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Earlier this morning...

Freohr Datia

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As in... almost 2 a.m. XD

First of all, by around 11 p.m. it was snowing... a lot! The ground didn't get buriedn deep or anything but it was more than I would have expected. It was all windy and there were thick clouds.

Then close to 2, when I was getting ready to go to bed, I saw that our curtains downstairs were wide open in the living room and I went over to close them... then... it happened!

lol it wasn't anything too big though... well noone else would find this so special probably, but this... idk what it did, but... I guess I felt rejoiced or something!

It was no longer snowing and the sky had no clouds... It was the best thing I saw in my life =o

The night sky was the clearest I'd ever seen it in my life! The sky was filled with sparkling stars that shone very brightly and seemed like crystals! It amazed me that they could look so beautiful! But that wasn't the best part!

The moon outshone EVERYTHING!!! It was like a large crystal ball (though only part of it lit up from the sun) and it was so bright!

Put those together and it was the best sight I'd seen in my life! I'd never seen everything so clear before!

But, seeing something like that right after the sky had been completely covered by clouds was amazing! I wouldn't have believed it could do that so soon after it ended.

The night sky at night (duh XD) was one of the reasons why I wish to grow to be an astronomer because studying them more would make me so happy! But... after that... my wish to become that is so much stronger now! =)

... now just recently I've been thinking of how being in a band could get in the way of all that D=

I really wish I could've gotten a picture at that time! That was the best thing I ever lived through!

One thing about that moment I might add... I am kinda upset that there hadn't been enough snow to brighten the moment even more =( You could still see the ground after it quit snowing.

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I'd love to have been there :o

I took some beautiful pictures (I can take pictures like a professional) last winter (can't wait to look at the snow!!!!), and I guess I'll start trying to find them. I'll post them if I find them!

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