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The Ravages of Time

Magical CC

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The last topic is for this topic. As you know, Romance of Three Kingdoms is the most famous fiction about the war of three kingdoms but, the most famous is not the best. For most ppl, RoTK only tell the story in a general way, nobody know excatly what happen in that battle, how the lord of both sides think and fight against the others.

Now, "the ravages of time", the only manhua( chinese comic book) I read. TRoF is a manhua with story is about the war of three kingdom but in a very different way then RoTK, it bend the way of view of ppl about a lot of things in RoTK with Lu Bu is not only a very strong general but also a very intelligent person with a extremely personal and Diao Chan is


or Zhang Fei is an artist which talent is unmatchable. It's also tell you how the battle go on in a very deep explain (of couse, in the way of the author) in a rather logical way.

I can garanteer this manhua is really a masterpiece. The art itself is good, the plot is very interested. The only thing I cant stand is...the english translation version is not very good (the true is, not good).

So, if you have read Romance of Three Kingdom, try to read this manhua and if you never read RoTK, this manhua is not for you cause even for the already read ppl, it's take you to read again and again to truly understand. You can find this on onemanga.com

Here is some pic.



Edited by Collete
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