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Dead Parent Club comic series

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This is in FFTF because it's basically just a bunch of shitposting. The concept is the dead parents of FE interact in the afterlife. Shenanigans happen. Yeah. Feel free to suggest comic ideas.

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Sigurd, Flora, Rinea, and Gunnthrá welcoming Surtr to the afterlife. Surtr is going to eat that BURN!

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9 hours ago, XRay said:

Sigurd, Flora, Rinea, and Gunnthrá welcoming Surtr to the afterlife. Surtr is going to eat that BURN!

This is an interesting idea I guess. Although Surtr fits more with Anankos, Validar, and maybe Garon in the rival Dead Dad Club in hell.

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No this is not product placement. It's just hilarious to picture an imperial prince munching on jerky and saying "long boi gang". Especially if he's Edelgard's kid. Yeah, with Hubert, underrated/underused pairing. Kiddo's name is Astor and he indeed loves his Slim Jims.

Also, Rodrigue "Rod" Fraldarius and Lambert "Lambo" Blaiddyd were total frat boys back in their day.

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