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Are you for or against Euthanasia?

I think in some circumstances Euthanasia should be allowed and in some situations it shouldn't be allowed. Though I am kinda impartial.

The overall aim of this topic is to reach to an agreement. That would be nice ^_^

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Yeah personally I think that a person has the right whatever they do with their life. No one should stop them since it’s not going to affect them in any other way.

So if someone does not wish to live...then that’s his or her choice.

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Woah easy there XD

I am just saying, from my point of view...that everyone can choose to do what they do with their life. Their decision is not going to affect us in anyway.

So why should we trouble ourselves?

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Because not all people are that selfish, for lack of a better word. Though selfish is a horrible choice of words, because there is nothing wrong with being like that.

I'm just saying, they can end it if they want, but I will always say that mental help would cause them to lead a longer, happier life. They don't deserve help dying.

For the record, I am perfectly calm. Sorry if I come off as heated, I am not.

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Because not all people are that selfish, for lack of a better word. Though selfish is a horrible choice of words, because there is nothing wrong with being like that.

I'm just saying, they can end it if they want, but I will always say that mental help would cause them to lead a longer, happier life. They don't deserve help dying.

...Depends. If someone has serious illness and are in pain....they shouldn't try to end their life because there is still hope that they might live.

However, lets say someone is in extreme agony and that person has no chance of living due to no help being available. Should that person suffer?

Well that is where I am pretty much clueless XD

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I'm just going to go by my own personal opinion here, because facts are useless in debates like these for the most part. If I was in pain beyond imagination, I would suffer through every last second I had.

This brings up one major difference between Christians and atheists (no debating existence of God in this thread), the fact that while a Christian will generally care less because they think they are going somewhere, we actually care greatly for our lives. Well those of us with sense, at any rate. ^_^

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Wow, we were just doing about Euthanasia in school too.

I am just saying, from my point of view...that everyone can choose to do what they do with their life. Their decision is not going to affect us in anyway.

Well, it won't really affect you except maybe when it's somebody you know or somebody close to you. Just wanted to say that :o.

Personally, I think along the lines of "it's their choice". I think it's okay if they're terminally ill, and in other cases. But I feel worried sometimes. For example, some teenagers may be extremely depressed or something, and want to end their life because they don't think it's worth living, but you never really know what the future will turn out to be. Well, still, I guess it's their choice. (Hmm, gotta go, guess I'll cut this message short for now.)

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I find it hard to believe that you would suffer every last second because none of us has ever experienced that amount of pain O_____o

Nah I am hoping we don't get into those debates. I was hoping to come to an agreement.

I am not sure what Christianity has to say about Euthanasia.

In my religion in Islam, it forbids anyone to take their life away. This is because Muslims believe that life is holy and should be treated with respect. Also it’s only God who can decide when your life shall end. So taking your own life is like challenging God in a Muslims point of view.

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Also it’s only God who can decide when your life shall end.

What about that psycho lorry diver heading straight towards you? He's probably got a bigger say than God on whether your life will end or not. :lol:

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Personally, I think along the lines of "it's their choice". I think it's okay if they're terminally ill

"You're going to die anyways, LET'S DO IT NOW!" makes very little sense to me, could you try to elaborate?

I'm sure some people with religion would find it hard to believe, but then again, you don't know exactly what death means to me.

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Wow, we were just doing about Euthanasia in school too.

Well, it won't really affect you except maybe when it's somebody you know or somebody close to you. Just wanted to say that :o.

...I do agree with that part. A relative/friend should try to to stop someone from taking their life. Its a normal thing which anyone would do.

Teenagers who are depressed shouldn't attempt to kill themselves. They need help. They are not in extreme agony, like physically. So they just need some medical treatment or something related.

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What about that psycho lorry diver heading straight towards you? He's probably got a bigger say than God on whether your life will end or not. :lol:

...Well actually in our religion God decides that. God decides how and when we die. But thats not the point of this topic.

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Isn't this a little contradictory? God says that life is precious, but God decides that some people will kill themselves.

Not really. You misunderstood. God gives life to humans and can decide when to take it away from us. Humans at one point of their life must die. No one can live forever.

Humans are not allowed to decide when to end their life. We should see life as a gift and we should respect it for the time we have it.

This is not my point of view, I would like to add. This is my religion point of view.

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But you said that God decides when we die, so he's the one who makes people kill themselves (because he decides we should die at that point). Unless of course, your religion is wrong, and that God does not decide when we die.

And if your religion is right, then God is responsible for every murder and such ever.

Yes, people have to die, but the idea that one guy in the clouds gets to decide when it happens sounds incredibly unfair to me.

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But you said that God decides when we die, so he's the one who makes people kill themselves (because he decides we should die at that point). Unless of course, your religion is wrong, and that God does not decide when we die.

Yes God decides when and how we die.

God has already planned on how all humans were meant to die on the day we were born. If a person kills himself, then he would be committing sin because he wasn't suppose to die at that current point of his life. God never planned it.

I hope this clarifies any misunderstandings ^_^

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God has already planned how all humans were meant to die the day we are born.

So he's been plotting my death since I was born, and I have to live under his plan whether I like it or not. Sounds villainous to me.

P.S: Yeah... I'm pretty much done with this. All internet debates that can have a religious viewpoint will always become an argument over religion.

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So he's been plotting my death since I was born, and I have to live under his plan whether I like it or not. Sounds villainous to me.

Not really. Humans can't live forever. In a religious point of view, God plans on how we die due to the circumstances that has been taking place...it happens for a reason. Plus God does want us to return to him and live a better life in the after life if you believe in that stuff.

But this depends on the way you see this.

I am not disagreeing with you. I am just clarifying.

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Lethal injections?

They should be done to nearly every person in jail. Why the hell are we going to waste resources on terrible people who will never bring any good to society? Kill them; they don't even deserve to live.

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euthanasia? i think it should be approved depending on the situation, like someone who lost everything and really wants to die, for example.

for me, there is no God. Our lives are sacred, yes, but we are the ones who give the Final Order. If it would be me, i'd like to die if i have enough reasons to do so.

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euthanasia? i think it should be approved depending on the situation, like someone who lost everything and really wants to die, for example.

for me, there is no God. Our lives are sacred, yes, but we are the ones who give the Final Order. If it would be me, i'd like to die if i have enough reasons to do so.

Agreed. We can make whatever choices that seem best for us.

@Destiny Hero: please stick to the topic.

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Agreed. We can make whatever choices that seem best for us.

@Destiny Hero: please stick to the topic.

What- I can't reply to the first post of a thread, and I can't guess what something is? I just read the first few posts and assumed Euthanasia was a lethal injection, etc, it's not really my fault if I guessed wrong, and nobody is going to die because of it (my post, no pun intended).

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