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Why you be dying like this, prologue? WHY?!


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I have recently gotten into hacking and am working on a Lyon's route of Sacred Stones. Things were going really well until the game stopped working once I tried to play it no matter what I did. (I would start a new game/restart a chapter, but the game would reset itself and show the intro over and over.) To fix the problem, I downloaded a different ROM and restarted again. Once more everything was going well. The game was loading properly and I was nearly done everything in the chapter. However, every time the chapter starts, it loads the enemies and players like normal, displays the player phase banner like normal then does this:


Is there any reason why it might be doing this? I haven't done much at all; I just changed two character's stats, the scenes following the part with the world map and the map the prologue occurs on.


Edited by Benice
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Have you tried disabling the tutorial altogether? If you go to the advanced options in FE Builder, then go to the "patches" section, you can type "disable tutorial" in the search bar and install the patch that show as a result.

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29 minutes ago, bløød said:

Have you tried disabling the tutorial altogether? If you go to the advanced options in FE Builder, then go to the "patches" section, you can type "disable tutorial" in the search bar and install the patch that show as a result.

Sadly, it made no difference.  Also, the script screen just shows SSSSS S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S S etc.

EDIT:  Nevermind, it worked the second time around! 

Edited by Benice
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10 hours ago, Benice said:

I have recently gotten into hacking and am working on a Lyon's route of Sacred Stones.

10 hours ago, Benice said:


That isn't a glitch, that's just how he sees the world after being possesed by Fomortiis.

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what did you do for this chapter ? Do delete everything in the prologue and start with an empty chapter ?

Most of the bug I have, it's when for exemple, in the vanilla chapter in a event there something like "character x move to coordinates X Y", but the character doesn't exist anymore. Or Move unit located at X Y to X' Y'.

I already have this glitch vision, and it always implie in my short xp, that the game try to access at something that don't exist.

edit : if it's the prologue, it could be the event "All the  ennemy except the boss is dead -> trigger the event where Seth say << now, I go murder the boss, yosh>>". There no seth anymore, so he can't say that, and when you murder all the ennemy, this event is trigger, so that generates this bug

Edited by Zuda
thought about what coulb be the problem
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