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Fire Emblem: Oracle of Veles Feedback

Sir Gerwald of Vallora

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I realized that some people may be self conscious about leaving their feedback on the main topic, so I thought I'd put one here. Here's a quick excerpt from the main topic.

On 12/17/2019 at 11:05 AM, Sir Wolfram of Vallora said:

This is a passion project of mine that I have been working on for the past three months or so. It is less of a fanfic, as it is not in a story format, and instead arranged to replicate the chapter, and support scripts found at the back of the Awakening Art Book and various other places. 

The Story can be found here, and will be updated periodically.

Fire Emblem: The Oracle of Veles

A few things that should be known before diving in are these. 

1. It is set within the Archanae Universe, as lore wise I felt it was the most rich and is my personal favorite.

2: Words like Veles are taken from either Slavic history and folklore, and/or German history (such as the class Landsknechht.)

3. Due to it's place long, long after the ending of Awakening, I have introduced many more Rennaissance inspired aspects, cheif among those being early firearms. 

4. I, as the author, am a major history buff, specifically centered around medieval to renaissance Europe, so many of the things that may feel less "Fire Emblem" were done to better fit within a historically inspired setting. 

5. Spoilers are written in white text, and can be read vie highlighting them.

Finally, I enjoy all feedback and criticism, so feel free to express you opinions below. And, On top of this, feel free to suggest Supports between characters that are not in the storyline at the moment, as I'm just working with the ones that could be considered "Canon", but I'd love to see your choices. Thank you for reading all the way down, and I hope you enjoy the journey. 

The main topic can be found here, and feel free to reply to it as well.


Edited by Sir Wolfram of Vallora
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