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Yune Randomizer: A Universal Fire Emblem Randomizer


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7 hours ago, zigludo_ssb said:

When playing with randomized classes, it seems that one often ends up without any characters able to use the Prf weapons. (Unless maybe I'm doing something wrong?) For instance, if Eliwood and Lyn randomize into classes that can't use swords, and Hector randomizes into a class that can't use axes, then it seems the Mani Katti, Rapier, Wolf Beil, Armads, Durandal and Sol Katti are all useless. I assume this is why there's an option to exclude the Lords from being randomized, but randomizing the Lords *is* fun, so this still seems like a bit of an issue.

My understanding is that the Prf weapons in the GBA titles are tied to class, instead of character, so they can by used by any character that becomes a Lord class, though that may not be a guarantee depending on your options. The option to exclude lords is partially for people that don't want to have to deal with that, but is also to minimize game breakage, since a lot of game scripts directly refer to the lords to do things, not to mention other changes like the menu and the world map. The way the randomizer is written, the lord classes are added to the pool if lords themselves are included, but are excluded if the option is disabled, so there should always be a chance of any character becoming a lord class if lords are randomized. This doesn't guarantee that those weapons aren't useless, but the odds should be in your favor that at least one character can use them (though not necessarily a good character). If you enable the option to assign classes evenly, this should be guaranteed, as it won't give out a duplicate class if a class in the pool hasn't been assigned yet.


On the other hand, when playing with randomized recruitment, the characters that replace the Lords often feel a bit less "Lordly" than their vanilla counterparts since they can't use Prfs either. Randomizing Farina into Eliwood's slot and being given only a 16 use, 14 wt Heavy Spear instead of Eliwood's Rapier feels pretty disappointing. Also, Eliwood and Lyn -- particularly Lyn -- are pretty lackluster to recruit later on since they don't come with their Prfs.

While I do agree, this is mostly up to RNG and can be considered working as expected. And lances, for example, don't really have a Prf type weapon naturally in the game. Maybe in a future release, I could have an option that creates custom weapons for the actual lords based on their weapon type with a similar (or random) special effect. It'd be a neat idea.


Worst of all, randomizing Hector can seriously mess with Ch. 11, Another Journey, the first chapter of Hector mode, which was obviously designed to be beaten with liberal use of the Wolf Beil. The resulting difficulty can range from "harder than normal" to "nearly impossible to beat" to just plain old "impossible to beat." (This is part of the reason why I've played Eliwood mode 3 times instead of Hector's. The other reason is the status staff spam on Cog of Destiny....)

Hector Chapter 11, I know is notorious for being easy to softlock on since you only have two characters to rely on. I have some ideas for addressing this particular issue at least with the boss Wire (though maybe the minions may be in need of some nerfing too (or the Hector replacement in need of some minor buffing)), but I think the further along in the game you get, the less likely this is to happen unless you're intentionally trying to softlock. I'd imagine with the amount of units you get before things start to seriously ramp up, you should have at least a few gems in there that can carry you. It's definitely on the roadmap for the next release as something I want to tackle after seeing a few other runs come close if not immediately hitting a brick wall with Wire.


The first option, "Modify Prfs to fit character", would check the class and weapon ranks of the character who wields each Prf, and then modify the Prf to fit. So if Eliwood randomizes into a Fighter, then the Rapier becomes an Axe with 5 wt, 7 mt, 95 hit, 10 crit, 40 uses and effectiveness against armors/cav -- basically just the Rapier, but as an Axe. And the Durandal changes accordingly, as well. If Eliwood became a Mage they could turn into Anima magic, if he became a Cleric they could become Light tomes, and so on. Furthermore, it could insert the Prfs into the characters' inventories regardless of their join time, so that, for example, if Lyn joins in Bartre's place, she still comes with the Mani Katti instead of a crummy Slim Sword.

The second option, "Modify Prfs to fit slot", would check to see which characters are in Lyn, Eliwood, and Hector's slots, and then modify the Prfs accordingly, while also modifying the characters in those slots so that they could wield them. For instance, if Hector gets replaced by Karel, then the Wolf Beil becomes a sword, and Karel gains the tag to wield the Wolf Beil while Hector loses it. If Eliwood is replaced by Erk then the Rapier becomes an anima tome, and so on.

This is an interesting idea. I don't necessarily want to get rid of the original weapons, but it wouldn't be too difficult to create an axe with identical specs to the rapier. Might even be able to get some custom icons for those too. Obviously it wouldn't get to the point of getting fancy animations for Durandal and the like on an axe, but at least the axe would look neat. Like I said, the weapons are locked to the classes and not necessarily the character, so any character that becomes, say, an Eliwood Lord would be able to use Rapiers and the Durandal. With that being the case, I don't necessarily want to get rid of Rapiers, but I'm ok with creating a custom weapon for the actual lords if they're not of the normal Lord classes. Like if a Pegasus Knight were to fill a lord slot, I'd insert a Wing Spear or something into the game and give it to him/her. Maybe an option to make sure lords get their Prf weapons to start instead of a completely random weapon would be a good idea too. It'd also solve the Hector Ch. 11 issue if the Hector replacement always started with a special weapon instead of a random weapon.


P.S. Any plans to add the "Similar Replacements" feature for randomized rewards from FE9 to GBA FE?

P.P.S. Any plans to add patches for triple damage effective weapons for FE7 and FE9? I feel like 3x effectiveness is so much more fun than 2x.

P.P.P.S. Out of curiosity, what made you go to the trouble of creating the cross-gender assignments option?

P.P.P.P.S. Do you have a Patreon or a Ko-fi? 😄

I plan on backporting some of the FE9 options into GBAFE where feasible. Similar replacements was an idea I had for FE9 after testing out a few runs of the first chapter, since it has two houses with items that could potentially be either completely useless or completely gamebreaking.

Bonus damage in FE7 is definitely doable and something I'd consider adding (along with some other fun or interesting mechanics changes for all of the GBAFE titles), but while I would love to make this change to FE9, I have yet to figure out where any of the game logic is and how to change it safely yet, so that might be a long ways down the road.

As for the cross-gender assignment option, for recruitment it was mostly because I had added logic to replace names in the script to match the character, but I didn't have a good way of changing pronouns properly, since it wasn't always clear who a character was referring to in the dialogue, so if referring to, say, Serra replacing Hector as a "he" bothered people, there would be an option to make sure only those of the same gender could replace him, so that pronouns continued to match. I actually had this for classes at one point, but for some games like FE7, that really limits class selection for female characters due to the surprisingly small pool of unpromoted female classes that could attack (basically just Lyn Lord, Archer, Mage, and Pegasus Knight). FE6 and FE8 fare much better in this regard.

As for donations, I wasn't planning on having any kind of donations or anything at least until I get to v1.0, since it didn't feel right to ask for it before I had something that I considered complete enough for an initial proper release. Right now, I mostly work on this in my spare time and at my own pace, and I was concerned that having people give money for working on it would set expectations that may be out of my reach. So I've held off for now. Once v1.0 is ready and I can confidently say that the supported games can be randomized and beaten reasonably most if not all the time, then I'll consider it.

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1 minute ago, lushen124 said:

My understanding is that the Prf weapons in the GBA titles are tied to class, instead of character, so they can by used by any character that becomes a Lord class, though that may not be a guarantee depending on your options.

I'm certainly no expert at all, but I seem to recall that prfs can actually be set to individual units as well as classes-I think that a prf is locked to certain classes by turning on a flag, (I.E, Eirika lock for the rapier, Ephraim lock for the Reginleif, etc.) which grants them access to that weapon-The wo dao/Shamshir works the same way, I believe, so Eirika has both the Myrmidon/Swordmaster weapon lock and Eirika lock flags on.

Anyways, pretty sure the same flag(s) can be turned on for units as well as classes. It's been a bit since I tried my hand at hacking, though, so I may well be mistaken.

11 minutes ago, lushen124 said:

Maybe in a future release, I could have an option that creates custom weapons for the actual lords based on their weapon type with a similar (or random) special effect. It'd be a neat idea.

That's a really good idea! Building off of that, in terms of solving the problem with Hector mode's first map, maybe you could also have Wire not randomize and give the player an armor-effective weapon?

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11 hours ago, lushen124 said:

Oh, that's interesting. I assumed that she'd use the weapon if she had at least one weapon in her inventory. Was she forced to her first weapon? I can make a fix for this for future releases. Meanwhile, if you want to fix it yourself, you can go into Nightmare and FE6's army editor and open that chapter and reorder her starting inventory in the chapter.

That worked, all set now.  Thank you for the suggestion!

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17 hours ago, lushen124 said:

I would love to do this, and yeah, v1.0 was intended to be when I get Radiant Dawn randomized. That said, I haven't even started on Radiant Dawn yet, so that probably won't be for a while, especially considering Radiant Dawn has to go through decryption for the ISO before I can even process it. Thankfully the systems and data structures are fairly similar, so in theory, at least, the randomization piece should be easy.

glad to hear. keep up the good work!

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9 hours ago, Benice said:

I'm certainly no expert at all, but I seem to recall that prfs can actually be set to individual units as well as classes-I think that a prf is locked to certain classes by turning on a flag, (I.E, Eirika lock for the rapier, Ephraim lock for the Reginleif, etc.) which grants them access to that weapon-The wo dao/Shamshir works the same way, I believe, so Eirika has both the Myrmidon/Swordmaster weapon lock and Eirika lock flags on.

Anyways, pretty sure the same flag(s) can be turned on for units as well as classes. It's been a bit since I tried my hand at hacking, though, so I may well be mistaken.

You are correct. This is a flag that can be moved from the class to the character if we want to lock it specifically to a single character, but by default, the vanilla game locks it to class instead, and the randomizer does not change this. Since the lords are unique classes, this isn't a problem in vanilla and there's no difference whether the class has it or the character has it. But obviously, when you start giving out these classes freely in a randomized setting and multiple characters can be lords, then there is a difference. I opted for it to be less restrictive and anybody that becomes the lord classes can use the lord weapons. You can make an argument for the opposite, and if I do go down the custom weapons path, that'll likely be what I do, since those classes are not unique classes to begin with, so they would be tied to characters specifically. But that's also why I don't want to necessarily remove Rapier, Wolf Beil, or Mani Katti (or Reginleif).

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On 9/19/2020 at 10:39 AM, lushen124 said:

But obviously, when you start giving out these classes freely in a randomized setting and multiple characters can be lords, then there is a difference. I opted for it to be less restrictive and anybody that becomes the lord classes can use the lord weapons. You

Hm, that's true. Maybe there could be an option to keep prfs as prfs, or to make them free for anyone with the required weapon type?

Edited by Benice
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(In the interest of saving space, I won't quote, but this is in reply to Lushen)

If the Prfs are tied to class rather than character, then perhaps the randomizer could clone existing classes to create new classes for the characters in those slots?

For example, if Erk replaces Eliwood, then the randomizer could create a new "Slot1" and "Slot1Promoted" class just for Erk, which would appear identical, in-game, to Mage and Sage, but which would be tagged for the "Rapier" and "Durandal" anima magic. That way, Erk could use the Prf anima magic but no other Mages would be able to. Doable? It would require adding 6 new classes to the ROM every time for FE7, 4 new classes for FE8 and 2 for FE6. Is there space for that?

There's another upside here -- you could connect those cloned classes to Lord promotion items/events. This way, a randomized Roy in a different class (or a Roy replacement character) wouldn't promote until Ch. 21, Eliwood wouldn't promote until after Cog of Destiny, Hector and Lyn would still be able to use the Heaven Seals (which are currently unusable if they're randomized), and the weird janky broken behavior with Eirika and Ephraim's promotion might be fixable.

Thanks for replying to the post. I'd definitely be interested in a Patreon/ something similar if that were to materialize in the future. I feel almost like I'm getting new FE games without paying for them, here.

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On 9/19/2020 at 12:45 PM, zigludo_ssb said:

(In the interest of saving space, I won't quote, but this is in reply to Lushen)

If the Prfs are tied to class rather than character, then perhaps the randomizer could clone existing classes to create new classes for the characters in those slots?

For example, if Erk replaces Eliwood, then the randomizer could create a new "Slot1" and "Slot1Promoted" class just for Erk, which would appear identical, in-game, to Mage and Sage, but which would be tagged for the "Rapier" and "Durandal" anima magic. That way, Erk could use the Prf anima magic but no other Mages would be able to. Doable? It would require adding 6 new classes to the ROM every time for FE7, 4 new classes for FE8 and 2 for FE6. Is there space for that?

There's another upside here -- you could connect those cloned classes to Lord promotion items/events. This way, a randomized Roy in a different class (or a Roy replacement character) wouldn't promote until Ch. 21, Eliwood wouldn't promote until after Cog of Destiny, Hector and Lyn would still be able to use the Heaven Seals (which are currently unusable if they're randomized), and the weird janky broken behavior with Eirika and Ephraim's promotion might be fixable.

Thanks for replying to the post. I'd definitely be interested in a Patreon/ something similar if that were to materialize in the future. I feel almost like I'm getting new FE games without paying for them, here.

There probably is space for it, but the bigger benefit is definitely the second point you mentioned: the ability to lock lords from promoting regardless of their class until the appropriate time, which would take care of the other problem where if you promote early and then the story forces you to promote, it will actually demote you, since promoted classes' promotion is set to the base class again. The first point about locking weapons specifically to lords could be done by, as you suggested, simply setting the weapon lock ability to specific characters, rather than specific classes. This also means I only need the base classes to be unique. They can promote into the generic version of the promoted class. So that's 1 extra class in FE6, 3 extra classes in FE7, and 2 extra classes in FE8. I might even be able to do this without repointing, since there's a lot of slots for classes that are reserved, but not used (like female cavaliers in FE6 and FE7).

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2 hours ago, Stefan.gang said:

I emulate FE9 using Nintendont on my WiiU. Will the randomizer still work if I download it to my WiiU?

Currently there are some issues with running the randomized game on real hardware. I'm looking into this for the next release, but for now, it will most likely crash after the prologue's title card.

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I just gave this a try and wasn't sure if the crashes I saw was a result of a bad patch or misapplying it.

Game is Sacred Stones and I used the following settings. A lot of the characters crash the game if they enter combat with animations on, but I haven't seen any consistency between which characters and classes do so. 


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9 hours ago, Graveless said:

I just gave this a try and wasn't sure if the crashes I saw was a result of a bad patch or misapplying it.

Game is Sacred Stones and I used the following settings. A lot of the characters crash the game if they enter combat with animations on, but I haven't seen any consistency between which characters and classes do so.

I tried replicating your settings with the same seed, and I haven't run into any problems in the first two chapters. Do you know which classes specifically have issues? Or which encounters have issues? (This assumes we actually have the same result, which may not be the case if the Java Random implementation is different. I have Cav. Eirika, Ranger Seth, Recruit Gilliam, and Brigand Franz.) If it's inconsistent with the same encounter, then I'm not sure. What emulator are you using?

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29 minutes ago, lushen124 said:

I tried replicating your settings with the same seed, and I haven't run into any problems in the first two chapters. Do you know which classes specifically have issues? Or which encounters have issues? (This assumes we actually have the same result, which may not be the case if the Java Random implementation is different. I have Cav. Eirika, Ranger Seth, Recruit Gilliam, and Brigand Franz.) If it's inconsistent with the same encounter, then I'm not sure. What emulator are you using?

VisualBoyAdvance-M version 1.8.0

And oops, it wasn't that seed, I reopened my output log

"To think I'd lose a fight not to a man's sword but to a woman's words."

Is the seed: Recruit Eirika, Assassin Seth.

In this run, the character/class combos that don't crash with animations on are: Peg Knight Vanessa, F Myrmidon Gilliam, M Archer Natasha, M Mage Lute, F Archer Forde, Journeyman Kyle, Druid Orson. Everyone else will crash.

Edited by Graveless
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Hmm... That's weird. I can't find VBA-M at version 1.8.0. I do see vanilla VBA 1.8.0, and it seems to work fine there too. Assuming Eirika breaks for you, it seems to work fine for me:


Maybe try a different emulator and see if it still breaks? I personally use mGBA. I will say that it's weird that only some classes do this.

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Here I am to bother you again. Do you have any way to create an option such that Nils/Ninian and Elphin/Lalum won't both join in Reverse Recruitment? Or to somehow limit dancers to 1 per army, in general? Bard trains are fun as a meme, but runs tend to turn into a bit of a clown fiesta as soon as you get your second dancer, unless you just set a personal rule not to use them both. I've been seeing this take place in a certain Path of Radiance randomized Let's Play that I'm currently following, too.

This is a minor complaint, but would it be possible to remove Emblem weapons from the pool of items used for inventory generation, as long as Weapon Assignment is set to "Strict Matching"? Emblem weapons throw off balance ever so slightly due to having 60 durability and no sell price (and no Funds rank contribution). Plus, they just look a bit out of place. On that same note, I've also seen Poison and monster-slaying weapons (like the Bright Bow) show up in Sacred Stones with Strict Matching turned on, which seems like an even larger departure than the Emblem weapons.

A question -- did you implement some kind of logic to prevent the Lord characters from randomizing into classes that can't attack? In all my randomizations, I don't think I've seen it happen a single time.

Finally, I know this is unsolicited, but: just for funsies, I threw together a table of possible name replacements for Prf weapons in FE6, FE7, FE8 and FE9. You mentioned the possibility of adding a Wing Spear for, eg, Pegasus Knights that randomize into the Lord slot, so this might be helpful.

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On 9/25/2020 at 6:26 PM, lushen124 said:

Hmm... That's weird. I can't find VBA-M at version 1.8.0. I do see vanilla VBA 1.8.0, and it seems to work fine there too. Assuming Eirika breaks for you, it seems to work fine for me:

Maybe try a different emulator and see if it still breaks? I personally use mGBA. I will say that it's weird that only some classes do this.

Swapping to vanilla VBA 1.8 fixed it.

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On 9/28/2020 at 4:16 PM, zigludo_ssb said:

Here I am to bother you again. Do you have any way to create an option such that Nils/Ninian and Elphin/Lalum won't both join in Reverse Recruitment? Or to somehow limit dancers to 1 per army, in general? Bard trains are fun as a meme, but runs tend to turn into a bit of a clown fiesta as soon as you get your second dancer, unless you just set a personal rule not to use them both. I've been seeing this take place in a certain Path of Radiance randomized Let's Play that I'm currently following, too.

We could make it an option to limit dancers to one, but I'm not sure if how that would solve a randomized recruitment run without also randomizing classes (outside of not changing when dancers join you). FE9 (and FE4) is actually problematic because dancers in that game can refresh up to 4 units, so with two herons, you have infinite turns. For what it's worth, FE9 (and FE4) does have logic to make sure you don't get multiple herons, but that's a relatively recent fix. I suspect the run you're seeing is using an older version of the randomizer. There was a bug that basically ignored the heron check when assigning classes that has been fixed as of 0.9.2.


This is a minor complaint, but would it be possible to remove Emblem weapons from the pool of items used for inventory generation, as long as Weapon Assignment is set to "Strict Matching"? Emblem weapons throw off balance ever so slightly due to having 60 durability and no sell price (and no Funds rank contribution). Plus, they just look a bit out of place. On that same note, I've also seen Poison and monster-slaying weapons (like the Bright Bow) show up in Sacred Stones with Strict Matching turned on, which seems like an even larger departure than the Emblem weapons.

With strict matching, it should be trying its best to keep you with Iron weapons where possible. Makes me think strict matching is broken a bit, honestly. Loose randomziation will just try to match the rank, and if strict matching fails, loose matching is what it falls back to. If you want an option to just entirely remove them from the pool, we can do that as well, but I think it does cut down on a lot of the variety of weapons that you can get. But as an option, that's fine.


A question -- did you implement some kind of logic to prevent the Lord characters from randomizing into classes that can't attack? In all my randomizations, I don't think I've seen it happen a single time.

This is correct. When I wrote the first version of this randomizer, it only supported FE7, which, obviously, starts you with a solo Lyn. If she can't attack, then the game's over right there, so that was one of the first checks put into place. It's carried over to all other games since then. Since FE7 is also very scripted, a lot of the restrictions also came out of it. Like units that have scripted fight sequences are also required to be able to carry out their part of the script. For example, Rath and Erk both have to attack/counter an enemy, so they both also have to be able to attack (and they both have to be able to do so from range). Since then, I've had a bit more experience messing with scripts, so it's possible to remove some of those restrictions if we're willing to alter the script to avoid these issues, but they're relatively low priority issues.


Finally, I know this is unsolicited, but: just for funsies, I threw together a table of possible name replacements for Prf weapons in FE6, FE7, FE8 and FE9. You mentioned the possibility of adding a Wing Spear for, eg, Pegasus Knights that randomize into the Lord slot, so this might be helpful.

I'm in the process of making a list of weapons for each type right now (specifically making some custom weapon icons), but I figure I'll need a set of names for the starter weapon and a set of names for the final weapons. FE9 is probably not going to be able to do this just yet, because I'm unsure of how to make a new weapon in that game just yet, or where any of the icons are stored. They're also only grouped by weapon types for the time being, since I wanted to get a version where this works first before going ham on the potential weapon pools and having certain weapons for certain classes. If we have a surplus of weapons, we can randomly choose one. I'll probably create the final weapons based off of legendary weapons from other titles. One challenge is that for a game like FE7, I'll need three weapons of each type on the off chance that all three lords use the same weapon type. The other challenge is coming up with names that fit in the limited space the game has to display the name. Any name that is three words long is almost certainly not going to fit.

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Has some great fun trying this for the first time on FE8; Moulder replacing Seth as a Warrior with 20 CON, protecting Princess Amelia was hilarious.

Some hopefully minor requests whilst I'm here:

  • Is it possible, when randomising classes, to have an option for them to respect gender of the character that gets the class? For example; my Amelia ended up as the Male Mage class, Innes was a Priestess (lol), and Gilliam was the Dancer (extra lol). Whilst it gave me a heck of laugh, it would be nice if there was option to make sure they auto-switch if they end up with the wrong gender animation model (where possible, of course, not much you can do about, say, female Warriors and male Pegasus etc.). Since females are already flagged in-engine as far as I can tell, this should be plausible.
  • Also an option to prevent randomising into Super-Rookie stage classes in FE8 (I'd actually forgotten they were a thing until my Forde got to Level 10 Recruit and kept getting XP and I became confused). Never really liked them that much myself!
  • EDIT: One other thing; with palletes, there can be some silliness when the original class has say, a helm or hood, and the randomised class does not. Or if they manage to randomise into the same class. In FE6, I had Sophia become a Bishop and she ended up with Teal hair and her robes were coloured in the purple of her hair, as well as Sue randomising into the exact same Nomad class, but ending up with a weird pallete with a toxic green horse, as some examples. No idea how you could control that though; perhaps looking a portraits or having a known blacklist of offenders with a correct pallette stored somewhere rather than generated on the fly?

Anyways, great stuff! Love it! Thanks alot for creating it!

Edited by eharper256
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Hey I really enjoy the randomiser you made, however I can't get it to work with Path of Radiance

I can complete the prologue, but after the first scene of chapter one, the game freezes. Here is the setup I used https://prnt.sc/urhtgt

Any solutions?

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Echoing what eharper256 said, I'd love it if I was able to only randomize female units to female classes and male units to male classes. I was going to just change this manually, but when I tried to use Nightmare to edit the classes it didn't work. :( 

Similarly, it would be nice if classes that are enemy only (soilder, barbarian, etc.) were not included in the randomization pool. I think both of these features were in the old randomizer so I'm not sure why they are absent from this new one...? I enjoyed the old randomizer a lot and did a few playthroughs with it, so I'd really like to see these features brought to the new one if possible.

Edited by ashely
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Yo, i had my randomized fe9 rom in my flash drive and well it got corrupted because I unplug it too fast lmao. My save files is intact tho

I can still play with my randomized run on normal fe9, but is there a way to randomize once again to get the same like seed or something like that?

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On 9/30/2020 at 5:33 AM, eharper256 said:

Has some great fun trying this for the first time on FE8; Moulder replacing Seth as a Warrior with 20 CON, protecting Princess Amelia was hilarious.

Some hopefully minor requests whilst I'm here:

  • Is it possible, when randomising classes, to have an option for them to respect gender of the character that gets the class? For example; my Amelia ended up as the Male Mage class, Innes was a Priestess (lol), and Gilliam was the Dancer (extra lol). Whilst it gave me a heck of laugh, it would be nice if there was option to make sure they auto-switch if they end up with the wrong gender animation model (where possible, of course, not much you can do about, say, female Warriors and male Pegasus etc.).
  • Also an option to prevent randomising into Super-Rookie stage classes in FE8 (I'd actually forgotten they were a thing until my Forde got to Level 10 Recruit and kept getting XP and I became confused). Never really liked them that much myself!

Anyways, great stuff! Love it! Thanks alot for creating it!

It can certainly be an option. I mentioned earlier that when I wrote this, the initial version was limited to FE7, so a lot of logic came out of that game first. This is one of those because limiting it by gender can be extremely limiting in FE7 for female characters, as the only attacking unpromoted classes they can be are Archer, Lyn Lord, Mage, and Pegasus Knight. Since I was testing on Lyn mode at the time, it meant Lyn's class choices were effectively 1 in 4, one of which is just to not randomize the class. But I'm curious of your implementation. Are you thinking that we just assign the correct gender where possible instead of restricting the class pool for characters? That may not need an option, honestly.

As for the Super Trainee classes, I can probably add an option for that. Do you think it should restrict Tier 1 and Tier 2 super trainees or just Tier 2 ones?

On 10/1/2020 at 1:16 PM, mistaron said:

Hey I really enjoy the randomiser you made, however I can't get it to work with Path of Radiance

I can complete the prologue, but after the first scene of chapter one, the game freezes. Here is the setup I used https://prnt.sc/urhtgt

Any solutions?

That's odd. Without knowing much else, I'd say to check your version of Dolphin, or if you have a changelog, I can see what might be causing the issue. There are still many things I don't know about FE9 and how forgiving it can be with different settings. I know the stable version of Dolphin (5.0) shouldn't have any issues with the randomized game, but developmental versions can have problems (the newest versions will let you ignore for the session if it's not a fatal issue). The only thing I'd make sure of is that MMU is disabled in the Advanced tab (though if this is enabled, then you shouldn't be getting past the prologue anyway (this is something I do want to fix eventually)).

15 hours ago, ashely said:

Echoing what eharper256 said, I'd love it if I was able to only randomize female units to female classes and male units to male classes. I was going to just change this manually, but when I tried to use Nightmare to edit the classes it didn't work. 😞

Similarly, it would be nice if classes that are enemy only (soilder, barbarian, etc.) were not included in the randomization pool. I think both of these features were in the old randomizer so I'm not sure why they are absent from this new one...? I enjoyed the old randomizer a lot and did a few playthroughs with it, so I'd really like to see these features brought to the new one if possible.

We can do that. I actually don't remember the old randomizer having this option, but it would be easy enough to add for each of the GBAFE titles. But just to make sure I understand what you have in mind beyond soldiers and brigands (and FE6 would include brigands for Gonzales), since I can't think of a class that's not included outside of the ones that are already not in the pool.

12 hours ago, Yo_Jojo_255 said:

Yo, i had my randomized fe9 rom in my flash drive and well it got corrupted because I unplug it too fast lmao. My save files is intact tho

I can still play with my randomized run on normal fe9, but is there a way to randomize once again to get the same like seed or something like that?

If you saved a changelog, it has the seed you used in it (under the randomization options). If you copy and paste that seed, you should get the same result assuming you use the same version of the randomizer.

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2 hours ago, lushen124 said:

We can do that. I actually don't remember the old randomizer having this option, but it would be easy enough to add for each of the GBAFE titles. But just to make sure I understand what you have in mind beyond soldiers and brigands (and FE6 would include brigands for Gonzales), since I can't think of a class that's not included outside of the ones that are already not in the pool.

Thanks for the quick reply! In hopes of making it more clear I've elaborated below. For context I am using the randomizer with FE8.
1. Include an option to restrict randomized classes to gender appropriate classes only (i.e. when a unit's class is randomized they are not given a female only class if they are male, or a male only class if they are female, and if it is randomized to a class that has two gender variants, they are given the appropriate version of the class (Lute would get Cavalier (F) and not Cavalier for example.)
2. Include an option to restrict randomized classes to player accessible classes only (i.e. no Soilder, Brigand, Necromancer, monster classes)

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14 hours ago, lushen124 said:

It can certainly be an option. I mentioned earlier that when I wrote this, the initial version was limited to FE7, so a lot of logic came out of that game first. This is one of those because limiting it by gender can be extremely limiting in FE7 for female characters, as the only attacking unpromoted classes they can be are Archer, Lyn Lord, Mage, and Pegasus Knight. Since I was testing on Lyn mode at the time, it meant Lyn's class choices were effectively 1 in 4, one of which is just to not randomize the class. But I'm curious of your implementation. Are you thinking that we just assign the correct gender where possible instead of restricting the class pool for characters? That may not need an option, honestly.

As for the Super Trainee classes, I can probably add an option for that. Do you think it should restrict Tier 1 and Tier 2 super trainees or just Tier 2 ones?

Yep I'm saying its fine to allow them to randomise to any class (based on the usual optional things included in the pool like Lords, Thieves, etc.); but basically just allow an extra check to ensure the correct version is applied where possible. So if the randomiser makes Florina into a Mage replacing Kent, make sure its not the male Mage. But if she ends up as a Fighter, obviously she'll have to stick with the only model that has*. And if a male character, lets say Hector, randomises into a Dancer, instead make him into a Bard. But if Sain becomes a Pegasus Knight, then obviously he's stuck* with the usual model.

As Ashely mentions, you might also want a mode that goes the step further and entirely disable male classes for females and vice-versa (as a sub-mode of apply correct gender class when possible), even if it does restrict your pool in FE7 (can come with a warning in the tooltip for that).

Also, I'd imagine the restricted FE7 list could still use Female Cleric (Serra), Troubador (Priscilla), Female Thief (Leila), Armour Knight/Soldier (can't really tell), right? [And Swordmaster/Paladin for girls going into Pre-promote slots, from Karla and Isadore respectively].

As for rookies, yes, disable both the Tier 1 and Tier 2 options, and only allow it to actually be the Rookie (tier 0) version with 10 levels that then promotes into the relevant base class.


*= Though it also would be absolutely crazy awesome if the community resources for things like female fighters and male pegasi could be inserted into the rom the same way it inserts the translation onto FE6; that's probably beyond the scope of the randomiser, not to mention would require permission from those resource creators and I respect that.

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I saw the same thing was posted before but never got a response and I just ran into it. I'm still on v.9.1 so may be fixed in the newest one: Path of Radiance I got a paragon scroll but its called "IID_ELITE" and I'm unable to use it, it appears its just an item unlike the Occult scroll I got from Stefan. Anybody know if this is just a bug or if its fixed in the newest version? thanks!

Also POR chapter 19 when you get the Reyson and the hawks it wont let me do preps.

Edited by junior33
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