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crap characters

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Devdan is crap...

Rolf is godly if you make good use of him (in other words have the experience needed to use him.)

Mia is... variable... she can either be completely strength screwed and be a waste of a slot (happened to me in Hard Mode), or she can hit her cap and be a great unit (IMO better than Stefan, but worse than Zihark.)

Ulki>Janaff.... his innate skill (Vigilance) is very useful.

Devdan has the Knight's Ward and is Tormod's best A support. He's not great, but not awful.

Please don't give that 'experience with Bows' trash I presume you mean. Not being able to take multiple enemies a turn is a large hindrance. Supportless, terrible level, and mediocre stats makes Rofl bad, if not the worst, character.

Averages please?

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Devdan has the Knight's Ward and is Tormod's best A support. He's not great, but not awful.

Please don't give that 'experience with Bows' trash I presume you mean. Not being able to take multiple enemies a turn is a large hindrance. Supportless, terrible level, and mediocre stats makes Rofl bad, if not the worst, character.

Averages please?

Knight ward? You mean that thing you get from Astrid? Yeah... Nephenee deserves it more. Tormod isn't exactly the best character either (considering his terrible level and joining time.)

I don't go by averages. My PT's almost always defy the averages, taking extremes. Either a character is always good for me or always bad in most cases, and Rolf is one of the former.

Regardless of your argument, Rolf>>>Shinon.

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Knight ward? You mean that thing you get from Astrid? Yeah... Nephenee deserves it more. Tormod isn't exactly the best character either (considering his terrible level and joining time.)

I don't go by averages. My PT's almost always defy the averages, taking extremes. Either a character is always good for me or always bad in most cases, and Rolf is one of the former.

Regardless of your argument, Rolf>>>Shinon.

Anyone that can use the Ward should, to gain huge Speed. Devdan can use it for a few levels, and his doubling problems become much lower.

I had Eirika cap every stat except HP and Resistance. Truly she is the best character in the game. See how devoid of logic that is?

Shinon has early-game utility and gives a Brave Bow after rejoin. That's more than Rofl ever 'benefits'.

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Anyone that can use the Ward should, to gain huge Speed. Devdan can use it for a few levels, and his doubling problems become much lower.

I had Eirika cap every stat except HP and Resistance. Truly she is the best character in the game. See how devoid of logic that is?

Shinon has early-game utility and gives a Brave Bow after rejoin. That's more than Rofl ever 'benefits'.

Umm.... doesn't the Knight Ward give +2 to defense and resistance? I don't remember anything about speed.

If it happens every time, then yes it is good logic. Its called repeatable results, and its one of the fundamentals of science.

Shinon isn't playable for most of the game. His only early game utility is to steal experience from characters like Ike, Boyd, Oscar, and Soren who need it much more.

Okay I'll correct myself on that. His only positive use early-game is to protect Soren on Chapter... uh 3 (when Soren joins at a mediocre level).

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Umm.... doesn't the Knight Ward give +2 to defense and resistance? I don't remember anything about speed.

If it happens every time, then yes it is good logic. Its called repeatable results, and its one of the fundamentals of science.

Shinon isn't playable for most of the game. His only early game utility is to steal experience from characters like Ike, Boyd, Oscar, and Soren who need it much more.

Okay I'll correct myself on that. His only positive use early-game is to protect Soren on Chapter... uh 3 (when Soren joins at a mediocre level).

Increases Speed by 30%.

Averages take into account every possibility. They're the most reliable way to calculate stats.

Shinon is one of the better early-game characters with Provoke and good offense. He's making a good shield and can take out some more difficult bosses. Shinon is not around as long as Rofl, but he's actually benefitting the team before leaving. Also, he's killing enemies, meaning finishing the chapters earlier and thus giving more BEXP, benefitting the team much more than he takes.

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Increases Speed by 30%.

Averages take into account every possibility. They're the most reliable way to calculate stats.

Shinon is one of the better early-game characters with Provoke and good offense. He's making a good shield and can take out some more difficult bosses. Shinon is not around as long as Rofl, but he's actually benefitting the team before leaving. Also, he's killing enemies, meaning finishing the chapters earlier and thus giving more BEXP, benefitting the team much more than he takes.

Are we even thinking of the same item? I don't remember that being in the description.

Personally, since averages are usually false for my units (plus there is something called manipulating your level ups with bonus experience and stat increasing items....) I prefer to think of my experience. When you "cheat" (which I rarely need to), averages hold much less meaning.

Hard mode says hi.... BEXP in the early chapters is next to nothing.

Edited by Chris Lionheart
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Are we even thinking of the same item? I don't remember that being in the description.

Personally, since averages are usually false for my units (plus there is something called manipulating your level ups with bonus experience and stat increasing items....) I prefer to think of my experience. When you "cheat" (which I rarely need to), averages hold much less meaning.

Hard mode says hi.... BEXP in the early chapters is next to nothing.

It isn't, but Speed is increased by 30% according to the data.

Personal experience shows that my Oswin has good Speed. The averages take into account the possibility that Oswin gained or did not gain Speed per level up, an makes an average. Personal experience means nothing, as does stat boosters and abuse.

You 'lose' about 12 or so experience from killing some enemy then gain about 200 BEXP a chapter. Overall, characters get more levels from the BEXP than CEXP.

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It isn't, but Speed is increased by 30% according to the data.

Personal experience shows that my Oswin has good Speed. The averages take into account the possibility that Oswin gained or did not gain Speed per level up, an makes an average. Personal experience means nothing, as does stat boosters and abuse.

You 'lose' about 12 or so experience from killing some enemy then gain about 200 BEXP a chapter. Overall, characters get more levels from the BEXP than CEXP.

Averages don't help you.. really when you think about it, all that really does matter is how much your RNG likes you, your personal playstyle, and when the units join/ how many chapters you can use them (as well as what they wield, what skills they come with, etc.)

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And as for Janaff, he may not have good durability, but unlike Ulki he can hit things twice, and that's what actually gets the hawks to kill stuff in this game.

Funny thing is that it's the opposite in RD. Ulki has a higher speed growth than Janaff (Ulki's got 40, Janaff's got 25).

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so far the list seems to be (those marked with ? may be taken off, because some dispute their crappiness)








thats all i got so far

Keep Devdan on that list. He's slow, has mediocre strength, and defense is lacking. He won't be able to double anything in endgame except sages without a brave lance.

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Averages don't help you.. really when you think about it, all that really does matter is how much your RNG likes you, your personal playstyle, and when the units join/ how many chapters you can use them (as well as what they wield, what skills they come with, etc.)

This. I hate it when people act like average stats determine how good or bad a character is. I mean, they do help influence the opinion on characters but everyone's experiences are different and the RNG ultimately determines how "good" or "bad" a character is. Everyone has a different way of playing the game which will also influence opinions on characters. Personally, I could care less about average stats, just leave it up to the RNG and whatever happens happens.

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This. I hate it when people act like average stats determine how good or bad a character is. I mean, they do help influence the opinion on characters but everyone's experiences are different and the RNG ultimately determines how "good" or "bad" a character is. Everyone has a different way of playing the game which will also influence opinions on characters. Personally, I could care less about average stats, just leave it up to the RNG and whatever happens happens.

What do you want to determine a character's average usefulness with then? With things like "omgwtfroflmaobbqpwnzorz maih knooll cepd ever stat at leevel 20 prmopted soez eh iz teh best evahr lololol"? I hope not.

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shifting through the replies,Devdan is staying on the list.

I've decided a few more things, Titiana is going on the list (one of the reasons is because most of the list joins later and I need to use SOMEONE)

Also I will play on normal(posibly hard, but probally not)

I'm not sure what to do with Ike .

I still don't know whether to use Ulki, and if I'm going to use Janaff.

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Basically, use all of the pre-promotes except for Tanith. Also, use Makalov.

Stefan isn't bad. He's atleast 3rd place in that class (probably 2nd). I agree about using Makalov. Regardless of stats he earns worst in class for character portrait. XD And his stats are nothing to brag about either.

Edited by Chris Lionheart
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Makalov is High Tier material. I don't think High Tier characters are defined as "crap", unless I'm badly mistaken.

A lot of the pre-promotes are rather good or decent, actually. Titania, Tanith, Stefan, Haar, Calill, etc. are all characters you shouldn't be using in a "crap character" runthrough.

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shifting through the replies,Devdan is staying on the list.

I've decided a few more things, Titiana is going on the list (one of the reasons is because most of the list joins later and I need to use SOMEONE)

Also I will play on normal(posibly hard, but probally not)

I'm not sure what to do with Ike .

I still don't know whether to use Ulki, and if I'm going to use Janaff.

Just ditch Titania after early-game, then. She's the best character in the game.

Makalov is awesome, too. Both have such great stats and supports, along with the best class.

Use Ulki too. He's mediocre. ^_^

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shifting through the replies,Devdan is staying on the list.

I've decided a few more things, Titiana is going on the list (one of the reasons is because most of the list joins later and I need to use SOMEONE)

Also I will play on normal(posibly hard, but probally not)

I'm not sure what to do with Ike .

I still don't know whether to use Ulki, and if I'm going to use Janaff.

Titania isn't a bad unit, actually. She just saps up your experience at the beginning, but that's not that much of a bad thing, right?

And don't use Janaff for a crap character playthrough. Ulki might have more strength, but he can only hit things once. Janaff can hit things twice, and that's what kills things faster.

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Titania? The best in the game? :lol:

She may not be bad, but she's far from great.

IMO Ike, Zihark, Nephenee, and Soren (or Tormod) are the best characters in PoR.

And in Hard Mode, I say Elincia is one of the best characters in the game. A healer with Canto is perfect against an Ashnard that can move. Of course Mist also meets this need, so the same can be said for her.

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Except she's only passable for the three chapters she's actually playing for. How does that make her the best?

I'd put Oscar as the best, or Titania. Simply because he's mounted and can get axes later, as well as Earth affinity (leading to overkill evasion, especially with Ike support and hell Kieran can help him reach that).

Of course there is the matter where Titania is decent throughout the entire game but... I still prefer Oscar.

Edited by Lord Raven
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Except she's only passable for the three chapters she's actually playing for. How does that make her the best?

I'd put Oscar as the best, or Titania. Simply because he's mounted and can get axes later, as well as Earth affinity (leading to overkill evasion, especially with Ike support and hell Kieran can help him reach that).

Of course there is the matter where Titania is decent throughout the entire game but... I still prefer Oscar.

I didn't say Elincia was THE best I said she was one of the best. Ignoring her stats (which aren't THAT bad), she is one of only 2 healers that can be used to beat the last level of PoR on Hard easily.

Titania is over-rated. Unequip her axe and use her to tank for the early game, then dump her for a better Palidan (and by better palidan, I mean every other palidan.)

Oscar is definitely one of the best. Once he class changes, he leaves Titania in his dust (this is assuming that your Oscar isn't RNG screwed, which in higher difficulties he usually is in my experience. =/)

But to say that Palidans are the games best class, especially considering Nephenee, Ike, and Zihark are such amazing units, is a bit misguided.

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