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[FE8] FE inheritance (COMPLETED rom hack)


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10 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

-You need to calm down with the reinforcements a bit in almost every chapter, especially chapter 8 (that one alone needs reinforcements reduced by atleast 70%. Enemy positions might need some changes as well there). The current amount just stalls the progress of chapters to a crawl. 

Also, the real difficulty begins at chapter 9.
If you find chapters 8 or 8x too hard/frustrating remember that you can always change difficulty.

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In my opinion chapter 8 is an extremely well designed chapter and changing anything could only hurt it. What sets it apart is the need for the player to constantly reassess their strategy. Something Fire Emblem rarely achieves but all TBS strive for.


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3 minutes ago, Konrad the Red said:

In my opinion chapter 8 is an extremely well designed chapter and changing anything could only hurt it. What sets it apart is the need for the player to constantly reassess their strategy. Something Fire Emblem rarely achieves but all TBS strive for.


Thank you for sharing your opinion, did you played it in normal or hard mode?

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7 hours ago, Vividerbruxte said:

Are you playing hard or normal mode? Chapter 8 or 8x?

8 hard.

7 hours ago, Vividerbruxte said:

Can you please tell me more about this part? 

there are 2 cavs that spawn every turn from the top right, then on the bottom big wave of flying reinforcements spawn. The from the right waves of Cavalary and wyvern reinforcements. And then there are the brigands.

It was too much and made me stuck on my place quite a bit. I don''t mind reinforcements that much on a defend or escape map, but not normal ones.

It wasn't hard, it was just annoying, dealing with blob after blob

7 hours ago, Vividerbruxte said:

Which units are you using? How did you played the chapter?

all the units you start with.

I split my forces apart to get both villages.

7 hours ago, Vividerbruxte said:

I'm sorry but I'm not.

yeah np.

7 hours ago, Vividerbruxte said:

Life essence actually disappears because, if you use it in battle preparation, it works like a promotion item and allows you to promote any unit (I was not able to fix it), that's why I make it disappear.

how about making it insta consumed then?


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4 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

there are 2 cavs that spawn every turn from the top right, then on the bottom big wave of flying reinforcements spawn. The from the right waves of Cavalary and wyvern reinforcements. And then there are the brigands.

Mnh let's start to say that I design every chapter to have a turn limit even if it does not have a turn limit.
In this case, if you wait too much, the boss will charge you and you will be forced to end the chapter, the 2 cavs per turn are there to make it harder to push the optional boss that drops the master seal.
The brigands destroys the villages if you go too slow.
All those reinforcements are there to slow you, and you must be good and play fast to get the optional boss, or you will lose the reward.

The game requires the player to be able to manage a lot of units and the skills in a really efficient way.
Chapter 8 is the first chapter where you have a lot of units and I want the player to be able do adapt gradually to what the game requires them, you should see the difficulty raise chapter by chapter.
This is why I don't want to make it too hard but also I don't want it to be too easy, because without a challenge there can be no improvement.
I think the reinforcements are necessary to raise the difficulty.

Also the wyverns from south spawns at turn 10 while the "turn limit" in my mind is turn 13 (the boss charges you at turn 12).
All those enemies that spawns at turn 10-12 are there to force you to end the chapter and lose the reward of the optional boss if you went too slow.
Of course, if you are already good at the game, they are just more exp. 
You said that it wasn't hard, and as I said, yes it's not supposed to be hard but try to think as someone not as good at playing as you.

please, let me know what you think. Arguing about things is necessary to improve them.

9 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

how about making it insta consumed then?

Mnh it may be possible but then you would not be able to trade it to other units, the best thing would be to make it free to use (you use it but you don't lose the action) but sadly I'm not able to do that.

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9 minutes ago, Vividerbruxte said:

Mnh let's start to say that I design every chapter to have a turn limit even if it does not have a turn limit.

I get that, and the reinforcements spawning at the end i was actually ok with. 

I finished the Map on Turn 12 myself (with villages, 3000 Gold and Master seal get), but like 7 of those turns i was standing still because reinforcements never stopped coming.

If you want to make the player hurry, reinforcements should come from behind after a few turns, and not from the front from the start.

Atleast make the cavs spawn every 2nd turn, not every turn. All it did was a huge blob waiting to be taken out either at the brige on the south (which they beelined for, for some reason) or at my wall of units near the castle.

9 minutes ago, Vividerbruxte said:

because without a challenge there can be no improvement

True, and i agree with that. But i think never ending reinforcements isn't the way to do it.

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10 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

I finished the Map on Turn 12 myself (with villages, 3000 Gold and Master seal get), but like 7 of those turns i was standing still because reinforcements never stopped coming.

Did you feel forced to do it? Because even with all the reinforcements, I think you should still be able to push the boss without too much trouble.
I mean, you can just charge with Manfred and Ernest and kill all of them.

12 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

If you want to make the player hurry, reinforcements should come from behind after a few turns, and not from the front from the start.

No, there will never be reinforcements from behind, it makes no sense for enemies to come out from your backline, in my opinion enemies from behind are just unfair like ambush spawns.

15 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

All it did was a huge blob waiting to be taken out either at the brige on the south (which they beelined for, for some reason) or at my wall of units near the castle.

A huge blob? How? You have a lot of units and there are only 2-5 enemy spawns every turn, you should be able to kill all of them.
I usually expect the player to kill the enemies as fast as possible, in chapter 8 it's hard to get punished but later on, if you don't kill enemies fast, you will probably get punished. 
If you get there by turn 8 or 9, how many enemies can be there? There is the optional boss, 2 cavs just spawned and 2 of the precedent turn, you can just kill the first 2 cavs and place someone bulky enough (like Manfred, Rhod, Ernest or someone with Dean's def boost) to aggro the boss and the other 2 cavs.

28 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

But i think never ending reinforcements

The 2 cavs stop coming after turn 12 or after you kill the optional boss, reinforcements are always limited (or you could farm them and break the game).


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1 minute ago, Vividerbruxte said:

Did you feel forced to do it?

yes. Trying to push would've resulted in a dead unit very fast thanks to a huge number of enemy units

2 minutes ago, Vividerbruxte said:

A huge blob? How? You have a lot of units and there are only 2-5 enemy spawns every turn, you should be able to kill all of them.

2-5 every turn multiplied by number of turns isn't a small amount.

There was a beeline of cavs from optional boss until the bridge i used as a choke point.

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2 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:

yes. Trying to push would've resulted in a dead unit very fast thanks to a huge number of enemy units

Well... I just watched a friend playing the chapter in maddening a few days ago, and he pushed them without any problem at all. A lot of units may scare you but you have a lot of units too, if you plan your actions well you can kill at least 6-7 enemies every turn.
If not stated, you are never supposed to turtle. Every chapter is supposed to punish turtling.

2-5 multiplied by the number of turns? You can have 15 units (before recruiting the mage), you can demolish them.

It is scary to push the enemies, but the chapter is intended to be played that way (almost every chapter is intended to be played that way).
You have to play aggressively to not allow the enemy to group up in many situations, and doing it safe, without losing units it's really hard but with all the movement skills, ranged weapons and other things you have, you can do it.
I know it's possible because I've seen every chapter being played by different players 2-3 times, and frankly it's hard, because you have a lot of units, a lot of skills, a lot of things keep in mind, but that is the point of the hack.
Also keep in mind that I don't expect you to play every chapter perfectly at your first run. There are a lot of rewards that you will not get and later on you are encouraged at not resetting if a unit dies, because chapters are long (and I give you a lot of units because of that).

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New update:

We corrected a problem where a unit had a particular item, a "battle shield" (which is an item exclusive to maddening mode), in other modes too. If you see other "battle shields" outside of maddening, please report to us.

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19 hours ago, Vividerbruxte said:

Thank you for sharing your opinion, did you played it in normal or hard mode?

Hard. But I might have picked normal if you didn't warn that normal mode wasn't finished yet. I also only had 13 units. I lost the spear infantry and probably missed a recruitment somewhere. With Coldhands25 and now Shrimperor complaining about difficulty maybe hard should be normal and maddening hard mode?

I also played the map much slower than intended. After a relaxed turn of shopping, my army mostly concentrated on grabbing vulneraries and giving kills to weak units. So my best experience came when the map was already supposed to be over as the armored archer boss moved and with his steel bow forced me to abandon my formation in front of the castle. Maybe something to add to earlier waves?

I only sent 2 flyers supported by Nolm to the south. I killed the brigand but refrained from visiting the village. The other village had told me I would get a unit and I feared I would get someone unable to fight or retreat. Not sure what I thought I would get there. If I had just grabbed Petunia and flown to the main army I could have ended the map much sooner. For me all the cavs moved to the castle and all the flyers went to the south.

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16 minutes ago, Konrad the Red said:

Hard. But I might have picked normal if you didn't warn that normal mode wasn't finished yet. I also only had 13 units. I lost the spear infantry and probably missed a recruitment somewhere.

You can always change difficulty by holding select when a chapter starts, (right after the title of the chapter disappears).


16 minutes ago, Konrad the Red said:

maybe hard should be normal and maddening hard mode?

I don't get this, can you please explain it with other words? 

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What I meant is that I, who skill-wise is probably the intended target for normal mode, picked hard mode because I value having a consistent experience  even if it is more difficult. Despite this I am getting the impression that the difficulty I have chosen is balanced for me and am beating chapters on the first try.

In contrast Coldhands25 and Shrimperor, who both picked the difficulty they thought appropriate for their skill, were disappointed in the game not challenging them enough. Suggesting that they would have had a better experience if they picked a higher difficulty.

That suggests the description of the difficulties should get adjusted so that new players don't make the same mistake. Atleast based on the sample size of 3 here at Serenes Forest.

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1 hour ago, Konrad the Red said:

What I meant is that I, who skill-wise is probably the intended target for normal mode, picked hard mode because I value having a consistent experience  even if it is more difficult. Despite this I am getting the impression that the difficulty I have chosen is balanced for me and am beating chapters on the first try.

In contrast Coldhands25 and Shrimperor, who both picked the difficulty they thought appropriate for their skill, were disappointed in the game not challenging them enough. Suggesting that they would have had a better experience if they picked a higher difficulty.

That suggests the description of the difficulties should get adjusted so that new players don't make the same mistake. Atleast based on the sample size of 3 here at Serenes Forest.

Oh ok, now it's clear.
Maybe in the future I we will change the difficulties descriptions. After the first playtest a lot of people found hard mode too hard, so I preferred to encourage people to start on normal mode.
Now that difficulty can be toggled every chapter, we might change that. 

Where are you in the game right now? I think I never saw anyone beat chapters like 9 or 12 first try on hard mode. 

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46 minutes ago, Vividerbruxte said:

Oh ok, now it's clear.
Maybe in the future I we will change the difficulties descriptions. After the first playtest a lot of people found hard mode too hard, so I preferred to encourage people to start on normal mode.
Now that difficulty can be toggled every chapter, we might change that. 

Where are you in the game right now? I think I never sew anyone beat chapters like 9 or 12 first try on hard mode. 

I'm in chapter 9 so thanks for the warning. Leroy is happily trying out his new Purge tome. I didn't mean to imply I beat all the chapters on the first try. In chapter 2 I got surprised by a fire mage skeleton. In chapter 3 I send the draco knight to clear the left side on his own. In chapter 6 I found out RNGesus doesn't like bad people. And in 8x my entire right side got trampled by the mass of enemies. Twice. So I'll play on, then probably tell you you have to make the game easier.

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New update:

-Corrected an issue with one of the units' movement speed, it was 1 tile slower than intended.

-Many of the description of the weapons have been improved in order to better point out some things about them, especially where our ROM is different from base games.

-Maddening has been tested up to chapter 16.

Edited by Gorgonath
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New update:

-We updated some of the characters' descriptions.

-Maddening tested until chapter 17.

Extra: we modified the anonymous feedback form, so that now you can compile one even without using a google account.

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New Update:

-We changed the balance for some weapons, and especially the prices. In particular we lowered the price for the myrmidon/swordmaster's weapons, and made them more accurate. We also modified the price of many weapons and many items, in particular we adjusted and lowered many of the price of stats booster items and we lowered the price of Master Seals.

-We adjusted some of the base stats and growths of the characters.

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A Small question: What's the purpose of the guiding ring you get at the very beginning? I am at ch11 now and i can't use it on any of the magic users i have. Is it only for a certain character or something?


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4 hours ago, Shrimperor said:

A Small question: What's the purpose of the guiding ring you get at the very beginning? I am at ch11 now and i can't use it on any of the magic users i have. Is it only for a certain character or something?


There is an use for the item in a later chapter, but it's not a conventional one. 



It's part of the "big Oliver troll". It's not a promotion item, every character promotes with the master seal.

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29 minutes ago, Shrimperor said:
  Reveal hidden contents


There's a weird text bug at the start of chapter 12 (pic in spoiler tag). Three lines (as in i have to press A 3 times) appear like that

Thank you for reporting, I fixed it.
Here is what he should have said: 




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