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Fin is playable in both halves of FE4 and in FE5, and in both games he promotes from lance knight to duke knight.

Fin is a man who we see grow from a loyal young lance knight to a father figure to one of the liberators of the Thracian Peninsula. Fin is part of Sigurd’s army in Verdane and Agustria, he is a high-ranking knight in Lenster and he plays an essential role in both Leaf’s and Celice’s liberation armies.

Fin is known for putting his loyalty to his superiors above his personal life. He has been scolded for being cold towards women.


Fin is first seen when approaching Chalphy along with Cuan and Ethlin to aid in pushing back the neighbouring country Verdane’s invasion. At that time he is an inexperienced young Lenster knight, loyal to Prince Cuan. Fin follows Cuan during the war against Agustria, for which he is given the Hero Spear by the prince. Cuan tells Fin that he appreciates Fin as a knight of Lenster. After Sigurd’s army flees to Silesia, Fin joins Cuan and Ethlin back to Lenster as they plan on returning with reinforcements.

During his time with Sigurd’s army, Fin may or may not find a lover and father two children. If Beowulf and Lachesis become lovers, they have a conversation which indicates that Lachesis has an affair with Fin. Lachesis bears the children Delmud and Nanna, and it is possible that Beowulf is the father of Delmud and Fin is the father of Nanna.

When Cuan and Ethlin leave Lenster with a large portion of the town’s army, Fin stays in Lenster to aid in the defences in case of a Thracian attack and to take care of the young Prince Leaf. After the Battle of Barhara, Princess Lachesis comes to Fin. It is likely that her daughter Nanna is born after Lachesis comes to Lenster. When the attack from Thracia eventually comes and the king is killed, Fin flees the city and takes Lachesis and Leaf with him. They spend years running from both Thracia and the new Grandbell Empire, hiding among others in the towns Alster and Tahra. During this time Lachesis leaves Fin to go look for her son Delmud, and Fin has to raise both Leaf and Nanna alone.

Eventually Fin, Nanna and Leaf reach Fiana Village where they are allowed to stay in safety. Here, Fin and eventually Leaf join the Fiana Militia. The peace of the village is broken when Reidrick of Manster attacks in an attempt to find Prince Leaf. This sets in motion what is to become Leaf’s war for liberation, where Fin stays at Leaf’s side the entire time. During that time, Fin meets with friends he had had in Lenster, among them Glade, Selfina and Dorias. Fin is present at the liberation of Lenster and among the soldiers staying there protecting the city for the following six months.

After Celice’s and Leaf’s armies merge, Fin stays by Leaf’s side. According to FE5 Fin goes with Leaf directly to Manster, while Celice takes the northern route. According to FE4 Leaf, Fin and Nanna join Celice's army already at Alster. Fin later is the one to point out that Althena probably is Leaf’s sister.

After the events of Geneaology of Holy War, Fin leaves Prince Leaf and goes to fulfill an unknown personal agenda. There are later rumours of him being spotted looking for someone in the Yied Desert, in the same area where Lachesis had been supposed to pass through years before only to never be seen again.

Edited by etellerannet7
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Your article is very good. It gives a lot of relevant information without simply describing events that happened (as you explained in your notes section), I think the length is perfect as well. I found a couple of sentences that I believe could be worded better, but the bulk of your piece shouldn't need anything more than various minor alterations. Your style (if that's included in what you mean by writing technique) is different from mine, but it's perfectly natural so I don't think I have any suggestions in that regard. There are a couple of comma use concerns I had, but I don't have a good understanding of how commas are supposed to be best used so I didn't note any cases.


Fin is playable in both halves of FE4 and in FE5, and in both games he promotes from lance knight to duke knight.

Fin is a man who we see grow from a loyal young lance knight to a father figure to one of the liberators of the Thracian Peninsula. Fin has been part of Sigurd’s army in Verdane and Agustria, he has been a high-ranking knight in Lenster and he has played an essential part1 in both Leaf’s and Celice’s liberation armies.

Fin is known for putting his loyalty to his superiors above his personal life. He has also been scolded for being cold towards women.2


Fin is first seen when approaching Chalphy along with Cuan and Ethrin to aid in pushing back the neighbouring country Verdane’s invasion. At that time he is an inexperienced young Lenster knight, loyal to Prince Cuan. Fin follows Cuan also during the war against Agustria3, for which he is given the Hero Spear by the prince. Cuan tells Fin that he appreciates Fin as a knight of Lenster. After Sigurd’s army flees to Silesia, Fin joins Cuan and Ethrin back to Lenster as they plan on returning with reinforcements.

During his time with Sigurd’s army, Fin may or may not find a lover and by that, become father of a woman’s two children.4 If Beowulf and Lachesis become lovers, they have a conversation which indicates that Lachesis has an affair with Fin. Lachesis bears the children Delmud and Nanna, and it is possible that Beowulf is the father of Delmud and Fin is the father of Nanna.

When Cuan and Ethrin leave Lenster with a large portion of the town’s army, Fin stays in Lenster to aid in the defences in case of a Thracian attack and to take care of the young Prince Leaf. After the Barhara Massacre, Princess Lachesis comes to Fin. It is likely that her daughter Nanna is born after Lachesis comes to Lenster. When the attack from Thracia eventually comes and the king is killed, Fin flees the city and takes Lachesis and Leaf with him. They spend years running from both Thracia and the new Grandbell Empire, hiding among other5 in the towns Alster and Tahra. During this time Lachesis leaves Fin to go look for her son Delmud, and Fin has to raise both Leaf and Nanna alone.

Eventually Fin, Nanna and Leaf reach Fiana Village where they are allowed to stay in safety. Here, Fin and eventually Leaf join the Fiana Militia. The peace of the village is broken when Reidrick of Manster attacks in an attempt to find Prince Leaf. This sets in motion what is to become Leaf’s war for liberation, where Fin stays at Leaf’s side the entire time. During that time, Fin meets with friends he had had in Lenster, among them Glade, Selfina and Dorias. Fin is present at the liberation of Lenster and among the soldiers to staying there protecting the city for the following six months.

After Celice’s and Leaf’s armies merge, Fin stays by Leaf’s side and is the one to point out that Althena probably is Leaf’s sister.

After the events of Geneaology of Holy War, Fin leaves Prince Leaf and goes to fulfill an unknown personal agenda. There are later rumours of him being spotted looking for someone in the Yied Desert, in the same area where Lachesis had been supposed to pass through years before only to never be seen again.

  1. I think "role" is a better word than "part" in this case.
  2. I feel like these two sentences might be better if they were combined into something like: "Fin is known for putting his loyalty to his superiors above his personal life, although he has sometimes been scolded for being cold towards women." That might better contrast these two aspects of his personality. Alternatively, you could change the beginning of the latter sentence to something like: "He has, however, been...," my complaint with the sentence lies mostly with the "also" (but that might just be me, hopefully someone else will comment as to whether or not what I've said is agreeable).
  3. I also don't like the "also" in this sentence, I think you could better put it between"Fin" and "follows", or it could be omitted, or you could put in a different word: "Fin follows Cuan during the subsequent war against...." It might just be me not liking the word for some inexplicable reason, though, haha.
  4. The wording of this sentence is a bit confusing. I think it should be revised to something either like, "During his time with Sigurd's army, Fin may or may not find a lover and father two children," or "During his time with Sigurd's army, Fin may possibly find a lover; if this happens he will become the father of the woman's two children." I think the "and by that" part of your sentence sounds strange. It's not incorrect, it just... I can't really explain it but it sounds... sort of messy I suppose.
  5. "hiding among other in the towns" should be "hiding among (I would use "amongst," but I think "among" and "amongst" are interchangeable so what you have is fine) others in the towns." That was probably just a typo.

As I've said, I think a couple of my suggestions are debatable and worth being checked by someone else.

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It may be worth noting that the FE4/FE5 stories are slightly different, and they have some consequences for Fin. In FE4, I believe the Alster raid fails, and Leaf/Celice's army stick together after retaking it. In FE5, Celice and Leaf take a different route for a short while even after meeting up, and the Alster attack is a success.

Just a humble suggestion for an already good article.

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Thanks for the comments :) I'll try to cover everything.

Your article is very good. It gives a lot of relevant information without simply describing events that happened (as you explained in your notes section), I think the length is perfect as well. I found a couple of sentences that I believe could be worded better, but the bulk of your piece shouldn't need anything more than various minor alterations. Your style (if that's included in what you mean by writing technique) is different from mine, but it's perfectly natural so I don't think I have any suggestions in that regard. There are a couple of comma use concerns I had, but I don't have a good understanding of how commas are supposed to be best used so I didn't note any cases.

It's not so much style as it is the only way I could think of writing it at the moment... I tried to keep out my own not-so-canon thoughts. About commas, from what I learned in English lessons, there aren't really any comma rules. In Norwegian they are strict, though, and I get the impression that people find it weird when I use the Norwegian rules in English grammar. So you're probably right about something not being right.

I think "role" is a better word than "part" in this case.


I feel like these two sentences might be better if they were combined into something like: "Fin is known for putting his loyalty to his superiors above his personal life, although he has sometimes been scolded for being cold towards women." That might better contrast these two aspects of his personality. Alternatively, you could change the beginning of the latter sentence to something like: "He has, however, been...," my complaint with the sentence lies mostly with the "also" (but that might just be me, hopefully someone else will comment as to whether or not what I've said is agreeable).

I actually had my doubts on it when writing, but couldn't think of what was best... But you're examples sound better, I'll probably use one of them.

I also don't like the "also" in this sentence, I think you could better put it between"Fin" and "follows", or it could be omitted, or you could put in a different word: "Fin follows Cuan during the subsequent war against...." It might just be me not liking the word for some inexplicable reason, though, haha.

Not sure, personally. I'll look at it while editing.

The wording of this sentence is a bit confusing. I think it should be revised to something either like, "During his time with Sigurd's army, Fin may or may not find a lover and father two children," or "During his time with Sigurd's army, Fin may possibly find a lover; if this happens he will become the father of the woman's two children." I think the "and by that" part of your sentence sounds strange. It's not incorrect, it just... I can't really explain it but it sounds... sort of messy I suppose.

There I was unsure whether "to father" is a common verb.. I guess I was wrong and it is. Your examples sound much better.

"hiding among other in the towns" should be "hiding among (I would use "amongst," but I think "among" and "amongst" are interchangeable so what you have is fine) others in the towns." That was probably just a typo.

Yup, typo :unsure:

As I've said, I think a couple of my suggestions are debatable and worth being checked by someone else.

I think your comments make sense. And I appreciate them, as I'm trying to learn to make longer English texts.

It may be worth noting that the FE4/FE5 stories are slightly different, and they have some consequences for Fin. In FE4, I believe the Alster raid fails, and Leaf/Celice's army stick together after retaking it. In FE5, Celice and Leaf take a different route for a short while even after meeting up, and the Alster attack is a success.

Just a humble suggestion for an already good article.

Yeah, I tried to avoid writing about that part.. Do you think it would make more sense to mention the "parallell facts"? (As in, "According to FE5 Fin went with Leaf directly to Manster, while Celice took the northern route. According to FE4 Leaf, Fin and Nanna joined Celice's army already at Alster.")

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  • 3 weeks later...
Yeah, I tried to avoid writing about that part.. Do you think it would make more sense to mention the "parallell facts"? (As in, "According to FE5 Fin went with Leaf directly to Manster, while Celice took the northern route. According to FE4 Leaf, Fin and Nanna joined Celice's army already at Alster.")

Not sure if you've made a decision already, but that sounds like the best plan to follow ^^

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Made the probably last edit. Mentioned the parallell truths, changed Ethrin to Ethlin, changed the Barhara Massacre to the Battle of Barhara and did some other minor changes.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I know you asked for a review of this earlier, but I hadn't gotten around to it and nearly forgot. If you'd still like one, here it is. XD


Fin is a playable in both halvescharacter throughout the first and second generations of FE4Seisen no Keifu and even in FE5Thracia 776., and In both games, he promotes from a lance knight to a duke knight.

As for why I wrote "a" before lance knight and duke knight: You either put an article(a, an, the) there, or you capitalize lance knight and duke knight.

e.g: "He promotes from Lance Knight to Duke Knight." or "He promotes from a lance knight to a duke knight."

Fin is a man who we see grow from a loyal young lance knight to a father figure to one of the liberators of the Thracian Peninsula. Fin is part ofjoins Sigurd’s army during the battles in Verdane and Agustria. He is a high-ranking knight inof Lenster and he plays an essential role in both Leaf’s and Celice’s liberation armies.

In purple: The first sentence is a run-on. Or...not really but you dragged it out way too long. Split it into two sentences if necessary. I'll try something out...

"Fin is a man who grows a lot during the course of his life. He goes from being a young knight to a father figure, eventually becoming one of the leading liberators of the Thracian Peninsula."

Fin is known for putting his loyalty to his superiors above his personal lifeCuan and Ethlin before his own personal needs. He has been scolded for being cold towards women.

I put "Cuan and Ethlin", since he's basically their little slave bitchknight.

The "scolded for being cold towards women": when exactly did this happen? Maybe giving an example of when it occured might help broaden the topic, since it seems like an unfinished idea.


Fin is first seen when approaching Chalphy along with Cuan and Ethlin who came to aid Sigurd in pushing backrepelling the invasion of the neighbouring country, Verdane’s invasion. At that time he is an inexperienced young Lenster knight, loyal to Prince Cuan. Fin follows Cuan during the war against Agustria, for which he is given the Hero Spear by the prince. Cuan tells Fin that he appreciates Fin as a knight of Lenster. After Sigurd’s army flees to Silesia, Fin accompaniesjoins Cuan and Ethlin back to Lenster as they plan on returning with reinforcementsduring their trip back to Lenster to gather reinforcements.

During his time with Sigurd’s army, Fin may or may not find a lover and father two children. If Beowulf and Lachesis become lovers, they have a conversation which indicates that Lachesis has an affair with Fin. Lachesis bears the children Delmud and Nanna, and it is possible that Beowulf is the father of Delmud andwhile Fin is the father of Nanna.

I still think it's rather canon that Beowulf and Lachesis are lovers, and that Lachesis had sex with Fin for Nanna, but yeah. :P

When Cuan and Ethlin leave Lenster with a large portion of the town’scity's army, Fin stays in Lenster to aid in the defencesof Lenster in case of a Thracian attack and was assigned the task of taking to take care of the young Prince Leaf. After the Battle of Barhara, Princess Lachesis comes to Fin. It is likely that her daughter Nanna is born after Lachesis comes to Lenster. When the attack from Thracia eventually comes and the king is killeddestroys Cuan's army and kills him and his wife, Fin flees the city and takes Lachesis and Leaf with him. They spend years running from both Thracia and the new Grandbell Empire, hiding among others in the towns Alster and Tahra. During this time Lachesis leaves Fin to go look for her son Delmud, and Fin has to raise both Leaf and Nanna alone.

I only said city because town sounds so small... I left most of it alone, though, since there isn't anything really wrong. Some parts sound a bit clunky though, and forced.

Eventually Fin, Nanna and Leaf reach Fiana Village where they are allowed to stay in safety. Here, Fin and eventually Leaf eventually join the Fiana Militia. The peace of the village is brokenshattered when Reidrick of Manster attacks in an attempt to find Prince Leaf. This sets in motion what is to become Leaf’s war for liberation, where Fin stays at Leaf’s side the entire time. During that time, Fin meets with friends he had had in Lenster, among them Glade, Selfina and Dorias. Fin is present atduring the liberation of Lenster and is among the soldiers staying there protecting the city for the following six months.
After Celice’s and Leaf’s armies merge, Fin stays by Leaf’s side. According to FE5the events of Thracia 776, Fin goes with Leaf directly to Manster, while Celice takes the northern route. According to FE4the events of Seisen no Keifu, Leaf, Fin, and Nanna join Celice's army already at Alster. Later, Fin later is the one towho points out that Althena probably is Leaf’s sister.
After the events of Geneaology of Holy War, Fin leaves Prince Leaf and goes toto go fulfill an unknown personal agenda. There are later rumours of him being spottedIt was rumored that he was looking for someone in the Yied Desert, in the same area where Lachesis had been supposed to passpassed through years before, only to never benever to be seen again.

In purple: I'd suggest using Seisen no Keifu, but you can use that, I guess? Just note that it's "Genealogy of Holy War" not "Geneaology of Holy War".

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I still think it's rather canon that Beowulf and Lachesis are lovers, and that Lachesis had sex with Fin for Nanna, but yeah. :P

BeowulfxLachesis is implied only if they become lovers in FE4, which would make both Delmud and Nanna Beowulf's children. The only pairings that are canon in Jugdral (Excluding enemy pairs) are SigurdxDiadora, CuanxEthlin, FinxLachesis, and LevinxFury (Latter two according to Thracia 776).

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BeowulfxLachesis is implied only if they become lovers in FE4, which would make both Delmud and Nanna Beowulf's children. The only pairings that are canon in Jugdral (Excluding enemy pairs) are SigurdxDiadora, CuanxEthlin, FinxLachesis, and LevinxFury (Latter two according to Thracia 776).

Actually in FE5 it's implied that Beowulf/Lachesis and Finn/Lachesis are canon. Delmud is Beowulf' son, while Nanna is Finn's daughter.

Edited by Fury
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Actually in FE5 it's implied that Beowulf/Lachesis and Finn/Lachesis are canon. Delmud is Beowulf' son, while Nanna is Finn's daughter.

I don't remember anything implying Delmud being Beowulf's son in Thracia. <_<

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I don't remember anything implying Delmud being Beowulf's son in Thracia. <_<

Beo no Ken. AKA Beo Sword. Only usable to Delmud and Fergus. :mellow:

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My oldest one suddenly gets lots of replies...

Still, thanks Eltoshen, I'll look into your review : )

As for Swordsalmon and Fury I'll just stand behind what Fury said and probably won't make an edit on that part.

Edited by etellerannet9
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Beo no Ken. AKA Beo Sword. Only usable to Delmud and Fergus. :mellow:

Or it could be just Forrest Knight exclusive. Besides, enemies can use proficient weapons regardless, as seen by the Berserker with a Pugi Axe. :o

They both can also use the Blagi Sword, as well as Leaf and Nanna. Unless Felgus somehow has holy blood, it's very unlikely. A weapon with Beowulf's name is very dubious evidence.

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Or it could be just Forrest Knight exclusive. Besides, enemies can use proficient weapons regardless, as seen by the Berserker with a Pugi Axe. :o

They both can also use the Blagi Sword, as well as Leaf and Nanna. Unless Felgus somehow has holy blood, it's very unlikely. A weapon with Beowulf's name is very dubious evidence.

The fact of that weapon's name is so obvious and Nanna couldn't even use it, scream something to me. >_>

But it's up to you if you want to believe it or not.

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The fact of that weapon's name is so obvious and Nanna couldn't even use it, scream something to me. >_>

But it's up to you if you want to believe it or not.

Or again, Forrest Knight exclusive, as Beowulf somehow became a legend and could promote into Forrest Knight.

EDIT: And Nanna already has the Earth Sword. It might be a bit overpowered to let her have three proficient weapons. XD

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Or again, Forrest Knight exclusive, as Beowulf somehow became a legend and could promote into Forrest Knight.

EDIT: And Nanna already has the Earth Sword. It might be a bit overpowered to let her have three proficient weapons. XD

Except for the fact that Fergus and Delmud both are sons of Beowulf...

Besides, why would you be carrying around some random person's sword? That wouldn't make any sense.

Edited by Eltoshen
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They both can also use the Blagi Sword, as well as Leaf and Nanna. Unless Felgus somehow has holy blood, it's very unlikely. A weapon with Beowulf's name is very dubious evidence.

I think I remember something saying that Felgus has Hezul blood and was the result of an affair between Beo and one of Lachesis' cousins. Anyone reading this know if it is right or not?

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Except for the fact that Fergus and Delmud both are sons of Beowulf...

Besides, why would you be carrying around some random person's sword? That wouldn't make any sense.

Which isn't confirmed by anything but Beowulf's lovers conversation with Lachesis, which would still make Nanna his daughter as well.

Becaue he is a Forrest Knight like Beowulf and Felgus? It seems likely to come with a class-specific weapon.

Unless of course Beowulf had Blagi blood and is the father of both, and Leaf and Nanna. ;)

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Which isn't confirmed by anything but Beowulf's lovers conversation with Lachesis, which would still make Nanna his daughter as well.

Becaue he is a Forrest Knight like Beowulf and Felgus? It seems likely to come with a class-specific weapon.

Unless of course Beowulf had Blagi blood and is the father of both, and Leaf and Nanna. ;)

Then why is it called the "BEO" sword? >_>

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Then why is it called the "BEO" sword? >_>

The last line was referring to the Blagi Sword. ^_^

I'm saying that the Beo Sword is based off Beowulf's fame and skill, and not a heriditary weapon as a holy weapon would be.

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I think I remember something saying that Felgus has Hezul blood and was the result of an affair between Beo and one of Lachesis' cousins. Anyone reading this know if it is right or not?

Fergus is said to be a son between Beowulf and Conote Princess, IIRC.

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The last line was referring to the Blagi Sword. ^_^

I'm saying that the Beo Sword is based off Beowulf's fame and skill, and not a heriditary weapon as a holy weapon would be.

I basically ignored the last part since I don't see how the Blagi Sword has anything to do with the topic, since it isn't classified as a heriditary sword. It's more like a blessed sword.

Edited by Eltoshen
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I basically ignored the last part since I don't see how the Blagi Sword has anything to do with the topic, since it isn't classified as a heriditary sword. It's more like a blessed sword.

Cyas states that the Blagi Sword can be used only by those with Holy Blood. So Beowulf would either have some sort of holy blood or the woman that bore Felgus would of had holy blood.

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Cyas states that the Blagi Sword can be used only by those with Holy Blood. So Beowulf would either have some sort of holy blood or the woman that bore Felgus would of had holy blood.

Well, that princess of Conote seems to be a likely candidate for holy blood, if you think about it.

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