The difference is that only one person can be right in this situation. It's not as simple as saying that something that can or can't be proved isn't real and feeling you're a bigger person for 'knowing' it's right.

I posted in the topic to see how people felt on the situation. It's been revealing.

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Don't mean to be off-topic, but are you really 8 years old?

No, it's a long running joke between myself and two of my closer friends. Online friends, but friends just the same. I will be 20 in April. I wouldn't really worry about being off topic here now, this is a sad excuse for a debate fit for FFtF.

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Just so's you guys know, absence of evidence kind of is evidence of absence. If you cannot provide any evidence or reason for the existence of something then you have absolutely no reason to consider it. Otherwise, I better kill all of you because I think that might be what the invisible purple dragon living in my loft thinks. Hey, it's a perfectly reasonable viewpoint guys, you can't prove me wrong! NYAHNYAHNYAHNYAH!

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Just so's you guys know, absence of evidence kind of is evidence of absence. If you cannot provide any evidence or reason for the existence of something then you have absolutely no reason to consider it. Otherwise, I better kill all of you because I think that might be what the invisible purple dragon living in my loft thinks. Hey, it's a perfectly reasonable viewpoint guys, you can't prove me wrong! NYAHNYAHNYAHNYAH!
That was the best post in this entire topic.
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All the same, I was arguing in circles to effectively end the topic; to prove the point that there is no point.

When all was said and done, we'd end up at the conclusion that it's a matter of opinion and more than one serious post in this topic was stupid.


You ended the topic by making an incorrect statement resulting in over a page of fairly useless bickering?

You're doing a wonderful job. :D

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I think this topic has outlived its worth, so I'm going to put it out of its misery. I probably should have done this earlier.

Any questions or comments can be PM'd.

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