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Crime and Punishment - Fire Emblem edition!


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10 hours ago, Sooks said:

“Hey Flora, you survived as well?”

”That I did, Felicia.”

”Well seeing as we’re the only ones left...”

”....yep. It’s time for revenge, dear sister.”

Corrin: “doy duh da teehee look at me surviving all on my own thanks to my DRAGON BLOOD!”

Azura: I was able to make it because... because... YOU ARE THE OCEANS GRAY WAVES.






You can't S-support anyone.

I kill off all my clerics.

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You get smited by Naga and Elimine and Sothis and Mila and Ashunera and the totally named gods of Fateslandia the gods of fan service..

I didn’t enjoy fe1 that much despite a lot of people playing through it.

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“Wrys? That guy that died in chapter 2? He’s not important is he?” -Everyone, everywhere. Every Rhys is dead.

I tell the Altean army that if they don’t follow Marth’s example in regards to pants they get kicked out.

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You get the full force of a Flash Attack of Sterling when they moon the enemy.

I trap Athos in a pit inside the range of Kishuna to prevent him from helping.

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Nergal changes his plans. “You can defeat me here and now, if you want to. BUT... in order to get the good ending you have to kill Kishuna. Mwahahahaha!”

I benched Jagen as soon as I could.

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You don’t think using archers is fun? Every enemy is now an archer, and all of your units are now Pegasus knights. Have fun.

I forgot Rickard and had to use turn rewind to get him.

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The time rewind ends up causing a butterfly to survive and it ends up causing Minerva's wyvern to flip out later on, getting her caught and put in prison. No fliers for you.

I threw the avatars into horny jail.

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Corrin says something something dragon blood, something something Valla, and is magically outside and frees the other members. They start amassing their harem, and you are one of the first roped into it. Legend says it’s still expanding to this day.

I use save states for older FEs.

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You are now locked into a room with Wraith and he has to teach you how to play all of the classic games like a real gamer.  And every point of damage that you take means that he has to force a shot of spirytus vodka down your throat.

I preordered a sequel to Fire Emblem Heroes.

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The Judgral stans hunt you have have you play a grid-based escape attempt in the woods while they hunt you down.

I use dimensional shenanigans to bring two different Corrins into the same dimension, leaving another Corrinless and repeat until half of the Fates settings are without Corrins.

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The people that don’t get Corrin removed from their game riot due to the unfairness, and you are forced to spend the rest of your life removing Corrin’s from every copy of Fates and putting them somewhere else.

I rarely ever use armor knights.

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Hope you wanted to be the final boss of Book 6, because that's who you sent Kieran to face.  Better hold on for as long as you can before his harem arrives to his side.

I reccomend Street Fighter fighting mechanics would be perfect for Fire Emblem combat.

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I call your local mental healthcare provider. Are you okay? Anyway you let drop that Edelgard is a “pillow princess waifu” and they happen to be an Edelgard stan, the kind that rights blocks and blocks of text on forums titled “Edelgard did nothing wrong”. So, obviously, you’re never seen again.

I think Fire Emblem Awakening is a very bad game.

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You are one of the enlightened few, a dying breed. Both a reward, and a punishment. But we must not falter. We will prevail Twilit!

I joined the Hoshidans in Fates.

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